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UOML Preorder item. Good or bad?


... And yet people here want Ethy's as a donation....

(Can anyone say Hypocracy? :-P)
Sure it has negative sides...

Any people think about its influence on pvp?

Any starting pvp'er can get rezzed, dress up, mount and be back in battle again in no time instead of begging for a petrez, buying 5 horsies per day or waiting aeons until your account is ethy-worthy...

I do hope OSI increases the control slots to 2 or 3 to make it at least more balancing

Also, i read you can't stealth/hide while on the charger.


They should make it an ethereal Dodge Charger instead.


Alderon said:
Sure it has negative sides...

Any people think about its influence on pvp?

Any starting pvp'er can get rezzed, dress up, mount and be back in battle again in no time instead of begging for a petrez, buying 5 horsies per day or waiting aeons until your account is ethy-worthy...

I do hope OSI increases the control slots to 2 or 3 to make it at least more balancing

Also, i read you can't stealth/hide while on the charger.

OSI dont care much for PvP thats why they created split facets and also because the trammies cried!
PvP on UO now is item based.. your skill and mental stratergies play a very small part in winning.
zord said:
OSI dont care much for PvP thats why they created split facets and also because the trammies cried!

Please, explain how that is possible. Trammies cried so they created trammel?

I'm a trammy, and I find your comment offensive.
zord said:
OSI dont care much for PvP thats why they created split facets and also because the trammies cried!
PvP on UO now is item based.. your skill and mental stratergies play a very small part in winning.

yes, you would cry too if you pay 20$+ an month just to be raped by other players every time you step out of GZ.

and that there are no reprecussions for those people... (before you argue.. Player justice never worked...a noble idea..but human beings, on the most part are self-centred.. they won't risk their necks just to bring "justice", those that do are rare and few... compare to the anti-social crowd.)

Lets face it, the anti-social crowd is much smaller than the general population...

(Trammel never stopped CONSENTAL pvp... its the rape and pillage on unwilling participants that Trammel stopped...)

and $$$ from the majority is what matters to EA.

hence, Trammel was born to keep players... (before you say trammel/Aos killed UO...it may have killed YOUR game.. but made it better for most people...)

I still don't get why the "pvpers" just don't switch to playing counter-strike...

Edit: but yeah...getting off topic =P


ill say this again, most people who did pvp did not capture the "goal" of Ultima Online, and that is to immerse yourself in a roleplaying world. they werent roleplaying and they were rude and immature. The world was then split because it would please both crowds and EA/OSI would still get their money.

IMO, playing just to fight other players is absolutely pointless.

speaking about the charger ... did they release details yet on what it does?
blah they did
Charger of the Fallen details revealed

The Ultima Online™: Mondain’s Legacy Pre-Order item, The Charger of the Fallen, will work the same, and have the same properties and abilities as an Ethereal Mount.

The Charger will appear as a statue in your backpack.
Double clicking the Charger statue will cause the statue to disappear and create the mount. You will automatically mount it.
Once on the Charger, double clicking yourself will cause you to dismount transform the Charger back into the statue which will reappear in your backpack.
The Charger can never appear without being mounted, therefore it cannot attack or be attacked.
The Charger will never lose loyalty.


pvp is the only thins UO has left to offer many players. how har d it it to make a tmaer and kill monetrs? i dont know the last time i died cept to lag and lost connections to a monster. pvp is the only challenge i find fun in UO
andyaction said:
(EDITED)pvp is the only thing that UO has left to offer for many players. how hard is it to make a tamer and kill monsters? i dont know, the last time i died is to lag and lost connections to a monster. pvp is the only challenge i find fun in UO

Well, some people don't play cause is hard...they play it cause is fun....but I guess the definition of fun is different for most people...

hmmm.... why don't you play counter strike? probly feels more at home anyways...
its actually harder to go against people who know what they are doing..(well, the CS players I know anyways..)

and I agree with qweazdak whole-heartedly...

Edit: to correct spellings.

Oh, and try going up against 6+ hiryus and Rev Lions.... now THATS challanging...


i gotta agree

pvp offers a challenge that really isn't available to players anymore. the original osi shards didn't have trammel. it was gritty....tough....fun. i'm not a pvper, but the only time my heart races while i play is when i'm attacked by another player.

i LIKE pvp or pking (yes there is a difference) because it adds challenge to the game. if i wanted everything to be easy and risk-free, i'd play neopets. but i dont', so i play UO. don't fuck it up by taking away the challenges. i know most people don't like to be attacked and have their hard-worked-for items stolen, but dammit......that's where the thrill is. kill or be killed. there's not a damned thing wrong with that. i'm not a pvper because i don't have the tallent and coordination (dammit) but i'm not a trammy. a game without risk is damned boring. i'm gonna shut up now because i've been drinking. bye


counterstrike is aifght i guess, but with a game like UO, th fact u need ot take time to get things, that save is what makes pvp fun. expecially pre trammel. try working ur ass off, to die to a pk and lose that invul suit. sukcs, but makes it fun when u kill someone for the same suit =) counterstrike has no real content other than getting a few BOOOOOOM HEADSHOTS!!! uo requires u to build characters over time, which i like, i dont play CS much because its not a very.... rp type game, not sure how to word it.


qweazdak said:
IMO, playing just to fight other players is absolutely pointless.

I play on Hybrid for the sole reason of pvping. I just think the publish 15 era was the best era for pvp in the game. I had the most fun then and I think it was when the game was as closed to balanced as it's ever been. I can't really understand why anyone would play on a non-aos shard if all they did was monster bashing or crafting.

I play on Demise for the crafting and the PvM aspects.

It's just two completely different ways to play the same game which is probably why I still play UO after all this time. AoS is fantastic for being a "trammie"(even though crafters and town based characters were around waaaaaaaaaay before Trammel). I just think the pvp is rediculous in AoS, however I have heard recently that Mr. Tact is going on a crusade to balance pvp(specifically resist) even though one could look at the new artifacts coming in with UOML and wonder about it.


i didn't really understand the previous post (yay rum!!) but i agree with the parts i did understand. aos = trammy fun

pre-aos = fun fun

i play both hybrid and demise. i like 'em both. not sure why. ask me when i'm sober! hybrid because of the risk involved....demise because of the players. hybrid players suck ('cept for ghost)