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Is a FAQ thread a good idea?

  • Yes, Yes it is...

    Votes: 38 90.5%
  • No, Now please shut-up

    Votes: 4 9.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



Post commonly asked questions & answers below and i will append them to this initial post if they are relative and not just jibba jabba :rolleyes:
I will update this as i have time so be patient if you post and it isnt instantly put up here, I do this from work Shhh... dont want to be classed as unproductive! :rolleyes:

Account related:
Account Deletion
Q: How can i delete an account i made by mistake or get it deleted?
psz said:
Inactive Accounts are deleted after 90 days
This means that if the owner of the account does not use the account for 91 days then the account will be deleted.
* - will add admin advice here about holidays.

Incorrect username:
Q: When I log in to my account, it takes me to the create character screen!
Whats going on why are all my characters deleted?
A: Make 100% certain, triple check that your user name is correct. -ViriiGuy
When you enter a username and password on demise, if that username is not already taken then the server will create a new account with that username.
So if you have issues logging in as mentioned above ensure your username and password is correct.

Password Change:
Q: How can i change my password?
A: To change your password you must use the in game help button to
page and administrator to do this for you.
Please be patient as i beleive the staff here are very busy.

Client related:
Connecting to Demise
To connect to Demise you will need to get UOGateway.
Here is a guide to getting connected.
How to connect to Demise

The importance of updating.
If you experience oddities such as invisible monsters, invisible dungeons or dugeons that are seen as green acres / grass, you should consider ensuring your Ultima Online client is up-to-date.
You can do this by running Ultima Online from the 'Start Menu'
Once you run Ultima Online without UOGateway it should initiate a update program.
Allow this program to run through until it finishes then when you run Ultima Online through UOGateway and connect to Demise all the issues mentioned before should be resolved.
Note: This is may or may not fix all your problems but its a good place to start if you are experiencing weirdness.
The other option is to uninstall and do a fresh install.

Q: Why can't I connect with a certain character? Why do I crash at 'Entering Britannia'? (Commonly reffered to as being 'black holed')
A: This is common problem, with a simple fix. Read and follow the instructions here to fix it.

Info on Spawns on Demise:
psz said:
All of Tokuno is spawned exactly like OSI (Atlantic and GL based spawn)

Remember, just like OSI, you may have to kill OTHER CREATURES IN THE AREA to get Oni and Hiryu to spawn.
This applies to alot of spawns on demise.
These random spawns have a list of creatures that they spawn.
Every spawn has a limit so for example if a spawn point has the max limit of allowing only 5 spawns and there is 5 sheep out you may need to slaughter the sheep to make the spawn create another creature from the list.

Submitting bugs and enhancements:
Q: How do i submit a bug to be fixed, or a change that would make the server better?
A: READ the below quote from one of the demise admins then email your submission to: Bugs at uodemise dot com
ASayre8 said:
bugs {AT} uodemise -dot- com

Bugs fall into 2 categories, Bugs... and... well.. differences from OSI.

Bugs which are obvious they're bugs (ie the virtue gump one that's fixed for next updatee) and haven't been reported should just be sent with AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. And, steps on how to reproduce it.

OSI differences, require proof in one of the following manners: A stratics news or forum post BY A OSI DEV, A patch message (or up to date resource on the uo site), Or a RPV and/or self-taken screenshots depending on what it is, along with the date it was collected. The latter, so its' not delayed for more info, also needs as much info you can on whether this was a change throughtout all eras or only a change after AoS/SE/ML, and which era. (If applicible of course, if you're unsure, say so) And if it's not easy to see the difference either here OR osi, again, steps to reproduce it. Again, as much detail as possible.

With both of these, make it clear and downright painfully obvious and detailed how it is here vs how it is supposed to be

Note that clear means in proper English. Not hating on the intl' folks, but I'm the one that has to read and deciper them, and if I can't understand 'em, I can't use 'em.

Development related:
The demise development process and requierments
Everything that is created for demise must be tested to ensure it works exactly, how its ment to on the current RunUO build and future builds to come as well as being as close to OSI as possible.
To offer a 'Stable' and 'Functional' server things must be done correctly and not just rushed.
Alot of other servers maybe ahead of Demise in regards to how close they are to OSI but at the end of the day will there rushed scripts function in coming versions of RunUO?
In most cases NO...
This is why things like the DOOM - Puzzle and some Samuri Empire skills are yet to be implemented..

