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Dr Zoidberg


_Choru_ said:
I guess a shitty, slow working poorly desinged auto cure made in razor makes up for all of the above doesnt it.

Lets tally up and see if youre whining or just running propaganda (actually i know the answer, but for the sake of logical deduction, i will explain why).

You complained about KUOC because of:

-Remove the walls from houses-
-Instantly ban anyone from the house-
-Bring up target areas for any AOE spells-
-Have a hold poisen when poisend feature-
-Have party bars that dont randomly fuck up when new people join the party-
-Play a sound upon being stunned-
-Totally ignore all doors ingame, allowing for a much faster 'auto open door' system-
-Stop a red from running over a guardline, thus getting guardwacked-

So lets see. First of all, a friend in ventrilo just informed me of his new razor macro. IT PLAYS A SOUND WHEN HE GETS STUNNED/STUNS. So im taking that one off the list, allrighty? Good. I dont care if its 10ms slower or wtf. Its off the list. Was a minor minor minor advantage to begin with and now i see that razor can do it as well.

Then i'd like to be reasonable. The fact that opendoor is better on KUOC than on razor, but isnt faster than a player using the OpenDoor macro leads me to belive it should be off the list. Byebye whineoption about opendoor, youre off the list. Also, id like to point out that you dont get stuck on razor with the opendoor feature when you try to open/close a door in a way it cant be opened/closed. I can show you at jenovas keep, i constantly get stuck in those doors. ITS OFF THE LIST.

Lets consider the ban feature then. The automated ban feature is unstable. Like i said, if your ally has died and is in stat and now comes back on an alt, you would end up banning him (unless he already was on friendslist). Basically, its not such an uber hax since it might take out an ally, i suggest just making an "Say I ban thee" macro like i have on KUOC and using that instead manually so you dont ban allies. ITS OFF THE LIST. YOU HEAR ME? ITS OFF THE LIST.

That leads me to the party bars fucking up. Oh noes, my screen is ugly and i have to take a minute to clean it up. Uber hax that KUOC saves me that minute. I agree that its smart that you dont have to clean up on KUOC and its not that smart to go into combat with a messed up screen regarding the partybars, but then try typing / WAIT A MINUTE PLEASE and im sure this uber hax is basically irrelevant. In short, its off the list.

About the guardlines. Im not sure if I should take that off the list. Personally i see it more as a handicap than a bonus when im PKing, because i already know where guardlines are, and if i didnt i would do fine with the "hmm, im prolly in guards soon" notion combined with the "YOU ARE NOW UNDER THE PROTECTIN OF CITY GUARDS" message i get when im in guards, so basically the KUOC guardlines is just something i have to hold CTRL-SHIFT down to pass when im chasing this grey idiot into town, because im allowed in town on my red. This would be an uber hax if reds were not allowed in town, they happen to be. Im taking this off the list, honestly. You might disagree, but thats irrelevant.

That basically leaves us with this.

-Remove the walls from houses-
-Bring up target areas for any AOE spells-
-Have a hold poisen when poisend feature-

Yes, lets block the fuck out of this baby. I know, i know, its because of the plugins. But people aint whining "good thing KUOC is blocked, the plugins was too much cheating", people are whining (and have been for aeons) "KUOC IS A SUPA HAX CHEAT TOOL THAT CAN MAKE FOURTY KEGS OF GE WHILE PVPING AND TURN ME INTO A KRAKEN WITH 450 HP§!!!!!! I DIED TO A PERSON THAT EXPLO GE EB'ed ME AND HE COULD ONLY DO THAT BECAUSE HE IS HAXKCING AND IM SO BLABLABLBALBALBALBALBALBALBALBALBALBAL". You get my point. I agree that the plugins was too much, but KUOC without the plugins isnt a cheat tool like so many morons whine.

Lets tally up these 3 complaints you have with KUOC and compare them with the beef i have with razor+normal client as compared to KUOC.

First of all, razor, i hate you for this:

Customizeable macros. Go away please, UO was a game meant to be played and not to be automated. Being able to assign them hotkeys or loop them (the looping combined with if-then-else) was over the top tho, and practically allowed people to make their own hax to use in pvp. Imo, BAD IDEA. REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA.

Lets continue. Sticky bars. Yes, i will gladly change target to Dude B instead of Dude A, i dragged their bars fourty minutes ago. HI CHEAT. HI CHEAT THAT MATTERS ALOT. HI STUPID FUCKING CHEAT. This cheat alone is fourty times worse than the 3 lines we were left with after analysing your complaint (but about 1/50th of the customizeable macros honestly). Let me continue.

Range Check Last Target. I dont remember having that on KUOC. Thats smart, that it keeps my spell up when i mash last target while chasing someone and it only drops it when im in range.

Count Stealth Steps and Always Show Stealth Steps. I dont remember KUOC having that either. Not that i use it, but i dont play a thief. Good thing we have this in razor because i cant count to 20 while playing.

Customizeable display counter. Damn, thats pretty smart.

Heal/Cure Self
Mini-Heal/Cure Self

I have no comment to the two "spells" above (yes they are under "spells" in hotkeys, now UO has 66 spells).

Filters on the first tab? Damn thats smart. So i dont have to turn off ALL the sound like i do on KUOC? I can just keep the relevant sounds, nice.

Wheres that In Lor hack? Yeah im talking about the always-light thing razor has, i cant find it. Was it removed? Because that was simply a plain out hack. A feature designed to make a spell in the game irrelevant (or a potion). Not the most important and vital hack, but its quite simply a cheat. "Do you need In Lor like everyone else Sir Lancerlot?" "no thx d00d, i hax".

Then theres this agent named AutoSearchExemptions. I dont know what that does, but judging by the name, its something that shouldnt have been added. "Auto" = bad. M'kay? Anyway, feel free to explain what that does, whoever knows it. Unless its a really bad hax that people shouldnt know about, then just send me a PM. Thats right.

The last tabs i have to go thru are Video Capture and Screenshots. I have no problem with those, i think that one of the best things zippy put in razor at all was "record packet video", many thanks for that. Sorry about bashing the rest of your program.

I do like razor tho. I really like how i can set a macro to "last target, cast spell energybolt, waitfortaget, last target" and assign it to a key so i really dont have to play at all. I just have to press F1 when the nice lady in ventrilo says "1". Isnt that smart? I barely have to play to compete. Yes, i know i can do this in KUOC as well, but with razor it doesnt matter who my last target is because i can just change it.


I know I sound grumpy. I dont like it when people, in effect, compensates for actual playing skill with software. And im not really a fan of hypocricy either.

EDIT: I agree with ryans decision to block KUOC because the plugins were getting out of hand. Im just really tired of all the whiny fucks that dont know if KUOC is a new flavor of icecream whining about it.

Dr Zoidberg


_Choru_ said:
.mul file manipulation, just the same way tree hack works.

Yup. But its a hack built in to one of the programs, in effect making it a "hax program".

Yknow, a program with hax init.


EDIT: I wish i had land hax.



Dr Zoidberg said:
So lets see. First of all, a friend in ventrilo just informed me of his new razor macro. IT PLAYS A SOUND WHEN HE GETS STUNNED/STUNS. So im taking that one off the list, allrighty? Good. I dont care if its 10ms slower or wtf. Its off the list. Was a minor minor minor advantage to begin with and now i see that razor can do it as well.
Gonna have to call bullshit on that. Razor macros can't call a sound function that I know of.


Master of the Interweb

[/QUOTE]Ill just through your points one by one and show you how in many occasions razor has a SIMILAR tool available, but on every occasion KUOC is superior. Also you've approached my points in a manner that would indicate I claim KUOC plays the game for you, I've never once said that, my arguement has also ways been it makes things far EASIER.

Dr Zoidberg said:
No, but try holding down CTRL-SHIFT. A +1 tho, since I can understand why you consider it an advantage. I dont, i use allnames when on razor and it works fine.

You can compare all name to actaully physically seeing where the person in, yes its a similar feature but KUOC just does it better and its automatic.

