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-Ping ah o


Lol, can I remind you guys who came to seek conflict today? Or perhaps you, KiddViking was with that 7k ping when you and your guildmates came and sieged our GH? And when we drived you away and took the fight to your GH you all "mysteriously" started having high ping. I cant say my internet is very good but with the average of 500-600 ms I can surely say that most of you are with eaqual/better connections. YOU might have had lag, one of my guildmates was with about 8000ms+ BUT all the times i saw pepsi running between your castle and the other houses nearby we had to dismount kim to have any chance to catch him. Noone forced you to fight with such ping, you could've stayed inside. You came seeking fight, a fight is what you got.


I dont trust or use -ping
but anyway... :rolleyes:

If you lag you lag get a different ISP with a better route to the server thats the only way your ping will improve.


Dathras said:
8000MS means he can't even walk..
It means that it takes 8 seconds to register a change with the server. Thats a long time. No way could you even walk around your house with a ping like that.


with a ping at 8000ms (8 seconds) i would think you would be disconnected care of mr connection time out.


zord said:
with a ping at 8000ms (8 seconds) i would think you would be disconnected care of mr connection time out.

see my video,talking with ture!

download video



Dude then if you lag its your connection route to the server or you have a peice of crap modem.

I would love to know how people who complain about lag can out run others with pings around 250ms or LOWER.. :rolleyes: (things i have heard)


a little offtopic

After building Napalm [the battle tower right by R.W.`s HQ] I feel really sorry that I missed the massacre both near my GH and the R.W.`s HQ :D anyway .. see you in fel ^_^
zord said:
Hidding something?

I am really fed up to see you being so sceptical. All I wanted is to let both side stop whining and making excuses on pings --- they should pay more attention on the pvp fight instead of arguing on the internet. If you know nothing about the fight between RW and FoA then please do not make any comments on this.
haha your connections suck, i connect to that chinese uo server with 92 ping. Thats lower than my current demise ping, of 118, (if i use cmd prompt, my ping for demise is 29, as compared to google's 36)


Murdock [R.W] said:
I am really fed up to see you being so sceptical. All I wanted is to let both side stop whining and making excuses on pings --- they should pay more attention on the pvp fight instead of arguing on the internet. If you know nothing about the fight between RW and FoA then please do not make any comments on this.

Im just saying what i have heard :p
And with those stories i dont understand how you can complain you have lag..

Anyway for the 3rd time.
If you have a crap connection to the server the lag will not go away so stop chucking a hissy fit and deal with it.


Dathras said:
8000MS means he can't even walk..
Thats right. Keeping loosing connection, not being able to take 3 steps when managing to connect... still kiddviking claims having 5k ping and being able to play. weird, isnt it? I wouldnt even bother to play with more than 1000ms ping, even PvM.