Psz recently made a post on this topic here:
Explanation on "slow" progress and "missing" features...
Take the time to read over it to better understand why things take time to implement here and are not just thrown in to be ahead of the race.

Ultima Online - Samuri Empire
Q: When will demise have full bushido and ninjitsu working?
A: Demise will have both these skills working once they are finished 'properly'
There is no point spending time scripting something in a rush to find you
Have to do it again.
There is no specific release date for this at present.
Currently Active:
Most features of SE are up and working!

Ultima Online - Mondain's Legacy
Q: Will demise have Mondain's Legacy(UO:ML) content added?
A: Yes it will once the developers have completed the out standing projects.
There is no specific release date for this at present.
Currently active:
There are now 2 dungeons active: Palace of Paroxysmus and Bedlam
You also may now choose to be an Elf (no special abilities / properties for races yet.)
And other stuff i have not taken note of...

Macroing Information:
Demise allows all players to macro any skill in the game Away From Keyboard(AFK) EXCEPT the following:
Drakull said:
- Any action that afk obtains resources. That includes the following ones:
* BOD's collection.
* Regs/Scrolls/leather/cloth/other resources automated purchases.
* Mining/Fishing/Lumberjacking.
* Afk hunting (specially if its' done to obtain minor arties, gold/items ,hides and/or tots).
Macroing anything that will gain you money or artifcats, using minning / lumber bots or anything that allows you to get resource or wealth gain while you are not actually playing is prohibited.
If you see someone AFK macroing anything they should not please contact a staff member so they can be dealt with.
More info on AFK macro'ing can be found here.

New players:
Avoid scammers:
Q: How can i avoid being scammed?
A: Read this article

Free items:
Q: "I am a new player can someone give me some items to get started?"
A: "..go to the Komodo Tavern and there is a donation box set up, so that you may find some starter equipment to help you on your way.
The Tavern is located north of Luna on the otherside of the small emerald woods, in the Player Town of Emerald Glenn." -ViriiGuy
Here is an image of the front of the tavern taken by: qweazdak 'Komodo Tavern' - Front
Here is the map location of the tavern that was submitted by: qweazdak
Komodo Tavern - UO Auto Map - Location.

In-Game HELP!!:
There are two methods of gaining assistance in game.
A: Press the F1 button on your keyboard.
This will initiate the clients in game 'Help index'.
Use this to find the answers to your game play related questions.

B: Press the 'Help' button on your paper doll / menu bar.
This will initiate the servers in game staff paging system.
Use this option if you cant find the answer you see from the 'Help index'
Please use as much description as possible so that the staff member answering your query can understand what you are asking.
'Help now' - is not a valid help request.
'Please help when i say 'bank' i can not access my bank box what am i doing wrong' - is a valid help request.

Finding your way around
Getting lost?
Cant find where shops are in towns?
Trying to get to a town to complete a quest but dont know where to go?

Check out Ultima Online - Auto Map (UOAM)
UOAM Has many great features such as placing markers to help you navigate to where you have to go.
A link system so you and your mates can all link up to a server host and know whos where and doing what..
In-built chat and panic system if you need to get everyones attention on your server and also a shared marker system so you can drop a pointer on the map to tell everyone to meet here.
Treasure locations, daily spawns and more...
Go to http://www.uoam.net for more details.

(young status)
How do i stop being a '(young)' player?
perad said:
how can i get rid of young status?

I renounce my young player status
If you wish to remove your young status you should type:
I renounce my young player status

Removing your young status will mean you will LOOSE these abilities.
You cant be poisoned, When you die your items remain in your pack, monsters wont attack you..
Removing your (young) status is ACCOUNT WIDE!
Doing it on one character will affect ALL.
So only do it if you really have a reason too as this feature is there to help you get used to the game!

Helpful links:
The 'Demise Holy Bible' abide by these RULES and the gods wont smite thee..
UO : Demise's rules thread.
Everyone should know these because ignorence is not tolerated so i have heard!

Ultima Online - Knowledge base!