No offence, but thats probably the most irrelevant advantage KUOC has. +1 anyhow, yeh. Also its easy enough to ban fast with razor, just make a "i ban thee" macro and click a few times. The . ibanthee always ends up throwing allies outside because its a friended newbie using it.

You realise a razor macro could quite possibly pick up people outside of the house, meaning those insides dont get banned that time around, also if you set up your KUOC properly it would never throw out your allies, your inability to set up your own client is not a reason to bring it down.

My KUOC doesnt do that. Btw, set your razors object delay to 0. No +1.

Again, something wrong with your configuration if your having problems with object delay, furthermore setting an object delay of 0 in razor is the most stupid thing you could ever do, as it will just bug out queue all the actions and not actually do anything at all.

Yep, KUOC does that. A -minor- advantage, very minor. And for me a disadvantage because i dont play on a monster PC so that lags me up when i load MS. Btw, its no problem hitting with a MS/CL without it. A +1 nonetheless.

Its a massive advantage, as you dont have to look and count out 3 tiles in any given situation in a big red square, the fact that your PC struggles to handle it does not take away from the fact that its another example of KUOC making UO easier.

Razor has that kinda crap also. And im pretty sure KUOCs isnt 100% working, but i cant log on to test it right now because of the block. Its not worth using tho, for the X% where it turns out wrong. But yeah, KUOCs might be better, i dont know for sure. Never actually tested it and compared with razors, only played on both programs. I refuse to give a +1 there because its not 100% and i havent compared it with razors. I think you are talking about stuff youre not 100% certain about here.

Ive used KUOC and I could just load heal, while its loading queue my target and hold down last target, do that in razor and you will lose the heal, trust me I am 100% certain, I dont make claims when I have not tested things for myself. I've never once heard a kuoc user complain 'fuck my block heal just fucked up' Ive heard razor useres say it numerous times. Either way imho its a cheat feature on both clients.

Yeah thats a bit gimp as well. Its not hard to see when the bar turns back from green to, but i follow your logic. UO pvp is about the miliseconds. So its a +1.

No, its not hard to see a bar change colour, but being able to hold down a button knowing its going to work AS SOON as the person is cured removed the need for human reflexes, which is after all, what used to make people good at this game.

OH NOES. Im not dignifying that with an answer. No +1.[/QUOTE]

Then you are ignorant to how fast a KUOC can leave house compared to a razor user, allowing people to basically bunny hop around areas with lots of housing.

UOAM works a lot better than KUOCs partymap and is legal here. Its not KUOCs fault that you dont use UOAM with razor legal boy. Stick to the proper arguments rather than trying to look right. LEGAL BOY.

Also, UOAM can have more people on than a full party afaik. WHICH I WOULD SCREAM HAX ABOUT IF KUOC COULDNT WORK WITH UOAM AS WELL!!!!!!!

(yes that would have been a valid advantage for razor and quite a big one as well) That one almost deserves a -1, but this IS about the programs and not LEGAL BOYS trying to run a tad of propaganda, so youre off the hook.

Is this a serious answer? Surely it cant be, this MUST be some kind of joke, UOAM is a TERRIBLE program, its extremely laggy, there has been occasions where someone has asked for help and UOAM has them maybe an entire screen away. UOAM also requires someone to host the server and requires you to log in, so not at all as convenient as simply typing /add and someone else typing /accept

Luxury problem really. If the team cba to pause for 5 to let the new dude get bars, either the new dude dont need bars, or theres no time to party him anyway. No +1 here.

What if its a rush job, 2 weeks ago I logged on recalled to brit gate to join a fight Jenova parties me and off we go looking for Racecar, whos being ganked, he comes on screen (I have gheal preloaded) but I fail to clock him in time and he dies, had I been on KUOC this would not have been a problem, as his bar would have been on my screen already and I'd have known EXACTLY what health he was on. So no, not simply a luxury feature.

