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Where are you from

Where are you from

I'm at work right now and im bored. .. somone post and tell about where you are from and how you got started into playing uo. . . .


Hey, i'm from London, England. I play with a necro archer called Perad.

A friend got me into Ultima Online about 3 years ago, i quickly got an account and we ran around the world of trammel and had great fun. Eventually we moved to fel and made a load of friends. I eventually quit, leaving the world of trammel and fel behind me. I thought the artifacts made the game a little imbalanced.

Since i quit OSI i have dabbled with free servers and after a year break i started on demise 3 weeks ago.
Kool, I play with a couple of character, i have Apollo, he's an archer bard, and i have Katsumoto, who is a mage tamer.

I am from North Carolina USA, and i got started playing uo, shortly after the Rennisance expansion came out. A friend of mine showed me the game, i thought it was facinating because of all the things you could do, from tailoring, to taming dragons, to being a warrior to being a blacksmith. I eventually was able to talk my mom into letting me get an account on osi where i played for a while till time brought me here to Demise. Anyone else?
I had a 2 characters about 3 months ago and then I lost my connection, now I don't play with them anymore and I'm playing with a Necro/Bard/Mage called Gideon Maledetto...

I'm from South Africa and I've only been playing UO for 2 years. I was on the university network last year busy chatting on DC and I asked around for suggestions for a RPG to play. A guy told me to try the local university UO shard and I did and was hooked. I later became the admin for the shard until our server pc broke a couple of weeks ago and we can't get a new one. Now I play on Demise... [I've never played on OSI]


hey im actually from south carolina. gville area. i dont really play anymore, and im new zealand on foreign study right now. ill probably come back though when i hit the states again. i started uo a few years ago i guess, my lil brother got me into it, and sadly he will always be better at it than me.
I am originally from East Tennessee, now in Nova Scotia.

I got started in UO because I was a regular Beta Tester for various softwares.
When the UO beta came out I was offered a chance to beta it.

Been hooked ever since.


Sydney - Australia
Originally got into UO when a friend put me onto an old TUS server in australia about oooer like 6-7 years ago :confused: somewhere to that mark..
Been playing mostly free australian based servers..
Mystic peaks - TUS
Atrox Imperium - Sphere
Bit of a break... - Beer
Admin'd and played on Zulu hotel australia, and again when they re-made the server - POL
And staffed on the side at Atrox Imperium, while i was on ZHA till AI got shut down again - RunUO
Had abit of a break then went to another Aussie shard called Osan - RunUO till the admins had a cat fight and litterally destroyed the server in there rage lol then parted and one made a server called drasnia...
A few weeks after that went to another aussie server called OceaniaX.. - Sphere its a pre-uor server not very professionally runned.
Left to go to Drasnia - RunUO
Left drasnia because the admin hired staff that were up them selfs well one in particular was not very 'hospitable' plus the lack of updates and changes info made me and a few others depart finally for Demise..

and so far its been great!
[I only played OSI for a few months during AoS]
There was prolly a few more breaks in there... and other games but thats another story.
i dont play anymore (atm..) but blame rockeye he pulled me into this probably 3-4 years ago first two years were not intense though

...coming from slovenia
It all started when a friend of mine said I play way too much Diablo 2...
So after months of him bugging me I decided to give UO a try. I started playing when LBR came out. I played on a free shard, way back on POL.
Playing and paying for things goes against my morals...

I started out playing and the first thing I gave gold and talked to, for at least 10 minutes to a NPC and cursed him out for saying nice things like Welcome and thank you for the gold, and that I am oh so kind. Later on when I died out in the forest, I had no idea what to do. So I made a new character... I miss my UO nooby days. Lately I have been hanging out way too much in Felucca, and some people say I've been getting mean... I guess the trammy in me is starting to dissappear....

BTW... I live in Puerto Rico, and I am not Puerto Rican ok!? Thx!


