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PvP Academy


PvP Academy

Hello, My name is Rza of NME, I know there is a large desire among the PVM players of Demise to learn how to properly fight in PvP and what gear, skills, templates they will need to know to have a chance. Here is my offer.

I have opened a PvP Academy, Now, I am far from the greatest player on demise, but I am well known, and hold my own, my promise, by the time you graduate, you too will be able to say this.

Fee: 1 Million Gold

Reward: An unset time to trian with myself and other well known pvpers until you can be confident on the field of battle. Careful instruction on how to gear yourself. Proper set up and use of Razor and hot key macros for mages. Tweaking of templates.

Being able to fight off a raid: Priceless.

Any interested, PM me with your name, your template, why you feel you should be accepted into the Academy and your hours of play. Despite the fee, I will be VERY selective on those allowed in. If your intentions as a player are other than honorable, you WILL be passed up. I only desire to trian those that mean to play with dignity, respect, and honor.
Re: PvP Academy

Step One: Ally The whole shard
Step Two: Dont fight unless you have 3x there numbers
Step Three: Get access to every brit gate house
Step Four: Set up a fireball Ma spam

Lol sorry but this post was just starin me down and no one posted on it yet...


Re: PvP Academy

prohunter33;244839 said:
Step One: Ally The whole shard
Step Two: Dont fight unless you have 3x there numbers
Step Three: Get access to every brit gate house
Step Four: Set up a fireball Ma spam
step one and three are for sure true. roly's stamp of approval.


Re: PvP Academy

lordwolf;244824 said:
Rza of NME...
how to properly fight in PvP and what gear, skills, templates they will need to know to have a chance. Here is my offer.

I have opened a PvP Academy, Now, I am far from the greatest player on demise, but I am well known, and hold my own, my promise, by the time you graduate, you too will be able to say this.

Fee: 1 Million Gold

Reward: An unset time to trian with myself and other well known pvpers until you can be confident on the field of battle. Careful instruction on how to gear yourself. Proper set up and use of Razor and hot key macros for mages. Tweaking of templates.

Being able to fight off a raid: Priceless.

Any interested, PM me with your name, your template, why you feel you should be accepted into the Academy and your hours of play. Despite the fee, I will be VERY selective on those allowed in. If your intentions as a player are other than honorable, you WILL be passed up. I only desire to trian those that mean to play with dignity, respect, and honor.

I was going to bold a few more things, but well... probably better just writting:
1) Who is going to teach you first what gear/skills to have, so you can teach others? Last time I saw you (briefly), my char killed you with explo + flamestrike + pain spike..... and my char is not even really a pvp char..
2) Something I totally agree with you on is that you are far from the greatest player on Demise... that's something nobody can say otherwise.
3) Is that set of "well known" pvp'ers that will train the players in the "academy" the same set of "well known" pvp'ers that just hide in the houses around britain during server wars?
4) Will the class be something like:
Lesson 1: How to get access to the houses around brit's gate.
Lesson 2: What parts of the house you have to hide in not to get hit.
Lesson 3: How to run to the front of the house, cast and run back to the safe areas again.
Lesson 4: How to whine and cry when you are killed outside the house.

Thank you for answering the questions.


Re: PvP Academy

Dont forget, E. is helping guilds with these things for free...let alone a mil per person. You just have to be qualified.

Good luck to anyone paying for "NME academy". They cant defend a raid even when outnumbering, let alone an even fight.
Re: PvP Academy

I remember when Kazz did this a while back, and asked for an Orny teaching everything he knows about UO and Demise.

I'm curious if anyone took him up on that. I thought about it heavily when I had two of them, and didn't use one. Decided against it though. I figure with being taught many things by probably the shards most well known player, also comes privaledges of friendship, and allies. But then again, why should we have to BUY those things?

ignore me.... i'm totally just rambling on about nothing. lol


Re: PvP Academy

Argyle;244860 said:
Dont forget, E. is helping guilds with these things for free...let alone a mil per person. You just have to be qualified.

Good luck to anyone paying for "NME academy". They cant defend a raid even when outnumbering, let alone an even fight.

so how does one get "qualified"? E. rocks, ill give em that (ive felt the smack down but once...thats all it took for me too tuck tail and run back to the guant,), just wondering is all

to topic.

Wolves your cool dude, but 1 mil, seems a bit steep to learn something that i could learn by trial and error. (or from someone else for free as stated previously...)

but still, pvp school. props for originality, tuition is just a bit high =)
Re: PvP Academy

Honestly, rza, if you're going to be so selective about who you take why charge? Those are the players that almost anyone would be happy to help.


Re: PvP Academy

UMM I just found this the most ironic picture

it says you house hiding faggot.


  • lol.JPG
    35.8 KB · Views: 97


Re: PvP Academy

I dont think you guys are being fair. When kazz had posted it no one flamed him, and yes this is a somewhat different situation. But still Rza has some skill and knowledge that can help greatly to enter more people into the pvp scene. Just stop flaming, for those that flaming are obvouisly pvpers (other than drakull I think) This post isnt directed at you guys.


Re: PvP Academy

well i mean i just think that 1kk gold to be taught by someone who dies to explosion fs is not worth it, i mean ill do it for free ;/


Re: PvP Academy

Luigi that was one incident, and yeah 1 mil maybe high but to whoever wants to know that maybe worth it. I respect you luigi, back when i first started and ToT's were still in you helped me, I dont remember how but you helped me haha. And ever since you join e. your ego has jumped by 10 fold, and you flaming like crazy man.

Scorpio X

Re: PvP Academy

craig;245125 said:
I dont think you guys are being fair. When kazz had posted it no one flamed him, and yes this is a somewhat different situation. But still Rza has some skill and knowledge that can help greatly to enter more people into the pvp scene. Just stop flaming, for those that flaming are obvouisly pvpers (other than drakull I think) This post isnt directed at you guys.
Kaz did get flamed. I think people are looking at how Rza's guild plays (houses ect) and don't understand what they could learn. Thus the flaming.
luigi-demise;245126 said:
well i mean i just think that 1kk gold to be taught by someone who dies to explosion fs is not worth it, i mean ill do it for free ;/
:( i pk u 4 free!