Agreed, +1 for KUOC. Again, luxury, but this discussion IS about the tiny details and nitpicking. (kinda funny that the one program is blocked when the discussion is about details, but meh). Its alot to +1 for this tho, because its a "oh noes my screen is not pretty" problem, but when i consider what i have earlier +1'ed for, this should almost be +2. Only +1 tho.

So, were in a fight and someone turns up midfight, gets added to the party, suddenly 2 of my bars have jumped OFF MY SCREEN, meaning to heal them i need to drag thier bars again, which in turn will bug out the rest of my bars, so really I have to close my entire teams bars and redrag them all again, whilst I'm doing that my team takes a dump I miss the heal as I have no bar up and they die. Its not about my screen looking pretty its about things being where they are meant to be. I know its not KUOC's fault that the UO client sucks ass, it is however an advanrage a kuoc user holds over a razor user.

Yeah thats an advantage i guess. Personally i always play without sound because i <3 music, but that is an advantage yes. Not a big one, but an advantage none-the-less. Again, the nitpicking and the details tbh, but thats fine, its what this discussion is about. Does this "sound when stunned" work on other party members btw? Like if my friend on kuoc gets stunned, do i hear a sound?

Because if the answer to that is "no" then i dont really care about the sound. If i only get it when i get stunned personally, then i dont need it. I dont find it that hard to notice when i get stunned.

AFAIK yes you do hear a sound, and you get notified on your screen in red letters. The fact that you dont take advantage of this tool does not remove from the fact that its there.

dragtobag is a luxury looting mechanism, agreed. It is -however- not faster than the optimal looting, and sometimes it even fucks up. If you que an item that another person loots, it fucks up and doesnt move any further, and by the time you noticed the corpse is dry.

Basically, NOT AN ADVANTAGE AND ONLY SILLY/LAZY PEOPLE USE IT. Its not optimal. And tbh, the lewting back in the days down at bone magis/knights in deciet was faster.

So your arguement is, the tool sucks because you cant figure out how to use it properly, Ill help you out here, you spam your .dragtobag hotkey and queue teh loot, if its buggs out and gets stuck on a piece of loot you hit your .clearmoves button, not hard, not slow, still faster than manual looting.

Leapfrog is a silly toy krrios should never have included. You have to have 10 ping and an extreme PC to not be slowed down by it tho, and if you run so that leapfrog cant place the bag in front of you, you stop moving. Again, NOT AN ADVANTAGE JSUT A SILLY TOY. DONT USE IT IN PVP OR YOU WILL END UP DYING BECAUSE OF IT.

I've used it with my 500 ping and never had a problem with it all, I was at an IDOC and managed to get away with 20k of each reg because I could just pick up the bag, hit a hot key and run.

Yeah, i love that. But just remove it anyway, its not faster than i was on razor with my OpenDoor macro tbh (which was not a razor macro, for the record, it was a macro inside the UO client, you just hit it a wee bit before you reach the door (based on lag) and you will fly thru it like there were no door).

I will allow a +1 for that one though, because it actually means that the KUOC user will have to press 1 button less when walking thru a door and i can see why thats so unbalancing.

Nail on the head, without it youd have to press a button, so you admit its easier for a KUOC user, how noble of you. Also KUOC can run right through hidden doors, so no need to be on the look out for those, with your macro you would be.

That does not make you faster. No +1.

Not faster, smoother.

Yeah, i was kinda dissapointed when i saw that in KUOC. Was a newbish addon imo. But since youre allowed to be red in town here and all that shit, i wouldnt really consider it a huge advantage either. But an advantage none-the-less, and we are doing this discussion by the book, so +1 advantage KUOC.

You can be red in town, you cant attack people in town tho, so you know exactly where you can and cant drop a spell, its a BIG advantage.

Youre going to have to rephrase that one, i dont understand. Do you mean that i can start a GE and then start EB without cancelling GE cursor? Because i just did that on razor. No +1 for the time being..

Ok, in razor you cast explosion, hit your pot macro, then CANCEL the pot target, target ure explo, cast EB, BRING BACK URE EXPLO TARGET, then target ure pot, then target ure eb.

In kuoc it queus the various targets, so non of that button mashing.


