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  • To obtain new Razor updates, please reinstall Razor from our new website.

Forum Updates...


Razor Creator
Forum Updates...

Sorry for the unscheduled downtime yesterday and this morning.

This down time was to allow us to merge the user databases from all of the RunUO network sites (RunUO (www.runuo.com), ConnectUO (www.connectuo.com), UOGamers: Hybrid (www.uogamers.com), UOGamers: Demise (www.uodemise.com), UOGamers: Divinity (www.uodivinity.com)) into one central database.

Among other benefits, this will allow you to use the same login information on any and all of these RunUO Network websites, and will allow you to have the same Private Message Inbox on all of those forums.

Many users had an account on more than one of our websites, we have attempted to merge users accounts from all of the websites as follows:
  • Accounts with the same password OR the same E-mail address were merged into the existing higher-priority account (see priorities below).
  • If the password and E-mail address were different then the lower priority account's username now has a string appended to the end of it specifying where the account originated. Example: If you had registered "Superman" on UOGamers: Divinity's forums but someone else had registered "Superman" on RunUO.com (or you had registered it with a different password and e-mail address) then the RunUO.com account has remained unchanged and your UOGamers: Divinity username is now "Superman-divinity".
  • The suffixes are as follows:
    • UOGamers: Hybrid = "-hybrid"
    • UOGamers: Demise = "-demise"
    • UOGamers: Divinity = "-divinity"
    • ConnectUO = "-cuo"
  • The priority for each of the websites is: RunUO > Hybrid > Demise > Divinity > ConnectUO
  • If you are having trouble logging in to one of the websites, try appending one of these suffixes to your username.

There are no expected issues from these changes, but please keep an eye out for any odd forum behavior and report anything that you find.

Thank you for your continued support,
~The RunUO Network Staff

Afro Man

Re: Forum Updates...

If you check your control panel you still have all the rep comments, I still have 65 points, so I guess the forum info got wiped, not the account info.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
Re: Forum Updates...

djstepanek said:
^ that and

I have two names that work, djstepanek and djstepanek-hybrid... that supposed to happen?

Re: Forum Updates...

When you get around to it (no hurry), the avatar options in the cp are messed up?
I only have one field "do not use an avatar".
No rush though.