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Fuck this, I quit... Not completely, but for the most part

Fuck this, I quit... Not completely, but for the most part

I'm not nearly as good as I used to be, dunno why, but fuck it, I'm tired of letting uo piss me off so u wont be seeing much of cute princess for a while. Even if I were still as good as I used to be, I can't keep up with all the fucking sifu clones, (my other post explains)
Hardly any people can just play and have a good time, they have to take things to heart get pissed and talk so much shit, so much that it makes me start dishing it out, fuck it, im just gonna be a trammy on my tamer downing-atlanta, if you want to try to pk me i hang out in white wyrms, ice fiends, and elder gazers.


That is very true Druid. How have you been old pal? We haven't talked since you returned from your hiatus. Do you still hate me?


To tell you the truth, when I get bored and just want mindless action, I take my tamer to elder gazers... it's quite exciting with pks coming through every couple minutes.


Sifu went from one person
to about 10 players when he got banned


are u new?(the guy who doesnt know who sifu is) anyway, good to see ur whiney ass quitting :> ill be seeing ya at wyrms , gazers , etc :>


nightshark said:
the greatest dexer and most intelligent person this shard has ever seen

he was a hell of a good debater too.

Good debater? How does someone who completely ignores anyone elses argument and continues on with his own bullshit a good debater?

He was completely ignorant to the truth, even when backed with 150% evidence from multiple places.

He was a fucking moron, and everything I said about him was pretty much the truth. And to say he was a great dexxer is like saying anyone in AoS right now are gods at PvP.

dp vanq + explosion potion + 125 dex much?


Downing Atlanta said:
I'm not nearly as good as I used to be, dunno why, but fuck it, I'm tired of letting uo piss me off so u wont be seeing much of cute princess for a while. Even if I were still as good as I used to be, I can't keep up with all the fucking sifu clones, (my other post explains)
Hardly any people can just play and have a good time, they have to take things to heart get pissed and talk so much shit, so much that it makes me start dishing it out, fuck it, im just gonna be a trammy on my tamer downing-atlanta, if you want to try to pk me i hang out in white wyrms, ice fiends, and elder gazers.

yeah i had to take a break for a while too, people take this game too seriously, now all i pretty much do is duel and grief lol. Remember its only a game...


Mr.Mischief said:
Good debater? How does someone who completely ignores anyone elses argument and continues on with his own bullshit a good debater?

He was completely ignorant to the truth, even when backed with 150% evidence from multiple places.

He was a fucking moron, and everything I said about him was pretty much the truth. And to say he was a great dexxer is like saying anyone in AoS right now are gods at PvP.

dp vanq + explosion potion + 125 dex much?

im 99% sure he was 100dex 100str 25int for magery purposes. Explo pots are bad since when?

Only argument which you could use would be the dp vanq, which i doubt he uses all the time.


hey us dexers with very low magery have to have some way to protect us from u nox,scribe,stun, and healling mages. And u mages got reactive armor.

DP and magic weapons are a must in duels


if you ever feel the need to have someone to hunt with- Saphira and Jared Archioli are my tamer's names... though Saphira is kinda red atm.

That and I'm having to leave for a couple months....

Yo Cute princess...

Seriously bro, you need to quit UO. You take the shit way to personal. That is the reason I fuck with you all the time at the duel arena after I kill you. You have the same skill you have always had, you have not gotten any worse, the shard has gotten better. I am not saying you suck. You could actually be a real asset to a guild if you quit all the bullshit.

The problem you have is socially. You shit on your guildmates. You never listen to orders in teamspeak, and you do everything you can to alienate them. I caught you ganking fellow guildmembers on blue characters and that is why you were dismissed. Now you lie about the fact that I ever even had you in my guild.

If you clean your shit up and try to be a little more social, I wouldnt be such a dick to you. Personally I think you should quit the game until you can play without posting on message boards, and caring what other people think of your character in game. You are not the best... SO WHAT! I dueled this J dude from kaz the other day and split with him on duels. It has been awhile since that has happened, but there are alot of good players out there. I might destroy someone that he cant beat, and someone might kill me that he can kill easily. This is UO. This is life.

What you need to realise is that guildmates and trust is the only real reason to play this game. If anyone practiced dueling for 2 weeks they could be elite, if they were already good. Dueling is fun and has its place. Soloing however is just not that fun. Most of the time all you are soloing for is points, since you cannot loot a damn person without 5 more jumping on ya.

You may not believe this but I really do worry about your crazy ass. UO is just a game, there is alot of other shit to see and do bro. Maybe its the game that makes you flip out, I have no idea, but I wish you the best, and if you admit you fucked up and flipped out when you were in my guild, I would probably give you another shot. Anyways best of luck bro, and if you want to move to star wars galaxies I will sell you my account lol.