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IDEA: Duel pit is to PvP as Clans are to RP (read)

After reading this idea, would this be a valuable RP option for the UOG society?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 40.5%
  • No

    Votes: 37 44.0%
  • Maybe... a good start. Make this change:

    Votes: 13 15.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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As I've said before, or at least implied, my view is somewhat between Icey's and yours, Evil. I don't know if this much fine-tuning with RP is necessary. I like the idea of having somewhat RP-oriented "factions" though, like orcs and savages and the like. The language thing, like someone said, probably wouldn't work, but it's still cool.

I still don't believe elves have any place in UO, but whatever. I'd keep it to races/classes already present somewhere in the UO landscape.

I voted No, but I should've voted Maybe. heh.


i agree the language thing prlly wouldnt work but its a great idea.. but u still should have voted yes, theres no way we are going to get it to work unless we gets votes.. and its a good idea that should be implemented, plus its not going to hurt anyone if it is..
I want to take this time to say thank you to fiery. Perfect comment. May not have agreed with all of it... but helped make a change of his own.

Hes right... elves arent currently in the gameplay. Now that I think about it... yea! So... now I want to replace elves with... *thinks* (Orcs, Undead, Wizards and... Vermin?) That might work.

Ooooh! Vermin... or Savages! Tha'd be easier and already exists! Sweeeet!

If you have a better 4th clan, please add! The help is appreciated.

(Side note. Please, keep in mind... this idea is similar to the way factions is run. The GMs dont do anything with factions... the system is just in place.)

CHANGE: Another idea I had was to put a radius around each base that, if a player from another clan were to cross over it, he would go oj and the clan-members inside the area would also go oj. Territory protection. No... you cant capture their base... but you can run onto it and attack it. Reminds me of how different countries would send their armies to other countries just to fight. Rawr.


EvilGenius010 said:
Directed to your comments about the wizards...

The part of discipline is being in a situation where your neon isnt showing and you cant run around, gank others all day long. No clan has an advantage over another... its all what you make of it.

To those making comments about how RP doesnt need anymore GM support... your probably the same people enjoying the duel system after you get finished with a GM run tournament or a GM event. Ok... you may think that way, and I respect it, but others disagree. That opinion has been stated many times... we got it.

Please... everyone. Note this: Adding this system wouldnt change ANYTHING! The only way it would change it if the... players... joined the clans. Think about it. If there was the faction system as it is... and no one was in factions... then factions wouldnt change anything.

"and give them something that puts them over other mages to get a little more respect."

you shouldn't get any advantage over the normal player by being in an rp clan, maybe over other people within the system depending on rank, but not people outside of it. What advantage do fac members get over the general populace? Not much, maybe faction blessed items but you have to spend alot of silver to make them, you have to have a smith in factions in a faction town and iirc the best weapons you can make are gold. You get advantages over other fac members(fac guards, traps, etc) but that's about it. Nobody is forced to join factions to compete in regular pvp, but giving an advantage for something you could just UM for would force people to join it.
Devine said:
"and give them something that puts them over other mages to get a little more respect."

you shouldn't get any advantage over the normal player by being in an rp clan, maybe over other people within the system depending on rank, but not people outside of it. What advantage do fac members get over the general populace? Not much, maybe faction blessed items but you have to spend alot of silver to make them, you have to have a smith in factions in a faction town and iirc the best weapons you can make are gold. You get advantages over other fac members(fac guards, traps, etc) but that's about it. Nobody is forced to join factions to compete in regular pvp, but giving an advantage for something you could just UM for would force people to join it.

Right... I agree. No one would have an advantage, besides rank. And, you have a set outfit with a generic name. I mean... when you spend 2 weeks on a char, your gonna use him and not start a new one for the same clans. So... youll begin to develop a NAME... not a look or anything. You wont need some talking program, a pouch full of pots and 4 of your buddes to get recognition (showscore?). Youll get recognition through playing.

Remember... putting this in doenst hurt anyone, but helps those who are bored with the game.


Icey said:
i never said it was only pvp, moron. i said it was already being supported enough and doesn't need more of this bullshit.

what are you so afraid of? What exactly isnt bullshit to you? This is actually a stand-up idea that can be easily incorporated into PvP without you doing anything different. If you dont know what im talking about then youre just blowing it out of your ass because RP guilds have been PvPing with other PvP and War guilds since, just about, the dawn of UO.

