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Who wants to...

... buy me some RAM? :)

(for my home computer, this doesn't affect the shard directly)


I are need more RAM! If you get my more ram I will um... <3 you, and it'll um.. help the server indirectly! More RAM means I can err.. code faster! yea!

(Actually some truth to this. Visual Studio takes up around 200-300 megs of RAM, and coupling that with the ram needs of the OS, all the various programs on the computer, WEbBrowser, and UO/Razor & RunUO up for local testing which I don't do enough of... that sometimes bumps it upto 700 megs needed.

Without UO and RunUO running, depending on how much stuff is being worked on in VS, how much stuff is cached everywhere and the position of the stars, Takes up about 480 to around 580 megs of ram

Since I only have 512 megs, whenever it exceeds that, everything becomes painfully sloooow because it begings to page/thrash and such)

I will <3 you!

(Being that this is for my own personal gain and not something that would help pay for server costs, ie vis the uodemise donations, I can't give rewards for this other than my thanks :()


Tried filling the GiftCerificate but seems like they only accept CC payments for US citicens (which obviously I am not.), got paypal ?
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