Hi, i am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I've been playing for around 2 years on an old style shard (just Felluca - Fel. Lost Lands :p) where a friend hooked me (and since then i'm almost all day online lol) and migrated to Demise around 1 month ago, so, my first time being young and hitting Trammel was as an experienced player :p

Sadly for me, i was quite decent at pvp (i have to thank the no trammel for that :p) but the playstyle is so radically different that it completely screwed my playstyle lol, i feel almost like being a newbie again (but one that knows Balron = Run Forest Run) xD



*amnesia's sexy latin lover*

Living in Denmark, gaming UO for 6 years now. Started randomly at a LAN where others was playing back in the times!



i live in british columbia, Canada. im 19 and got started into uo about 8 years ago i hated it at first and quit and restarted 1 year later then loved it. my i played pacific for a few years then moved to the alter realm played off an on till the deleted that shard. then went back to pacific. got bored and tryed many free shards. and now i play here :) i also play subspace/diablo2/shatteredgalaxy/and counterstrike i pretty much only play cs and ss and this now. if ne 1 wants my diablo accounds eh :). i also love to play almost all dnd based single player games baldurs gate, icewind dale, i expecially love neverwinter nights. yea thats me :) or atleast the gaming aspect of my life.
Hi. I'm a 28 yr old wife and mother of 3 in Iowa, USA..I began playing UO cause my husband and I played MotorCity Online and well EA decided to cancel it due to wanting to put more effort into Sims Online. Well their concellation prize was either Sims Online or UO: Age of Shadows for free. Well since we already owned Sims, we chose UO. We logged in, found no one would help us, had no clue what to do, and well, we quit before the free 30 days was over. A few months later, my brother in law got the game and was already a gm blacksmith and some other stuff, so we thought we could give it another try with someone who would actually explain some stuff to us. Played Great Lakes for probably just about 1 yr with 2 accounts, then a good friend that I had met on osi had set up their own free shard. Quit EA, played there til they shut it down and moved to demise. Been here ever since with 1 month of a break. *Even brought almost my husbands whole family :D *


Hi! Im from Russia. 18 yesrs old.
I started playing uo 5 years ago, because my friend played such as crazy^))
When he first time show me uo, i said - "Its suxx", but when i try to play it, i can't stop gamig ! ^)

My first shard was The Alter Realm. There I played for 1 year, then go to russian shard Rivendell. But Admins jail me for little macro. Then I'm not played uo for year...

I try to play Lineage II. After 2 weeks I make SHIFT+DELETE to LA2 and install UO.

Now I'm playing here...


Well, I'm Rhun ;)

I started playing on Archeronne till it went down, then I played on Covenant, and now I play here, but not that much anymore since I'm mostly hanging aroudn with friend and hunting chickies as my relationship went down the drain.. :(

Oww.. btw I'm 23 years old, live in Holland/Europe..


Well here it goes :).

I'm the infamous Mythos known as the guy who will give his shirt off his back to help anyone out. I've been playing UO for 4 years started on Atlantic for a year never really got anywhere so I quit. Took up free shards during my intense Masters program at WLU (Wilfrid Laurier University). Made my name on Archeronne as the right hand man of Azazel (First TMC GM) and built up a network of online uo friends. After Arch I quit for a year then began playing on a few shards, but finally came to a new shard which had just opened. So that's how I got my start on Demise 13 months ago. Over those 4 years of uo I have met a lot of great people and now count many of them as my online family.

Mythos personal info :D
28 years old Born in Glasgow Scotland
Moved to Kitchener Ontario
Married for a little over a year
My wife and I are expecting are first child at the end of March
MA BA In Classical History


SErr said:
Hi! Im from Russia. 18 yesrs old.
I started playing uo 5 years ago, because my friend played such as crazy^))
When he first time show me uo, i said - "Its suxx", but when i try to play it, i can't stop gamig ! ^)

My first shard was The Alter Realm. There I played for 1 year, then go to russian shard Rivendell. But Admins jail me for little macro. Then I'm not played uo for year...

I try to play Lineage II. After 2 weeks I make SHIFT+DELETE to LA2 and install UO.

Now I'm playing here...

wow almost same here. i started on alter realm 5 years ago too. now they shift deleted that server :p it was a hell to even wear plate armor in that shard :p but it was my favorite