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UO Gold to the person who can help me figure out these errors

Pretty long:

I recently bought an Asrock Z77 Extreme Board. I put all my old shit on there and great it boots just fine. THEN when it gets to starting windows, it auto reboots and keeps doing that, forever or till you stop it.

The digital errors on the mobo give me:

A2, 99 then 4f.
The manual gives me some vague explanation:

A2: IDE detect - I figure this has something to do with my DVD Drive and HDD. They are both use sata connections though. I tried to taking out my old sata cords and using the ones the mobo comes with and still no dice.

99: Super IO Initialization - No clue

4f: DXE IPL Started - No idea, either.

***I haven't had a chance to break everything down. A few ideas floating through my head atm. I checked the compatibility with my old 1333mhz ram.

I have G. Skill Ram 1333mhz F3-10666CL9D-8GBNT
It lists for 4gb 1333mhz G. Skill Ram Compatible number F3-10666CL9-8GBXL
(Not sure if the last two letters will make it not compatible? However, if it wasn't compatible wouldn't it not even boot?)

Also, I will recheck the cpu sealant and fan. When I initially start it the fan doesn't start until 3-4 seconds later then works fine. I am thinking that perhaps the CPU is over heating or is inserted wrong (second option seems unlikely but I will check anyway.

Another thing is the bios could be old. I took the sticker off the bios chip thinking stickers would melt and shit so not sure what bios it is. I'm running an i3 2120 so I don't think it shouldn't work out of the gate with a cpu that old?

The only other thing I can think of is that I didn't use mobo washers on the screws and screwed it directly to the mobo. I've done this a few times before and had no problems, though.

If your advice leads me to solving this annoying problem you can have your choice between 500k gold or a darkest brown barstool


is ur cpu socketset compatible with the socket of the mobo

how big is ur power supply, is ur power supply fan spinning, have u checked all cable connections and cards to make sure everything is seated properly.

Also for the RAM make sure the RAM are in slots 1 and 3 as this can make a difference.

could be potential windows reading old drivers for ur old mobo. U may want to try repairing windows 7 using the disc as a boot-disk

what beep code from the mobo are u getting. a few short beeps? a few long? a few short followed by long? all of these as u know im sure mean different things in which u may want to try looking up the beep codes

also try inserting one ram stick, booting up if it doesnt work take it out and insert the other as more times then not I've blown out RAM somehow just by taking out and putting back in (was some old ass RAM, but still)


hmmm...I would say recheck the cpu sealant and fan. . I am thinking that perhaps the CPU is over heating or is inserted wrong

Another thing is the bios could be old. I don't think it shouldn't work out of the gate with a cpu that old.

The only other thing I can think of is that you didn't use mobo washers on the screws and screwed it directly to the mobo.

if all else fails, the least annoying solution to the problem would be to huck the computer into a local dumpster, and just order a premade computer. Screw it



Pretty long:A2: IDE detect - I figure this has something to do with my DVD Drive and HDD. They are both use sata connections though. I tried to taking out my old sata cords and using the ones the mobo comes with and still no dice.
This error should not be popping up if you have nothing connected IDE (SATA only). This is a clue that either you have somehting stuck in the IDE terminals or a shorted IDE cable. If you have IDE cable plugged in going to nowhere (i.e. no end device) disconnect them. THis is an unusual error and kind've points to MOBO hardware problems.

Pretty long:
99: Super IO Initialization - No clue
This is generally caused by a CMOS or MOBO problem. Once again this is pointing towards a MOBO hardware issue

Pretty long:
4f: DXE IPL Started - No idea, either.
This can be caused by shorted USB headers, shorted digital audio connection(if applicable), any number of shorted cables/connectors/etc, or a MOBO hardware problem.

I would attempt to swap any and all wires possible. Double check ALL empty/unused terminals for a fallen screw, metal chunk, anything that would cause a short in either terminals or wires throughout the system.
You either have a shorted wire or a fried MOBO.

Good Luck!

zoo york

Sata ports can be run in "ide mode" if you're not using ahci or raid. It's mostly useful for older os'es(Winxp and such) that don't have native ahci support. I would unplug everything and boot it up, and see what happens.
This is what I did:

Used 1 stick of RAM, then switched to the other - Still same issue
Took out the cpu, put it back in after cleaning the thermal paste and re-applying and attaching fan - still same issue
Disconnected my hdd with Windows 7 and put in my older hard drive with Win XP - past bio instant blue screen
Disconnected my dvd drive - same issue
I never put in my new video card because the cpu had onboard graphics so that was auto ruled out.

The issue was that it would get past boot then on Win 7 say starting Windows and you see the three dots for the windows graphic that start out small then it would freeze for a second and auto reboot. I was able to access the bios and it's features.

I just put all the stuff back in the mobo box and will RMA it.

My friend said he had a similar issue, he said it was solved when he took it to a guy who said it was just a jumper issue and switched the jumper and it worked fine. I don't think the newer ones have jumpers, IDK.


Not sure if you fixed this yet, but I'd almost guarantee if you booted from your win7 CD and deleted your partitions and re installed windows it would probably fix your issue. Windows really doesn't like being moved to a new mobo without a fresh install of windows.


driver mismatch?
Possible to enter the safe mode to remove all the drivers from the old motherboard (chipset, disk controller, ...) and let windows to detect and install the right one again?