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who does drugs

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lol! what kind of topic is this!
I do tons of chocolate... if I could Id swim in it...!

I ocasionally drink, but no more for a year due to medical reasons.


I would have to say beer sausage it's my one and only burden. Damn you, you tasty pieces of addicting minced meat and all other sorts of ingridients I rather dont want to know what you are!


Not too long ago there was this kid, in the eleventh grade I think (16) that heard somewhere about a seed from a common plant that'll get you high. It was the seeds inside of those little green spike-like balls you see lying on the sidewalk, and they collected a whole bowl full of them. This said guy ate a little bit at first, then said, "These seeds are bullshit!" and proceeded to eat handfuls of them.
After a short while, the poison in the seeds started to run through his system, and his eyes rolled back and started to dim down-- then they turned black. He was rushed to the hospital, and for a long while, he'll be basically braindead and have random spasms. Apparently he will recover a little bit, but never have the same potential for intelligence or really be the same guy again.


I drink a beer, almost every evening.. that's drugs right ? ;)

But since it's not what you mean, I did do some experimenting when I was younger, talking bout the "harder stuff" like xtc, speed etc.. Done it a few times, and that's it..
I don't smoke weed, have done it a few times tho.. makes me go all droopy and tired :p

I've never done any of those thingies mentioned a lot, just tried em out to know what it is like and what I'm talking about :)

P.s. This was serious, and ya my mum knows about it :p
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