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Whatever happened...


The Mookington said:
Whatever happened to sex, drugs, and rock and roll, now all we've got is AIDs, crack, and techno.

That song is so badass.

You kids and your hoodlum anthems, I'll never understand you
How 'bout listenin' to some frank sanatra? huh?


Kowe said:
Haha, Deepshade, you look like quite the fool now don't you?

I was in the jungles of peru for the last 6 days, fighting for your freedom. So this retort is late, but critical none the less, *ahem*

Spoon my Ass.

Thank you, goodnight, and god bless.


Beat it, Pops. You'll never understand what it means to have dripping, lactating, sex while your mind is exploding from cooked cough syrups. Go fight in your little Peru jungles, noob.