Master of the Interweb

Dr Zoidberg said:
Lets tally up and see if youre whining or just running propaganda (actually i know the answer, but for the sake of logical deduction, i will explain why).

You complained about KUOC because of:

-Remove the walls from houses-
-Instantly ban anyone from the house-
-Bring up target areas for any AOE spells-
-Have a hold poisen when poisend feature-
-Have party bars that dont randomly fuck up when new people join the party-
-Play a sound upon being stunned-
-Totally ignore all doors ingame, allowing for a much faster 'auto open door' system-
-Stop a red from running over a guardline, thus getting guardwacked-

So lets see. First of all, a friend in ventrilo just informed me of his new razor macro. IT PLAYS A SOUND WHEN HE GETS STUNNED/STUNS. So im taking that one off the list, allrighty? Good. I dont care if its 10ms slower or wtf. Its off the list. Was a minor minor minor advantage to begin with and now i see that razor can do it as well.

Then i'd like to be reasonable. The fact that opendoor is better on KUOC than on razor, but isnt faster than a player using the OpenDoor macro leads me to belive it should be off the list. Byebye whineoption about opendoor, youre off the list. Also, id like to point out that you dont get stuck on razor with the opendoor feature when you try to open/close a door in a way it cant be opened/closed. I can show you at jenovas keep, i constantly get stuck in those doors. ITS OFF THE LIST.

Lets consider the ban feature then. The automated ban feature is unstable. Like i said, if your ally has died and is in stat and now comes back on an alt, you would end up banning him (unless he already was on friendslist). Basically, its not such an uber hax since it might take out an ally, i suggest just making an "Say I ban thee" macro like i have on KUOC and using that instead manually so you dont ban allies. ITS OFF THE LIST. YOU HEAR ME? ITS OFF THE LIST.

That leads me to the party bars fucking up. Oh noes, my screen is ugly and i have to take a minute to clean it up. Uber hax that KUOC saves me that minute. I agree that its smart that you dont have to clean up on KUOC and its not that smart to go into combat with a messed up screen regarding the partybars, but then try typing / WAIT A MINUTE PLEASE and im sure this uber hax is basically irrelevant. In short, its off the list.

About the guardlines. Im not sure if I should take that off the list. Personally i see it more as a handicap than a bonus when im PKing, because i already know where guardlines are, and if i didnt i would do fine with the "hmm, im prolly in guards soon" notion combined with the "YOU ARE NOW UNDER THE PROTECTIN OF CITY GUARDS" message i get when im in guards, so basically the KUOC guardlines is just something i have to hold CTRL-SHIFT down to pass when im chasing this grey idiot into town, because im allowed in town on my red. This would be an uber hax if reds were not allowed in town, they happen to be. Im taking this off the list, honestly. You might disagree, but thats irrelevant.

That basically leaves us with this.

-Remove the walls from houses-
-Bring up target areas for any AOE spells-
-Have a hold poisen when poisend feature-

Yes, lets block the fuck out of this baby. I know, i know, its because of the plugins. But people aint whining "good thing KUOC is blocked, the plugins was too much cheating", people are whining (and have been for aeons) "KUOC IS A SUPA HAX CHEAT TOOL THAT CAN MAKE FOURTY KEGS OF GE WHILE PVPING AND TURN ME INTO A KRAKEN WITH 450 HP§!!!!!! I DIED TO A PERSON THAT EXPLO GE EB'ed ME AND HE COULD ONLY DO THAT BECAUSE HE IS HAXKCING AND IM SO BLABLABLBALBALBALBALBALBALBALBALBALBAL". You get my point. I agree that the plugins was too much, but KUOC without the plugins isnt a cheat tool like so many morons whine.

Lets tally up these 3 complaints you have with KUOC and compare them with the beef i have with razor+normal client as compared to KUOC.

First of all, razor, i hate you for this:

Customizeable macros. Go away please, UO was a game meant to be played and not to be automated. Being able to assign them hotkeys or loop them (the looping combined with if-then-else) was over the top tho, and practically allowed people to make their own hax to use in pvp. Imo, BAD IDEA. REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA.

