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What client do you use and why?

What UO client do you use?

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What client do you use and why?

What client do you use and why?
I use 2d because it feels like it runs better then 3d but i miss the pretty spells :(


2d for me, always has been 2d for me too..

I tried 3d once or twice, but to be honest I think a lot of graphics are just plain ugly in that client..


2d, same reason everyone else, uglyness. Also, sloooooooow pc.

Btw, the poll is telling me that 100% use 2d and 8.33% use 3d :confused:
3d is slow.
3d looks funky.
3d makes trees move
and Amensia go puke.

Also when adding stuff, like when decorating its hard to do it on 3d.


Draco said:
3D Looks funny, the only thing good with 3D is the spell casting.
2D pwns in every way.
And the adjustable pack sizes. Its a shame that krrios' client doesn't have it. I would be all over it.

But yup, 2d for me. Because 3d looks horrible in almost everyway imagined. Especialy that paperdoll. I could see me getting a headache really really fast if I played 3d.
John said:
I like to switch to 3d when I'm bored and dance. Other then that 2d ftw.

HAHA i do the same thing!! When i got bored i go on there and bust out a jig or two hehe. . then i usually walk around the bank and look at people, and thats about all 3d is good for if ya ask me.


I wonder if they will ever try to improve on the 3rd world job they did on 3d...
I mean im sure they 'could' do better couldnt they?