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Whats the best bow


Whats the best bow for pve hardest hitting with a good speed and decent specials.
im assuming yumis but i honestly have no idea.
actually that depends on the template, crossbows hit harder than yumi per hit and have the same weapon speed, combined with mortal special makes them N1 bow used on the shard.
But lets say you run mage/archer/alchemy template, then if you manage to craft the following yumi you will deal a lot more dmg with it (double strike).

Hit lightning 40+
Hit velocity 40+
spell channeling

Also the reason that crossbows are more popular is that yumis are really hard to craft, even using 30/30 talisman you still have 47.5% chance for exceptional item. I know a guy (@Nikolay Kamburov ) who spent countless millions to craft such yumi (still doesnt have it i think).
he asked for pve which means vs monsters, yumi and composite are both better for that


he asked for pve which means vs monsters, yumi and composite are both better for that
Actually pve means player vs everything.

Pvm = player vs monters

Pvp = player vs player

In pve I would say comp bow and xbow.

But a decent yumi can hurt pretty bad in pvp.

Regardless his example was terrible.


in pve yumi and composite bow.

If the monsters lowest resist is higher than about 55%, you should use a composite with armor ignore.

If the monsters lowest resist is lower than ~50%, you should use a yumi, and double shot.

Repeating Xbow is also really strong, but it consumes bolts way to fast for me, and in pve that matters a lot.

In pvp, most of the bows are useful at least in some situations.

Xbow is the best though followed by regular bow, composite, and then heavy.


i didnt think about the lightning strikes with a high base damage weapon.
Now i have a second part to this: What do you run your stats at? is it higher to have super high str, dex or a balance between the two.
I'm sitting at 125 str 138 dex and 30 int with all my items on right now.
i didnt think about the lightning strikes with a high base damage weapon.
Now i have a second part to this: What do you run your stats at? is it higher to have super high str, dex or a balance between the two.
I'm sitting at 125 str 138 dex and 30 int with all my items on right now.
you swing faster every 30 stam i would have atleast 150 stam, if you can get 180 thats probably good but there is no difference in swing speed between 150-179


You want to reach either 120 or 150 stamina.

You do want mana increase.

even with 50 hml and a decent pool, you will still run out and be forced to shoot regular shots.

each regular shot is a drop in dps.


Bug Huntress
even with 50 hml and a decent pool, you will still run out and be forced to shoot regular shots.

5. Can you explain the recent leech changes?
John@EA "Wilki", Community Coordinator: The old method used your leech % as a chance for the effect to fire each time you swing. Each time the effect fired, you would get 40% of the post-resist damage inflicted back as mana, or 30% back as hit points.

The new method uses the leech % as the top end of a range. The amount of that 40% of mana (or 30% of life) that actually gets delivered is randomly determined -- from 0 to your leech %. This amount is added every time an attack hits.

The resulting effect is that the amount leeched over time will be less -- from a little bit less, for slower weapons, down to about half for fast ones. However, because it will deliver smaller amounts continuously, hopefully it will not feel like the ability has been nerfed dramatically.

Hit Life Leech and Hit Mana Leech are now scaled to the swing speed of the weapon
Hit Life Leech and Hit Mana Leech are now half as effective on ranged weapons as they are on melee weapons

This took place during Publish 42 on Aug 15th 2006

Not quite 10 years ago


Not quite 7 years ago