Lets continue. Sticky bars. Yes, i will gladly change target to Dude B instead of Dude A, i dragged their bars fourty minutes ago. HI CHEAT. HI CHEAT THAT MATTERS ALOT. HI STUPID FUCKING CHEAT. This cheat alone is fourty times worse than the 3 lines we were left with after analysing your complaint (but about 1/50th of the customizeable macros honestly). Let me continue.

Range Check Last Target. I dont remember having that on KUOC. Thats smart, that it keeps my spell up when i mash last target while chasing someone and it only drops it when im in range.

Count Stealth Steps and Always Show Stealth Steps. I dont remember KUOC having that either. Not that i use it, but i dont play a thief. Good thing we have this in razor because i cant count to 20 while playing.

Customizeable display counter. Damn, thats pretty smart.

Heal/Cure Self
Mini-Heal/Cure Self

I have no comment to the two "spells" above (yes they are under "spells" in hotkeys, now UO has 66 spells).

Filters on the first tab? Damn thats smart. So i dont have to turn off ALL the sound like i do on KUOC? I can just keep the relevant sounds, nice.

Wheres that In Lor hack? Yeah im talking about the always-light thing razor has, i cant find it. Was it removed? Because that was simply a plain out hack. A feature designed to make a spell in the game irrelevant (or a potion). Not the most important and vital hack, but its quite simply a cheat. "Do you need In Lor like everyone else Sir Lancerlot?" "no thx d00d, i hax".

Then theres this agent named AutoSearchExemptions. I dont know what that does, but judging by the name, its something that shouldnt have been added. "Auto" = bad. M'kay? Anyway, feel free to explain what that does, whoever knows it. Unless its a really bad hax that people shouldnt know about, then just send me a PM. Thats right.

The last tabs i have to go thru are Video Capture and Screenshots. I have no problem with those, i think that one of the best things zippy put in razor at all was "record packet video", many thanks for that. Sorry about bashing the rest of your program.

I do like razor tho. I really like how i can set a macro to "last target, cast spell energybolt, waitfortaget, last target" and assign it to a key so i really dont have to play at all. I just have to press F1 when the nice lady in ventrilo says "1". Isnt that smart? I barely have to play to compete. Yes, i know i can do this in KUOC as well, but with razor it doesnt matter who my last target is because i can just change it.


I know I sound grumpy. I dont like it when people, in effect, compensates for actual playing skill with software. And im not really a fan of hypocricy either.

EDIT: I agree with ryans decision to block KUOC because the plugins were getting out of hand. Im just really tired of all the whiny fucks that dont know if KUOC is a new flavor of icecream whining about it.

You're first point was a lie, so I didnt waste any time reading further.

The bottom line is if KUOC didnt give you an advantage, why would you use it?

Dr Zoidberg


Ill just through your points one by one and show you how in many occasions razor has a SIMILAR tool available, but on every occasion KUOC is superior. Also you've approached my points in a manner that would indicate I claim KUOC plays the game for you[/QUOTE]

My post was not solely directed at you, it was directed at the "we hate KUOC"-community, where "kuoc plays the game for you" is one of the top 3 whines heard.

_Choru_ said:
You can compare all name to actaully physically seeing where the person in, yes its a similar feature but KUOC just does it better and its automatic.

That is true. If you want to see inside a house on razor, go next to it and hide/invis. I know its not the same and as effective as KUOCs "see-thru", but razors ctrl-shift can be used for so many other situations as well. Fx, getting bars from a turret.

KUOC does this thing better, yes, but razor has other advantages over KUOC, as you saw in my post (and as you so very well know yourself), my point here is that KUOC isnt "superior". Its "different". There are other areas where razor is way superior of KUOC, and you know it.

_Choru_ said:
You realise a razor macro could quite possibly pick up people outside of the house, meaning those insides dont get banned that time around, also if you set up your KUOC properly it would never throw out your allies, your inability to set up your own client is not a reason to bring it down.

I never said to make a "i ban thee target random grey" macro. I said to make a macro to say "i ban thee", so you get a cursor up and can target the person that you want banned. You dont need razor to make this macro.