How about if you dont roleplay then all youre doing is flaming in the thread?

Stfu and let them talk. :rolleyes:


what the fuck?

yes, you dolt, it would change things. it would change them a lot. is that not what you are pushing to implement? a change?

roleplaying recieves enough support from the staff, 'nuff said.

stop trying to change this shard into one big fucking tramfest. wait until you get big, like really big, and see how much griefing you recieve. you think me hanging out at your fort picking the newbies off and an occasional summoned blade spirit/energy vortex is griefing? fucking wait and see, you idiots.

and after that happens, guess what happens next? you guys start bitching for trammel so you can roleplay in peace.

http://www.uo.com <-- go (please!) and save this forum your bullshit.


Dude, what is your fucking problem with everyone/everything you come in contact with? How in the hell is changing RP gonna affect PvP? And I'm not talking about "OH! A red killed me, make him stop it!" I'm talking about boosting RP for the people who do it. PvP has a large amount of support and players. What is so wrong with helping out the RP guys? You actually sound scared that RP is gonna become an important part of the game. Do not get me wrong, I'm not saying take over the shard. But RP is supposed to be a large part of UO anyways... MORPG... Says so right on the box. RP is not going to stop you from going to your duels and events and shit. Stop trying to shit on it when you don't even understand what everyone is saying. Do you realize that even IF they put these things in action, it probably wouldn't affect but 15% of the shard? So what are you crying about? You seem like a smart person when you're not bitching/cussing/throwing insults. Get to the fucking point.
Icey said:
what the fuck?

yes, you dolt, it would change things. it would change them a lot. is that not what you are pushing to implement? a change?

roleplaying recieves enough support from the staff, 'nuff said.

stop trying to change this shard into one big fucking tramfest. wait until you get big, like really big, and see how much griefing you recieve. you think me hanging out at your fort picking the newbies off and an occasional summoned blade spirit/energy vortex is griefing? fucking wait and see, you idiots.

and after that happens, guess what happens next? you guys start bitching for trammel so you can roleplay in peace.

http://www.hotmen.com <-- go (please!) Im already there.

First of all... let me get something out of the way.

I fear Icey. No... I really do. Stop laughing... im being serious.

Yea, your right. Good one. Anyway, In response to his post: This would only change to society as much as factions change the society (that has been stated 300+ times). If a player doesnt want to be in factions, he DOESNT GO AND JOIN. Same with clans.

Ok im glad I cleared that one up... again.

A second note. You "leet PvPers" sit back with Factions and the Duel Pit and yell at RPers when they ask for a RPing system? Good work. I laugh.

(To really understand my idea and why I presented it, you need to think from a military perspective. I'm a U.S. Marine and I love the lifestyle. If a LCpl were to walk up to a Sgt and say "fuck you", that LCpl would be punished in a variety of ways. If Bob the tire salesman were to walk up to Frank the hot dog vendor and say "fuck you", Frank would probably cry. Thats it. When you see a MSgt, you KNOW he's put his time in (the MSgt above me has been in for 25 years). Also, we wear the same uniforms and have our hair cut close to the same way... its just how it is. Its all about respect. Thats what im looking for.)


why do you always take what i say and bend it to fit your crusade to push this retarded bullshit?

i represent a small portion of this shard that actually cares about this shard. that's why i am so militant in my posts against ideas that would change the game so much. you put this in, the roleplayers see that any idea that they come up with can be put in, and eventually we have trammel. i do not want the shard going in this direction, and as a frequent donator i feel i have a right to voice my opinions on why it shouldn't.

you're partially right. factions don't change my experience here. but, there are certain things in factions that restrict that from happening. for example, when a non-faction character tries to heal a faction character, they aren't allowed. are you going to implement the same thing for these rp guilds so that they can't be beneficially casted on by non-guildies?

why do you feel you need this system? look at the rp guilds throughout ultima online's past. none of them had this and some of them still survive to this day. this is possibly the worst idea i have ever heard and only shows how weak minded you are if you can't make good with what you have. end of story.


