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wilma im home!

Blue Ice

wilma im home!

hey guys i just got power back a few hours ago thank god! i stepped on a fallen fence and got a nail stuck in my foot but other then that im good.
and all our food we had to throw out :cool: n uhh thats about it
go get a tetanus shot...! what are you doing typing go to the hospital!

Welcome back!

*gets a needle and fills it with tetanus medicine..... stabs blueice on the thigh with it* see all fixed :D
Im only looking for the greater good of my players... (notice how my psychoness said my... my my my.... its all about me and my greed)

But he should get a tatanus shot.... who knows where that nail has been...
Ill offer my non nursing experience to give you an injection.. although quite painful (for you that is :p) at least I wont feel a thing and will enjoy it!


Ill offer my non nursing experience to give you an injection.. although quite painful (for you that is :p) at least I wont feel a thing and will enjoy it!

I'm in doubt now.. are you really looking for the "greater good" of your players.. or are you just looking for some very nasty pleasure involving your players ?! :p

Blue Ice

just looked at the bottom of my heel and it looks like the nail had rust on it :( but anyways im good and my mom is still without power! and another 500k ppl in miami so i am lucky to get it only after 2 days. :)

wilma destroyed the office i work at, but its all fixed up now, and i still dont have power, and my dad broke his arm because of wilma~!, still down!

i'm glad im not the only one who lost power on demise!, heh

ya get ur injection for ur foot dood

Blue Ice

fuck that im a warrior! lol. im scared of needles i got a phobea , when i goto the doctors to take out blood i usaly passout, get nervous or real pale n shit
but other then that im 100% macho man :cool:
how did ur dad break his arm?
* Gets injection ready, and smiles wickedly at Blue-ice*

Blue-ice: Screams like a sissy and passes out

I would pay to see that kind of entertainment.

because hes 67 with heart, back, kindney, and bone problems always on pain medicine and he goes to dialiasis, so if he falls over he could break a bone, so he fell a few times in the darkness and broke the two bones on his arm, it was about 3 days till we realized it was broke, cuz hes always in soo much pain, he didnt even realize it was broke, the pain from the arm wasnt much for him, heh his doctor said hes never seen anyone take the pain from a broken arm and not even flinch, lol, and his doctor is an old old doc. ;)

We got a generator finnally. I'm a see if i can get away with gettin the router and dsl workin heh and the laptop, who knows maybe i'll get lucky and make it in game this weekend, :cool: