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I remember when...


Re: I remember when...

Trying to find a tamer to tame the nightmare that just spawned.
Stables that had a limited number of spots and having to recall all over the place to find one that could hold your horse.
Having to refresh your animals once a week or they would disappear.
People trying to match their clothes to a certain colored forest ostard.
Random people offering you several thousand gold because the ostard you are riding is the color they want.
Hanging out at the Delucia forge making/repairing armor and wepaons for people fighting at the Orc Fort in T2A constantly dying to pks.
Jamming a coin into the keyboard to macro spirit speak all night because I needed to raise my character's int.
Teleporting up on a ledge and casting posion over and over again on a monster to kill it.
Forgetting to feed your horse and it bucks you off while riding it.

Killer Queen

Re: I remember when...

I remember my first day playing UO, my friend and I camped out in the woods outside Brit. We thought we were total badasses, til a red came and rocked us with para field.
I remember killing a pack llama I had snooped, just because it had a non-excep short spear in it. I got whacked shortly after killing it.
I remember trying to steal a mil check at WBB, only to have the person kill me within seconds.
I remember thinking that Spellweaving is the skill that made magic wands.
I remember thinking that a good build was fencing, tactics, swordsmanship, mace fighting, archery, and parrying.

That was all on Hybrid, too.

Dread Sun

Re: I remember when...

I remember when certain PKs would trap chests in the Rat Camp south of Yew. I wasn't one of them but I would hide and loot the bodies of people who opened the chests.

I remember meeting a PK named Wakkus Tabbakus who helped make me a better mage and eventually a Red Mage.


Re: I remember when...

I had a gm tinker poison trapped chest that i would place in trammel to kill the lockpickers then i would loot them when their corspe turned to bones :) lol one of the few ways to grief in trammel.

*shudder* glad trammel isn't on this server though


Re: I remember when...

I remember the first time I got PK'd. His name was Captain Ganker and it was at Brit GY. I had a ton of stuff on me at the time cause I didn't know bankboxes existed.

I remember my first house. A wooden shack just outside Minoc. I spent days making it look like an authentic carpenter's workshop.

I remember not knowing UO lingo. "Goddamn PKers ganked me outside Glow, sync dumped all over me. Dexxers like me are so nerfed".... wtf???


Re: I remember when...

I remember when I cast my first gate spell.... I thought I was the shit. And then when I could poly into a chicken OMG... I loved the feel I used to get when I accomplished a new skill level or being able to res with aids


Re: I remember when...

Stables that had a limited number of spots and having to recall all over the place to find one that could hold your horse.

thats a classic one

I remember that you had to black screen to dupe items.
I remember my first character was 70 swords and I was a badass
I remember when you had to ddl click the regs on vendor to buy and had to click 60 times for 30 black pearl
I remember being red because I was dastardly
I remember Lady Coke+crew owning despise because they were gm magery on great lakes and had 100 int because they were gm food tasteing.
I remember carrying around a bedroll and camping to log out, it was too far a run to brit from despise, and very dangerous.
I remember using EasyUo to have a lasttarget for stealing weapons.
I remember tricking players into "training resist" on my firefields so they wouldnt get away when I pked them
I remember houses being placed in brit gy
I remember Tamers could give pets to anyone and they could control them despite no taming skills
I remember finding horses in the forest and going nuts, 700gp for a horse was alot.
I remember having a uo gf who was a fisher and I brought her lots of presents with my earnings from lizardmen, ratmen, and headlesses.
I remember using a viking sword because it was the best weapon.
I remember when colored armor was rare due to vendors randomly spawning a certain color[coal was rarest]
I remember when smiths had a reputation at sake when repairing weapons
I remember perfect katanas going for a mill
I remember when there were no guild stones and the color of your cloths signified your guild
I remember my icq number still[5382895(yea 7 digits bitchs, thats oldschool)]
I remember loving reading the message of the day because the devs were awesome back then
I remember when I was a badass because I took like 10 out of the 30 random colored dye tubs on some test[volunteer or test center] and giving them to friends
I remember when t2a first arrived and you had to use moonstones to travel between them
I remember when archery first got its buff, a guy killed me in seconds
I remember when deceit was where everyone farmed,700gp liches
I remember when my cousin was gm swords and 100 str and was a god in pvp with a viking sword
I remember when the word "cmon" was invented
I remember when people had houses inside guard zones
I remember when I first sailed to ocllo
I remember when guilds were a community
I remember when there were only about 5 servers
I remember when t2a wasnt there
I remember when my cousin bragged about taming artic wolves
I remember when I died do to firefields surrounding me
I remember when there was statloss
I remember when my cousin found a energy vortex scroll, and since it was insane to try to cast through a spellbook, he cast it on some famous blue.[we never found out what happened to the blue]
I remember purple llamas
I remember holding despise against 60 blues with only 4 gm mages inside
I remember playing on a voodoo 3 gfx card was amazing
I remember my parents warning me about giving out my information on the internet
I remember way too much and need to stop
I started playing in sept 97 if I remember correctly
I was 9 years old, 20 now.