Icey said:
why do you always take what i say and bend it to fit your crusade to push this retarded bullshit?

i represent a small portion of this shard that actually cares about this shard. that's why i am so militant in my posts against ideas that would change the game so much. you put this in, the roleplayers see that any idea that they come up with can be put in, and eventually we have trammel. i do not want the shard going in this direction, and as a frequent donator i feel i have a right to voice my opinions on why it shouldn't.

you're partially right. factions don't change my experience here. but, there are certain things in factions that restrict that from happening. for example, when a non-faction character tries to heal a faction character, they aren't allowed. are you going to implement the same thing for these rp guilds so that they can't be beneficially casted on by non-guildies?

why do you feel you need this system? look at the rp guilds throughout ultima online's past. none of them had this and some of them still survive to this day. this is possibly the worst idea i have ever heard and only shows how weak minded you are if you can't make good with what you have. end of story.

Icey said:
why do you always take what i say and bend it to fit your crusade to push this retarded bullshit?

i represent a small portion of this shard that actually cares about this shard. that's why i am so militant in my posts against ideas that would change the game so much. you put this in, the roleplayers see that any idea that they come up with can be put in, and eventually we have trammel. i do not want the shard going in this direction, and as a frequent donator i feel i have a right to voice my opinions on why it shouldn't.

you're partially right. factions don't change my experience here. but, there are certain things in factions that restrict that from happening. for example, when a non-faction character tries to heal a faction character, they aren't allowed. are you going to implement the same thing for these rp guilds so that they can't be beneficially casted on by non-guildies?

why do you feel you need this system? look at the rp guilds throughout ultima online's past. none of them had this and some of them still survive to this day. this is possibly the worst idea i have ever heard and only shows how weak minded you are if you can't make good with what you have. end of story.

Icey... I LOVE your posts. They make me happy inside.

Apparently... im weak-minded because I try to create new ideas... awesome. Well done. You win.

Did I ever mention a change where one clan couldnt heal another, or where clanless players couldnt heal a clan member? Nope. Didnt want it. So, whos bending what?

The reason why this system needs a GM to set it up, and it cannot be done like this without GM help, reminds me of a faction-type world without the structure. It would go like this:
"Ok... we'll run around in 4 enemy guilds. If you die... you cant cast spells for 5 minutes, ok? And... If you kill someone... you get a point. Just write it down on a piece of paper, ok? If you die to someone, you lose a point. Awesome!"

Later that evening:



Ok... you couldve ran around town, fighting in 4 main groups without the factions system, but doesnt the factions system make it better? Ok... thank you. The reason why I want this is because it would be the big part of this shard that is missing.

To prove my point, last night, I (and two friends) started that retarted pink line by brit bank. You were even there, Icey, calling us fags. That line got huge, with most of the players yelling and joking around. Then... we broke off and started another line. Almost instantly, the pinks and blues started arguing and fighting.

Do you see where this is going? These players would love to have a system like the one I mentioned. They want something to do... something like that. No, factions isnt it. They want there own system. Thats what im offering. If you disagree or dont want it, then just dont join.

And... lastly. I am also a player who has donated well in the past. Who are you to suggest that donations place a player above others? There completely optional... it doesnt mean shit if you donated and Tim the tamer didnt... he still has just as much of a say as you do. Believe me, if you stopped donating in protest, UOG would be fine without you.


Ok, enough with the single post "stfu" crap. Real mature. If you're gonna debate, then debate. If not, don't post...

Icey is right in this aspect... Things like this can get carried away bigtime. The last thing I want is trammel, or protected players. The system I'm talking about is basically a guild with a special item. A mask, gloves, some shit that makes them different. Like savages. Give them a mask that has like 10ar points to make them a little tougher or something. Then they have their ranks. Other than that, no different. An enclosed RP system that can be affected by outsiders. I think that RP should get as much of a chance to prosper as PvP has. Surely this little boost to a 'guild/clan' won't change anything. Draw a line in the sand and say, "Ok, we'll give you a mask that gives you a title, and you have your ranking system, etc. But we won't make you invulnerable to anyone outside the clan, blah blah blah. I say that RPs and PvPs can work this out to where both are happy with it.


the way our government works can be a great analogy for why this idea needs to be seriously revamped or just dropped altogether. there is a system of checks and balances in place so that one part of the government can't get too strong. we have borrowed this idea from ancient rome. say this was to pass.. (and your little blessed masks got put in) where is the balance for factioneers/non-rpers? there should be no advantage, whatsoever, just because you play the game a certain way. factioneers don't get special items (for free, anyway), why should stupid little roleplayers?

this idea is stupid. make due with what you have.

