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Why is Sir Tristan so awesome?

Sir Tristan

Why is Sir Tristan so awesome?

Sir Tristan is the greatest person I have ever known. I want to be just like him when I grow up. This thread is for all of us to share our most special memories of Sir Tristan, and what we admire most about him.

I'll start. I love his modesty. You would never know how awesome he was just by talking to him. He rules.


Sneak Butch said:
Watching him die over and over has given joy and hapiness to so many people.
Now isn't that the truth? He always gives me hope seeing him get up, to just fall back down again!

Sir Tristan

Rogueci5 said:
Who the heck is Sir Tristan ??

Been here 12 months and never seen him anywhere.

You don't know the powerful and deadly Sir Tristan? You sir must have had your head under a rock. He is one of the founding members of the illustrious guild SOS which single handedly chased off one of the shard's most vile murderers Messiah.

He was so scared to face Sir Tristan in a duel rematch that he simply quit playing. Sir Tristan travels the realm of Fel with impunity and dares the doers of evil to show themselves in his presence.

AND who are you? Sir Tristan has yet to see you in game. Maybe if you traveled the realms of Fel where Sir Tristan dwells you would cross his path.

Sir Tristan

It fit the story better. Besides, I said "One of the shard's most vile murderers." Don't worry, if it had been you, I would have said the same thing.

Hey, I never heard back from you about your dex jewels you were selling, or the stat scroll we talked about.


Sir Tristan said:
You don't know the powerful and deadly Sir Tristan? You sir must have had your head under a rock. He is one of the founding members of the illustrious guild SOS which single handedly chased off one of the shard's most vile murderers Messiah.

He was so scared to face Sir Tristan in a duel rematch that he simply quit playing. Sir Tristan travels the realm of Fel with impunity and dares the doers of evil to show themselves in his presence.

AND who are you? Sir Tristan has yet to see you in game. Maybe if you traveled the realms of Fel where Sir Tristan dwells you would cross his path.

Yeah all that plus hes a great spooner.


my fondest memory of sir tristan was when he saved me from my burning castle.

i'd gotten a little drunk and accidentally tipped over a heating stand...thankfully sir tristan was riding by and heard my screams of terror. he stood outside my castle (a brave distance away) and yelled at me to jump and he would catch me. i yelled back that i couldn't jump...the flames were everywhere and i couldn't find a window. he then valliantly yelled at me to rush through the flames and down the stairs and out the door so he could save me.

i did that, and thank god he was there to tell me to 'stop drop and roll'. he watched me roll around in flames on the ground and then helped me to a local healer once the flames were out.

thanks to sir tristan i only have burns to 87% of my body. he was teh hero of teh day ! <3
Sir Tristan ahh wat a man!!!

Wen i was but a newbie i was befreinded by the most honest and trusting of warriors. His heart is made of gold and his thoughts pure he took me under his wing and showed me the ropes and now im with SOS training to be the next top dog with Sir Tristans help. This is my testimony to the awsomness of this great man. And i dare any one to chalange the Knight in a duel.

so evil and doers of it watch out cause Sir Tristan will not stand for any of your dishonest deeds. :mad:


Jossy said:
my fondest memory of sir tristan was when he saved me from my burning castle.

i'd gotten a little drunk and accidentally tipped over a heating stand...thankfully sir tristan was riding by and heard my screams of terror. he stood outside my castle (a brave distance away) and yelled at me to jump and he would catch me. i yelled back that i couldn't jump...the flames were everywhere and i couldn't find a window. he then valliantly yelled at me to rush through the flames and down the stairs and out the door so he could save me.

i did that, and thank god he was there to tell me to 'stop drop and roll'. he watched me roll around in flames on the ground and then helped me to a local healer once the flames were out.

thanks to sir tristan i only have burns to 87% of my body. he was teh hero of teh day ! <3

Have you SEEN what kind of damage that type of heat can do to a man's hair? He risked possibly getting split ends! He's a valiant knight indeed!
Sir Tristan said:
AND who are you? Sir Tristan has yet to see you in game. Maybe if you traveled the realms of Fel where Sir Tristan dwells you would cross his path.

Who am I Sir? Who am I?

I was killing people in the Guard Zone in Del before the shard was a month old!

How dare you dare to dare and say soemthing as Daring as that against my good name!

Also.....who cares who dares wins!

And to be Frank or even Charlie about it....... Um what was the question again?