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About noobs I meant the pkers lol

Hey there! I am not here to insult, or anything, nor am I here to rant. I notice players are like closed mind like they have issue, or something serious issue lol. When they see a blue in fel they don't come over, and say hi, or even bother having a conversation, or even get to know you, and they just flat out player kill. I don't know I just find it weird, and I wonder if they feel bad, or if they are feeling some kind of weird power, or something?

I was told there is two type of people in this world one is sadism, and the other is the non sadism. So I wonder if this is what going on are player killer really a sadism?

I don't know I'm just asking a question why it just doesn't make any sense lol. I've been a player killer myself, and to be honest I did felt bad for every person that I ever killed, and I always let them be the first to hit me. I did also had lust for blood as well, and it's a very powerful lust where you have to kill, and if you don't it drive you crazy so I guess this could be the case what I am talking about lol.

Also I notice that they come, and take your spawn, but what else I notice is that they can't defend the spawn every time so I thought about, and said man they really do waste a lot of time watching spawns because it's pathetic, and pointless when they are unable to stop all spawn, but still raid, and keep an eye on spawn like they are really stopping everybody from doing it. I mean it's great that they take a champ from other players, or other guild, but they can't stop all of it, and I just don't understand why they would spend so much time watching the spawn, and raid even though they know there loosing.
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Not sure how serious a post this is but I'll treat it as it an actual question.
My advise would be to learn about "Player Archetypes". Im a broad sense its labeling what different players play the game for, whether you are a reward based players, an adventurer/explorer, group player or whatever. This helps you understand what other people's goals may be and may answer a few of the questions in your post.
Also try to be empathetic to the type of day those players are having, some days you have a shitty day at work or someone annoy's you in the street and you just want to watch the world burn so you log on your PvPer and kill people in ways that you may not usually do in an effort to relieve stress.

If you actually have an interest in player psychology then there are some interesting and very diverse ways to learn about it. I find a Youtuber named Wrel pretty cool, he has some good idea's, researches those ideas then puts the idea's down in a very well structured and clear video. Here is a link to his "Thoughts on Better Gaming" playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5d3vzUrw9W03nKag4fTs7LcLXZZB0yFV
Please keep in mind that he plays PlanetSide 2 predominantly so most of his other content is based around this however personally I also enjoy the: Armchair Game Design, How to Youtube and Game Mechanics (also this is pretty hard to use in relation to UO but all information is good information right?)

Hope this helped and wasn't a bit over zealous of a response.
lol yea I mean I see ghost, and I would talk to them, and it would say you're getting raid, and I am like well hello there, and try to be friendly, but it's like they have issue I don't know I was at blood elemental shame lvl 5, and we talk for like 5 minute, and I told him to go ahead bring whoever he want to raid me, and he did he ran all 5 levels just to come, and kill me I mean wow it's a long ass way to run down there, and I just don't understand why they are so willing to spend this much time, and energy over simple things as player killing lol.

He got a bag of sending I mean wow whoopy doo...

What I am trying to say are there any sense of common sense, or is it a sports, or is it something like predator, and prey instinct or I don't know it's just like there working so hard, and I know it is rare for them to find a blue because it's rare for me to run into reds in Fel, and when they see one it's like they found an artifact, or something lol.


Salam aleikum meine wang.

Respectfal wording, of you chosing. I agree it....

Even qafirs should be give it last words before they get sending to hell of donkeys


Hey there! I am not here to insult, or anything, nor am I here to rant. I notice players are like closed mind like they have issue, or something serious issue lol. When they see a blue in fel they don't come over, and say hi, or even bother having a conversation, or even get to know you, and they just flat out player kill. I don't know I just find it weird, and I wonder if they feel bad, or if they are feeling some kind of weird power, or something?

I was told there is two type of people in this world one is sadism, and the other is the non sadism. So I wonder if this is what going on are player killer really a sadism?

I don't know I'm just asking a question why it just doesn't make any sense lol. I've been a player killer myself, and to be honest I did felt bad for every person that I ever killed, and I always let them be the first to hit me. I did also had lust for blood as well, and it's a very powerful lust where you have to kill, and if you don't it drive you crazy so I guess this could be the case what I am talking about lol.

Also I notice that they come, and take your spawn, but what else I notice is that they can't defend the spawn every time so I thought about, and said man they really do waste a lot of time watching spawns because it's pathetic, and pointless when they are unable to stop all spawn, but still raid, and keep an eye on spawn like they are really stopping everybody from doing it. I mean it's great that they take a champ from other players, or other guild, but they can't stop all of it, and I just don't understand why they would spend so much time watching the spawn, and raid even though they know there loosing.

Simply put, people have issues. Perhaps, some issues they're not even aware of. However, we all have them, just some are taught how to deal with them while some have not been taught, dont care, or are fooling themselves with moral decision making. There is a long list of reasons to not talk to everyone you see in fel. Im not sure that is the best thing to do, but I love the positivity and agree the world and especially online communities need more of it. Also, the spawning raid thing is understandable. For example, you make this post and will not have everyone agree or respect your opinion and wishes but you still made it. You play this game, but you will never own all the items or all the gold, but you still play. You go to work to make money but you will not have all of it. They raid spawn and not always win, same thing. Best wishes, buddy. :D


lol yea I mean I see ghost, and I would talk to them, and it would say you're getting raid, and I am like well hello there, and try to be friendly, but it's like they have issue I don't know I was at blood elemental shame lvl 5, and we talk for like 5 minute, and I told him to go ahead bring whoever he want to raid me, and he did he ran all 5 levels just to come, and kill me I mean wow it's a long ass way to run down there, and I just don't understand why they are so willing to spend this much time, and energy over simple things as player killing lol.

He got a bag of sending I mean wow whoopy doo...

What I am trying to say are there any sense of common sense, or is it a sports, or is it something like predator, and prey instinct or I don't know it's just like there working so hard, and I know it is rare for them to find a blue because it's rare for me to run into reds in Fel, and when they see one it's like they found an artifact, or something lol.

Some people just like to kill people? Just as you like to farm in fel or whatever you like to do.
If you think about it logically then PvP is completely benign on UO because you'll never make money on the insurance/reagents/pots you steal because it'll always cost just as much to do it. Or at least you may make profit, but not noticable profit so, again talking logically, then it wouldnt make sense to do. That doesnt mean that over half the active players on the server have a PvP character. That doesnt mean that people dont enjoy PvP MORE than PvM.

I'm really sorry but your point is irritating me because your trying to justify a point that is complete shite because it doesnt fit with your personality. Not everyone wants to talk to everyone, not everyone is like you and not everyone plays for the same reasons you do.
As I said the thread is annoying me so I'm unfollowing it.


http:// http://


He has a legitimate point. Some people I know just log in to fuckin ruin others gameplay experience. Servos is one of those guys. I'll kill people farming afk sometimes or afk resource gatherers. If they move I offer a res, if they don't i just loot and leave. Free items so why not? When the server is dead, people spend a lot of time running through dungeons just lookin for a player to kill. I've killed a few guys at random and still had conversations after i res them. No use in being a total douchebag to everyone you meet.


Honestly if you wanna know why they watch spawns and harrass the server. Think about how little excitement they have in their lives. Like a fat kid on an ant hill using glasses so thick he can see the fuckin future with them shits instead of magnifying glass. The peak of their day is most likely the second they log into UO and feel better about themselves cuz they get bullied by mommy everyday.