by the way, evil, i feel your post needs not a reply -- as you have completely misunderstood and misinterpereted my last post.
Icey said:
the way our government works can be a great analogy for why this idea needs to be seriously revamped or just dropped altogether. there is a system of checks and balances in place so that one part of the government can't get too strong. we have borrowed this idea from ancient rome. say this was to pass.. (and your little blessed masks got put in) where is the balance for factioneers/non-rpers? there should be no advantage, whatsoever, just because you play the game a certain way. factioneers don't get special items (for free, anyway), why should stupid little roleplayers?

this idea is stupid. make due with what you have.

by the way, evil, i feel your post needs not a reply -- as you have completely misunderstood and misinterpereted my last post.

Maybe... maybe you just cant reply because theres not much to say in response. I know, there may have been a few big words. Sound them out and think of something to say.

Your little suggestion of checks and balances was helpful in proving how necessary this system is. First of all, these items DONT give anything special. They are just your identity... nothing more.

Secondly, Icey, thats some funny stuff. You complain and say "THERE SHOULDNT BE SPECIAL ITEMS! WHAT ABOUT THE PVPERS!" Yet... in factions, they have faction items available. A normal player cannot get or use these items, yet faction players can. How fair is that? Not fair at all.

This system would allow players who dont care about neon and blessed shit, and who want a group, to play as a group, without blessed shit. The players want it... Icey may not.


maybe you missed the - (for free, anyway)

that's okay, honest mistake.

but, you have yet to refute the fact that you are unable to make due with what you've got, so you are pushing for this little system. put aside the fact that this will change things for everyone, explain why you need this? why should it be put in?

why am i trying to explain why it shouldn't be put in? you explain why it should be put in.


and to further show your ignorance, you keep falling back on some made up notion that i am trying to protect the LEET PVPERs. forget that, because it isn't true. this is supposed to be a replica of all of the good things that were in uo mixed, thus the name hybrid. i don't recall there ever being a faction like guild system in uo in my 5 years of playing.. do you?


Icey stfu already jesus christ wtf are you bitching about anyway. Do you even know? If youre not protecting "1337 PvPers" then who ARE you protecting?

No. It wouldnt change anything, god damn it. The bloodrock clan on OSI were roleplaying a PVP guild for YEARS and no one ever had a problem with them beside the fact that they could hardly understand a full sentance.

Just Stfu. If you reply any further youre just looking for attention and Ill report this as a bad post.
Icey said:
maybe you missed the - (for free, anyway)

that's okay, honest mistake.

but, you have yet to refute the fact that you are unable to make due with what you've got, so you are pushing for this little system. put aside the fact that this will change things for everyone, explain why you need this? why should it be put in?

why am i trying to explain why it shouldn't be put in? you explain why it should be put in.

I just DID explain why it should be put it! Gooooodness. Here... ill say it again:

Its the same with factions. My idea, with rank and the masks (that are only used to change name, identity, look and add TIC) CANNOT be done without GM support. Yes... we could go find 20 orc masks, make new chars, put the masks on, and run around, dressed the same. Thats not what i'm talking about. This system would allow any current player to join just by putting a mask on. That said, this system would also keep the rank, accurate to hours and weeks and percentage within the clan... something that cannot be done simply through a guild (you cannot keep track of a players total hours played while wearing a mask in a normal guild... wouldnt work).

Unable to make due with what we have? Ok. I'm now pushing to have the duel pits, Order and Chaos and faction system removed. *waits*. Think about it. Do you have any idea how badly PvPers would bitch? Oh goodness. Yet... the RP community cant have a system put in?

And... you may think that I misinterpreted your post, sir, but go re-read what I wrote. It all makes sense. That led me to believe that you couldnt understand what I wrote. You took a flaw form the factions system (cross-healing from outside to inside... which I think is good) and tried to apply it to my system. You said, and I quote:

Icey said:
when a non-faction character tries to heal a faction character, they aren't allowed. are you going to implement the same thing for these rp guilds so that they can't be beneficially casted on by non-guildies?

I responded with:

Evil Genius said:
Did I ever mention a change where one clan couldnt heal another, or where clanless players couldnt heal a clan member? Nope. Didnt want it.

Which... was something I never mentioned in the planning. Misunderstanding? I didnt think so. Seems clear to me. Ah well... I think we all get the point.
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