Ultima Online's Official knowledge base site.
This site has alot of information on everything client and game based.
Use the search box to find what you are after!
(Note: Some things mentioned on this site may not apply on demise)

Ultima Online - Stratics
Ultima Online - Stratics is another site with alot of information on the game, items, skill, quests, dungeons and also proffessions.
As this server is based off OSI both these knowledge basis are a great place to learn or read about game specific things.
(Note: Some things mentioned on this site may not apply on demise)

I hope this helps some people.
Contributors welcome! :)


Added that now..

As i find time i will go through the forums and find some common questions asked,
If you feel you have some questions your sick of people asking post the
Q: Question
A: Answer

And i will append it the list above in the category it relates to and will tag the answer with your name... in bold - WOW what a prize!!! :D


FAQ for reporting bugs...

To staff:
Of late there has been an increase of tiny bugs people have reported...
What is the profered method for the users to report the bugs.


bugs {AT} uodemise -dot- com

Bugs fall into 2 categories, Bugs... and... well.. differences from OSI.

Bugs which are obvious they're bugs (ie the virtue gump one that's fixed for next updatee) and haven't been reported should just be sent with AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. And, steps on how to reproduce it.

OSI differences, require proof in one of the following manners: A stratics news or forum post BY A OSI DEV, A patch message (or up to date resource on the uo site), Or a RPV and/or self-taken screenshots depending on what it is, along with the date it was collected. The latter, so its' not delayed for more info, also needs as much info you can on whether this was a change throughtout all eras or only a change after AoS/SE/ML, and which era. (If applicible of course, if you're unsure, say so) And if it's not easy to see the difference either here OR osi, again, steps to reproduce it. Again, as much detail as possible.

With both of these, make it clear and downright painfully obvious and detailed how it is here vs how it is supposed to be

Note that clear means in proper English. Not hating on the intl' folks, but I'm the one that has to read and deciper them, and if I can't understand 'em, I can't use 'em.


Well if we can get people to read it, then it would be a good idea.

I have yet to see a forum that the majority of the members reads the FAQ without someone directly linking them.


Not every person that comes here is as think as a brick...
or are they?

I read FAQ's before i post on forums and i am sure others would as well.
With anything there is always going to be that one person that just cant figure out how to operate television remote and needs a bit of guidence. :rolleyes:
Id say very very suprised.

I wouldnt mind doing the faq, its a good idea.

Also, I suggested a forum area just for rules, and for these to be revised, that way it is easier to access where people wont be able to post, obvoulsy. A closed forum for just about every rule, from house placement to scamming in demises most popular languages. But i was denied, rejected, and pushed away.



There should be something to facilitate the rules on other languages apart from english..
Be it a seperate thread or a forum language select option? :rolleyes:

Great idea but Amnesia it would help people alot!
I dont understand why it got the bounce... :(
zord said:
Not every person that comes here is as think as a brick...
or are they?

I think you haven't lived long enough. I played Ragnarok Online on some free server for a while. The same guys also hosted an UO server, and the forums for both were in the same page, divided by section. Most of the RO players in that server were so stupid they would frequently post in the UO forum when they meant to post in the RO forum.

If the server crashed, there were around 20 different threads asking if the server was down. When an admin made announcements, no matter how clear they were, there were around 30 or 40 posts asking the same question, even if the admin replied when only 1 or 2 people had asked, and sometimes there were additional separate threads asking that same question.

For playing in that server, all players needed to install a patch provided by the server admins. There were update patches every once in a while. Even with the announcement that a new patch was available and everyone needed to downloaded or would experience errors, there was always one or two weeks when the forums would be flooded with posts asking for help, and describing the same error, which obviously meant they didn't install the latest patch.

I looked for a RO server with smarter people, and in the end I left RO altogether because there were none, and I couldn't bear such level of stupidity.


Ok i stand corrected :p

But that server outage thing is so true on ANY game.
Never played rags it didnt appeal to me for one or another reason. :rolleyes:

People seem to be voting its a good idea to form some sort of FAQ system be it a dedicated user support / questions area of the forums or just a thread of compiled FAQ's
Some will use it and some wont.
Its like a drunk person... some piss in the bowl some piss around the bowl..

If the bowls there at least most will try to piss in it...



Can an mod clean this forum out..
aka delete all posts cept the first one?

or anything non faq related pls :D


Nice work!
Get virriguy to give the thumbs up and ill leave them on the FAQ else i will remove them if / update them if he wants to use others.. :rolleyes: