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Marines Guild (join my No B.S. Guild)


Starkley seriously destroyed you in this contest. I came into this argument unbiased, and read all of the posts word by word, for the most part.
I don't see how you even got mad at him in the first place since all that he did was offer you some advice, advice that you sorely need. After that first post you just threw childish insults and obvious lies at him.
Let's see, the core of your reason for flaming is that he's acting smart? Maybe he is smart and doesn't want to dumb himself up to fit in with less intelligent people? Crazy thought isn't it?
Honestly though Marine, you don't work for Microsoft. This is why:

This is that post, Please carefully, I am a MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engneer). Basicly I'm one step above a Microsoft Certifed Systems Admin.

I don't know the specifics on Microsoft's ranking system, but, if it's anything like any other company's, then the administrator would outrank a 'pety,' in comparison, engineer.
It just doesn't make sense.

-Misat the humblest o' pirates. So humble, he's not even a real pirate yet.
Misat said:
I don't know the specifics on Microsoft's ranking system, but, if it's anything like any other company's, then the administrator would outrank a 'pety,' in comparison, engineer.
It just doesn't make sense.
Although I highly doubt he's an MCSE, he is right on the ranking system. MCSE > all.


Highly dought lol. Well if ya want i can scan my MCPS and you know it takes 4 to become a MCSE i have 5 so yes i can post it if your in doubt. Hell i can even post my A+ Hardware and OS, an Even my Net+ cert from Comp Tia. Just because someone pissed me off and I acted shity toward them does not mean I'm not smart. Besides this game realy has nothing to do with my certs. I was simply stating it as a little background about my self.As far as starkey given advice. Sorry must of took it the wroung way. It insulted me. These post were orginaly for starting a guild. Its become a bitch fest in here.I think i know the main reason for starkey talken trash. I think he's pissed caused he started some fucked up nija guild that sucked and no one joined he got pissed at the world. My guild was the first post he seen. An deceied to bitch. Ths was my first thoughts on the subject matter. Latter on, I looked through some posts on other topics. Ever were I ooked Starkey's named was there bitchen. There was even a warning from the admin to him, about his mouth. As a admin my self (were I work) I felt like it was time for some one to say something to the little kid. I don't know for sure how old he is, but I can tell you alot of things about him by hwat he says. Like "thanks for telling me your phone number now I don't have to search the net for it". Well for one thing my phone number maybe public, but your not going to find it haveing just a nickname. So that made me think he's a kid. Another thing, in his post for his guild. It sounded very childish. "I'm starting a ninja clan cause ninjas kickass.An pirates suck."Now you tell me, does this sound like a muture person?I don't think so.Plus about a million other post on this site talken trash out of the blue to people who have no idea what he's talken about. Starkey simply had no right to post anything on here. This guild did not concern him, nor did it effect him. He simply posted to get a rise out of me.He enjoys watching people get mad. That simple, and that sounds like me when i was a kid. I'm sure we all made prank phone calls before. Anyway plain and simple this post is for people interested in joining my guild. I do not want to here anymore B.S. on this page. Or I will say something to the admin. An I will more than likely have your account banned. Admins tend to see eye to eye with other admins. So don't even try thank. An for those seriuoly interested in my guild. Sorry for this crap you had to read.