Re: I remember when...

I remember living in the woods and putting all my stuff in a box under a tree then being extremely pissed when I logged on the next day and my stuff was gone.

Thinking about when I started UO makes me sad. :( :(
Re: I remember when...

Great read.

I remember coming back to UO and looking for Grevlok so I could start an Imbus RP guild.

Caz said "nub", being "no" in orcish. I never heard of the orcs, so I thought it was calling me a nub.

I ended up calling him a rude fag (oxymoron?), getting kicked, and other funz.


Re: I remember when...

I remember the bug where you could drop boxes in the Moonglow Counselors guild and statues would spawn in them. I made millions.

I remember boat mining for hours

I remember 8x8.

I remember living with 3 other people in a small house in Yew woods

I remember GMing swords and Tactics after about a month of playing

I remember buying the 3 month playtime cards so my parents wouldnt know I was paying to play a videogame.

I remember stealing ore when people piggy backed it to the forge

I remember getting jailed for the first time impersonating a blacksmith and keeping a vanq hally.

I remember when guild's had one main house and there was always someone logged in working skills there... that sense of community is totally lost now

I remember my ICQ too... 76976865

I remember going red on on dexer killing shipwrights for their sandals

I remember luring NPCs out of town to kill them for their black sandals

I remember paying 2 million for a bottle of neon hair dye and how awesome I felt when everyone was jealous.... 3 months later it was 500k and on a vendor =(

I remember my full suit of Phoenix Armor from Clean Up Brit.

I remember GMing taming before Power Hours and Del Bulls... Hythloth Hell Hounds FTW

I remember selling my two accounts, my 40 mil, and my tower in Felucca for 900 dollars USD.

I wish it was still the same... I really do =(


Re: I remember when...

I remember my first few hours making 5 characters because I didn't know how to rez on lake superior
I remember opening a trapped box at brit bank first
I remember attacking a summoned demon next in east brit
I remember dying to a dog after that
I remember a Gm mage guy giving me 500 gold and I somehow found a vendor shop east of brit bought a magic war mace then went back to brit bank went into a moongate that sent me to balrons in hythloth where i got killed and stuck and some guy was laughing at me.
I remember somehow as a day old newb escaping from hythloth after like 6 hours only to not know how to get off fire isle and quit that character.
I remember a guy sneaking on my boat and looting my stuff and I took him out to sea and pinned him and killed him with my power broadsword at like 80 swords and tactics.
I remember my first dungeon was covetous corpser room with fire fields
I remember assholes running through the fields to flag me
I remember living in Yew selling raw meat and hides for money.
I remember my bud showing me mining and going crazy on it for like a month only to go red killing newbs outside of yew on the same guy.
I remember dying and statloss and taking 5 months of macroing in my friends brothers house to go blue and spar my guy up to like 4x gm
I remember when I met these people and at like 78 mage i gated and they freaked out and wanted me in their guild.
I remember most of all when I was 14 back in like 98 or 99 my buddy gave me some girls icq he knew and we chatted a bit only like 4 months later when i went blue i seen her at brit and she remembered me and i went and lived at her house.
I remember when we traded that house for one on fire isle to some scary guild named the The black Oracle led by some dark lord dude
I remember all these years later that that same girl lives with me now at 23.


Re: I remember when...

i remember thinking my first Guild Master was a god, because he 1 hit killed a skeleton in the brit graveyard while wearing no armor, and using a magic bardiche!
i remember running away from dire wolves.
i remember playing, and hunting on a character, before it was gm.
I remember when i had my first 10k in the bank, i thought i was rich.
I remember thinking that all of Uo was the space between Brit town and Despise dungeon.
I remember having my first mare at 70 or so taming, and it almost going wild in vesper because i couldn't control it, and some guy kept casting invis on it...every time i called it, it would get mad and not listen.
I remember always carrying recall scrolls on my warrior...because why would i put magery on a warrior?


Re: I remember when...

I remember the massive amount of tents used as homes around Brit. Spent ages tryin to figure out how to loot those chests that sat at the back in them. lol.
I remember leavin trapped chests at the Brit xroads and turnin grey later at Brit bank to get guard wacked. Ended up with my first red crafter that way.
I remember finding a horse and having it kill me because I tried to get on it while it was untamed and I was in war mode.
I remember seeing Lord Brit for the first time and thinkin to myself how much fun it would be to pk that guy. Worked out tho later I tried to kill a councillor and learned for the first time they couldn't die.
Ah memories. Was pretty rowdy in my late 20s. heh
Re: I remember when...

I remember sitting at trinsic begging all day to get one set of plate armor
I remember thinking I was l33t for being able to teleport on top of the trinsic bank (was easier to beg up there too plus people left shit laying around)
I remember making a girl character and tricking a guy into letting me have a key to his house and then selling it out from under him.
I remember having to sneak along the trinsic walls to get outside to chop wood otherwise the pks would get me.
I remember the first time I corp por'd I felt like a god.