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*Vote* Which of the following deaths would you choose, if you Had to choose!(Rated R thread)

Choose your prefered death!

  • Slowely cooked inside a giant kettle at 130 degrees

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Buried alive, with 2 weeks worth of oxygen & water. NO ESCAPE. Plenty of time to consider regrets!

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Slowly eaten ALIVE by a cannibal, starting with body parts not needed for survival

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shackled by your arms and legs and STRETCHED, 1/16 inch every hour, until all limbs are removed

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Surgical experimentation by aliens. you are WIDE AWAKE for 48 hours, then life support is shut down

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • YOU MAY LIVE, BUT your eyes, ears, tongue, teeth, nose, arms, legs, and genitals surgically removed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You can't decide! You roll a six sided dice, and receive YOUR DEATH by way of CHANCE

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters


Which of the gruesome options would you choose?

There is no escape in any of the scenarios.

No "I break out of my restraints and KILL my enemies!"


LoL you people rolling the dice are fucking crazy. What if you roll a 6, and have all your limbs, plus all 5 of your senses removed? All that would be left of your life would be what plays in your mind. FUCKED

Personally, out of all my own choices, I would pick B: buried alive. Somehow I think it might be more pleasant then watching your guts or limbs being torn from your torso >_<
LoL you people rolling the dice are fucking crazy. What if you roll a 6, and have all your limbs, plus all 5 of your senses removed? All that would be left of your life would be what plays in your mind. FUCKED

Personally, out of all my own choices, I would pick B: buried alive. Somehow I think it might be more pleasant then watching your guts or limbs being torn from your torso >_<

You may have implied by only listing 6 choices that those are your only choice but you did not actually say that. With that in mind, I would rather roll the dice and hope that one of the ways to die is awesome. Like dropping some acid and going skydiving with no parachute.

And anyhow, I would rather do the choice than actually have to choose a horrific way of death. Call me old fashion
LoL you people rolling the dice are fucking crazy. What if you roll a 6, and have all your limbs, plus all 5 of your senses removed? All that would be left of your life would be what plays in your mind. FUCKED

Personally, out of all my own choices, I would pick B: buried alive. Somehow I think it might be more pleasant then watching your guts or limbs being torn from your torso >_<

Haha, I don't think it would be more pleasant feeling your body eat your own organs. That would be brutal


I would rather roll the dice and hope that one of the ways to die is awesome. Like dropping some acid and going skydiving with no parachute.
No no no, you got it all wrong friend :)
Above the "roll a dice" choice, there are six deaths to choose from, as you can see. I SHOULD have put a number in front of each choice, but had limited space to type in the horrific descriptions as it was.

Say you rolled the dice, and got a 3. You would die by the third option listed in the poll. You would be strapped down on a wooden slab, and forced to feel and watch a cannibal eat the flesh directly off your bones. Forced to watch him reach inside your torso and pull your intestines out like spaghetti. OM NOM NOM NOM


Haha, I don't think it would be more pleasant feeling your body eat your own organs. That would be brutal
Yeah I suppose it would be a bit of chance as to if you died from starvation, or from lack of oxygen, since it does supposedly take two weeks to starve to death.

Still better then being cooked like a lobster IMO
No no no, you got it all wrong friend :)
Above the "roll a dice" choice, there are six deaths to choose from, as you can see. I SHOULD have put a number in front of each choice, but had limited space to type in the horrific descriptions as it was.

Say you rolled the dice, and got a 3. You would die by the third option listed in the poll. You would be strapped down on a wooden slab, and forced to feel and watch a cannibal eat the flesh directly off your bones. Forced to watch him reach inside your torso and pull your intestines out like spaghetti. OM NOM NOM NOM

I'd stay with my answer! lol
Yeah I suppose it would be a bit of chance as to if you died from starvation, or from lack of oxygen, since it does supposedly take two weeks to starve to death.

Still better then being cooked like a lobster IMO

I think you can live for a month off nothing but water (2weeks with only food), as your body will start to use the fats for food. Then after all that your body would start to basically eat its own organs. So you would probably live through all of that. Then you would die from lack of oxygen


Forum Member of the year 09'
Aliens. Guaranteed to be over in a couple of days, and wouldn't necessarily be that bad. Has benefits stated above.


Aliens. Guaranteed to be over in a couple of days, and wouldn't necessarily be that bad. Has benefits stated above.
I wish I explained the alien scenario a little more thorough. God damn poll choices has limited text space.

When I wrote down "ALIVE & WIDE AWAKE", I meant it to be taken as NO anesthesia applied whatsoever. You feel every single drop of PAIN and MISERY, whilie you mind goes insane.

Oh well :( Like all polls I create with my sick perverted mind, some wise guys or gals sweep in and pick out a loophole to take the easy way out :(

So I will lay down with ultra advanced alien pain killers making me feel great, singng old mcdonald had a farm, while aliens pull my genetals out threw my anus, painfree :(


I picked buried alive, the two week window to reflect on life is a bonus.
Huh....never thought of it that way. I am a hateful, angry person

maybe I might feel this way when I'm an old man, but waiting 2 weeks to die, I think I'd be caught up thinking of what could've been