Microsofts rank system is not what you'd think. A microsoft certifed systems admin takes if i remeber right 3 core tests. To get what we call a MCSA. Which is one step below a MCSE. MCSE takes at lest 4 core and one elective. Total of 5 tests. Now a MCT which is the next and highest step takes 5 core and 2 electives plus has 40 hours to teach a class supervised by MCT's and is graded on it. If the MCT's don't like you, you don' get your MCT. Now MCSE's and MCSA's work togethier. The MCSE handles the desighn and tecnical side of setting up a network . While the MCSA handles phyiscaly building it and testing it. An to be honest in the proffesonal world we do not call it "ranks". This is not the military. A MCSE is simply a title yoy earn from Microsoft certifying you our certifed in there software and our one of the best in that spefic field of study. Unix has a cert to and so does Sunsoft. And all the other Operation Systems that you never hear about. Basicly if you know anything about certs a MCSE is kind of like getten a CISCO cert. One eccption. MCSE is worth a hell of a lot more. Cisco worht about maybe 50 g's a year. MCSE worth about 200 g's a year. MCSA worth about 170 g's a year. and MCT is well that starts at about 220 g's a year and well never realy ends going up. I'm not total sure on the classes as far as core wise and all. But this is what it was when i got mine. They change it every so often and when a new operation system comes out that they feel is good enuff to be ad to the tests. Like windows XP Pro. Thats now a test. Were as before 2000 Pro was the test then you took 2000 Pro Advanced Server. Well now i think you just take XP Pro. So there ya go it changes. Now i just have to take one test now every year or so. But mine combines all the tests which i think there is a total of 7 possible. Anyway thats to keep my Cert.If I fail sorry charlie there goes my cert.Its alot of work to get it.An its anything but cheap.Ask anyone who has one there not cheap to keep. Infact you could probly ask the admin of this site. I'm sure he'd know about them. Infact he's probly got a MCP allready.


Also Starkey Not Role playen, thats for kids. We all grew up we don't play with dolls any more. This is a NORMAL guild. NOT kitty land.
Misat is a friend of Starkley, jsut ignore the grammar flamming tools, and BTW, you need probably 8 Mil on average if you palnning on buying a castle, and to Stark's statement about troops in India, Starks' the US has troops in every thrid world country on this planet, we have thousands of troops in non war time all over this planet. But since you probably have never made it out of your little town, you wouldn't know that. Go flame those grammar comments to some thugs on teh street, see how long you last.


Marine__3038 said:
"thanks for telling me your phone number now I don't have to search the net for it"

"I'm starting a ninja clan cause ninjas kickass.An pirates suck."

He's paraphrasing, folks, especially on the first one. I don't even think I commented on your number, I'm not calling you, tool. This isn't adultfriendfinder.com

Now, after reviewing his post above, who seems like the child? One threatening physical harm on the interconnects machine, to someone who is epathic and the joke falls short to, or someone making fun of said person?

Revelations said:
Misat is a friend of Starkley, jsut ignore the grammar flamming tools, and BTW, you need probably 8 Mil on average if you palnning on buying a castle, and to Stark's statement about troops in India, Starks' the US has troops in every thrid world country on this planet, we have thousands of troops in non war time all over this planet. But since you probably have never made it out of your little town, you wouldn't know that. Go flame those grammar comments to some thugs on teh street, see how long you last.

You didn't get the joke did you? Get it, outsourcing, get it? For the record, I know no one on these forums, people are siding with me because you and your buddy are huge fucking daft cunts.


Marine__3038 said:
Also Starkey Not Role playen, thats for kids. We all grew up we don't play with dolls any more. This is a NORMAL guild. NOT kitty land.

Well then don't post it on any of the RP boards dipshit >.<


Well Gentalmen I'm sorry but your all wroung.India Company is a military term. Like Alpha,Beta, etc. WE use the Greek aplhabet to "label" company's. When some one says there company is what ever, thats just the company they servered under.Does not mean there in india the country.An yes Sir Jarhead you and I both know thats a generic way of putting it, but trying to keep it simple.Anyway an a MOS is a military occupation specialty.Mine was 0311 which means Combat Support. AKA reinforcements just another devision of the Inf. basicly. Some people refer to us as ground pounders, grunts what ever.Anyway theres my generic description for thoses not smart enuff to pick up a paper or those who don't watch the news. Considering were at war. An before you ask why I'm not at war, because I was not activated. My enlistment ended right after september 11.While were on this topic with all seriousness, I think it would be great if anyone knows someone who is servering. It would be nice to post ethier a welcome home, or remeberance post for our men and women servering. In fact the other day I watched a special on my company raiding a camp. A few men died. I think it would be good after reading this we took a molment of silence for them. Thank You. If no one makes the remeberance post on the site. I'll ask the admin personaly and suggest it in a e-mail my self.Sorry if I depressed anyone with this post.


Wow, I make mistakes... you work on a computer that you basically code yet you can't spell for shit. It makes me wonder how your coding comes out nice enough to run. Working at microsoft systems... Yeah. At best bet you fucked bill gates in the ass and he felt bad for you. Consider what fantasy job you choose. You should have said you were a janitor or something... Make it a little more believeable... Or at least run your post through microsoft word so it doesn't look like a third grader's work.
Miricile? what the Fuck kind of half assed spelling is that. Go back to school, please. I beg of thee.


The military uses the NATO alphabet if I'm not mistaken, well actually I really don't remember what its called, but its changed every few years.Foxtrot and hotel really don't sound too Greek to me.

"Also Starkey Not Role playen, thats for kids. We all grew up we don't play with dolls any more. This is a NORMAL guild. NOT kitty land."

How is roleplaying childish, also how is roleplaying in anyway affiliated with dolls? You sir, are a dipshit and have proven that your narrow-mindedness makes you no more intelligent than a child in elementary school. Also another thing about dolls, notice what that little picture of you character is called? Its called a paper doll, so technically everyone is still playing withdolls.


Yes Sir Jarhead true not all our greek but most our.At lest thats the way it was when I servered.Hell who knows they change shit all the time.


Acually I'm aware of my bad spelling and i don't care.I would die with out spell checker.An i hardly ever read what i typed to check for errors so i'm sure if i did read it would look better but ask me if i care.Hell no i don't care so flame on suck my balls i don't care.Spelling is not a requrement to start a shard or guild.Anyway I don't give a fuck.
Starkley said:
Oh goody! More work to critique.

First, I want to address your problem with rampant elipses. It is fine to end with a single period, friend.

Next, let's work on your insults, the current ones you're using are on a third grade level. Allow me to hazard a guess here, but you are probably at least in the fifth grade, correct? Ok, the ubiquitous "STFU" is indeed overly used, and you my friend have used it numerous times in that single post. It will simply not do.

Here are some insults that pertain to you:
I don't know what makes you such a fucking moron, but it really works!

Congratulations; you're a perfect argument against brother-sister marriages!

Or the simple: daft cunt, which accurately describes you!

Please use these if you wish, friend!


You do not need to all caps this single word, you can italicize if you wish to make it stand out, but all caps is quite annoying. You don't need it to drive the point home, friend.


Please, if you choose to use this word again, I'm afraid you will have to commit suicide.


I believe the word is "ground".


Break*, this isn't a car, friend.

"BTW Peps = people u nub......"

I knew this, friend, I wanted to further demonstrate how this was a joke. It seems to have gone over some people's heads, hmm.

Edit: I noticed "Lanfear" in your name. Now I see why you are so intellectually devoid, friend. Wheel of Time is probably the worst Fantasy series(Next to Sword of Truth), and is one of the reasons the genre has such a bad rep. This mediocre series went downhill(Which is not much of an accomplishment) after book six, everything else is just filler and trite geared to sell books to mouth-breathers like you. Oh, forgot, friend!

I see the fuck up fairy has visited us again. This will not do. Where to start, where to start.

"I agree with Dan,"

This does not bode well, you made your first mistake, and it's a huge one, from the start!

Friend, my life is not boring. I grade papers from 5-10 p.m. putting droll little messages on the papers with red ink. Most are quite derogative, and the students usually commit suicide or weep after they see them. I sodomize my dog at 11, and then I watch some T.V., that's my typical weekend. If you wish to buy my biography, let me know!

"Anyways, a marine guild sounds cool,"

Frankly, it doesn't. I can think of few things that are more lame in a game based in mediaeval times.

"k thx"

Oh dear, I see that you are hopeless. Well, no point in further trying! Farewell, friends!

P.S. Is your name from Robin Hobb? If so, you will have to change it, that series of books is too good for you, friend.

Oh yeah, I wanted to add something, nobody cares because we all bow to you my fucking forum god.