Also, my "inability" to setup my KUOC is not the cause of me accidently banning someone with the . ibanthee feature. I play with you sometimes, what if you came on a whole new Choru because you deleted the old one and i never noticed that he wasnt on friendslist because I friended that character months ago? I play with your guild and had to do a fresh install of KUOC when i wanted to play again not too long ago, try counting up how many alts your guild have.

My point here is that the KUOC command . ibanthee is not 100% safe and secure and i explained why I personally wouldnt use it. Maybe its 99% or whatever, but i refuse to fuck up those 1% of the times, simply because i wanted to automate my play. I have ALSO seen on numerous occations idiot enemies accidently ban one of their group of 5 that then desperatly tried to get back into the house, but simply died.

Im glad those people can not set KUOC or razor up to the fullest extent, they would cheat as much as humanly possible.

_Choru_ said:
Again, something wrong with your configuration if your having problems with object delay, furthermore setting an object delay of 0 in razor is the most stupid thing you could ever do, as it will just bug out queue all the actions and not actually do anything at all.

I have it set to 0 right now and my longer tamer automated pvp macros works fine.

_Choru_ said:
Its a massive advantage, as you dont have to look and count out 3 tiles in any given situation in a big red square, the fact that your PC struggles to handle it does not take away from the fact that its another example of KUOC making UO easier.

Oh, i agree. The fact that I personally cant abuse it as much as other people can, does not take away from blablabla. I agree.

However, i still dont see it as a massive advantage that i have some red blob on my screen telling me what i already know. And lagging me.

Yes, it would probably be a "massive advantage" for people that didnt know MS was AoE, or how big. I dont consider that abuse though.

_Choru_ said:
Ive used KUOC and I could just load heal, while its loading queue my target and hold down last target, do that in razor and you will lose the heal, trust me I am 100% certain, I dont make claims when I have not tested things for myself. I've never once heard a kuoc user complain 'fuck my block heal just fucked up' Ive heard razor useres say it numerous times. Either way imho its a cheat feature on both clients.

But what if the ally that was being dropped was not your last target? Then it would surely be handy to be able to change target while keeping a spell up.

Btw, next time a razor user whines about his block heal shit fucks up, please laugh at him and tell him automated UO is bad.

_Choru_ said:
No, its not hard to see a bar change colour, but being able to hold down a button knowing its going to work AS SOON as the person is cured removed the need for human reflexes, which is after all, what used to make people good at this game.

I agree 100%. Thats also one of the points i did not take away. Seeing as how it only applies to poison, however, i dont consider it something that massively impacts pvp. Tbh, right now i cant think of a situation where it would have a major effect, outside a 2v2 duel with no pots. Or a bigger duel ofc.

_Choru_ said:
Then you are ignorant to how fast a KUOC can leave house compared to a razor user, allowing people to basically bunny hop around areas with lots of housing.

Probably. I dont see this as a reason to hate on KUOC, however. I see it as a reason to remove the whole "leave house" shit.

_Choru_ said:
Is this a serious answer? Surely it cant be, this MUST be some kind of joke, UOAM is a TERRIBLE program, its extremely laggy, there has been occasions where someone has asked for help and UOAM has them maybe an entire screen away. UOAM also requires someone to host the server and requires you to log in, so not at all as convenient as simply typing /add and someone else typing /accept

hrhrhrhrhrhr its still choru said:
your inability to set up your own client is not a reason to bring it down.

Yes, it should be "software" instead of client, but you get the point. UOAM has worked flawlessly for me. Kinda funny how you apparently seem to be better at setting up KUOC than me, but i seem better at setting up normal client + accesories than you.

_Choru_ said:
What if its a rush job, 2 weeks ago I logged on recalled to brit gate to join a fight Jenova parties me and off we go looking for Racecar, whos being ganked, he comes on screen (I have gheal preloaded) but I fail to clock him in time and he dies, had I been on KUOC this would not have been a problem, as his bar would have been on my screen already and I'd have known EXACTLY what health he was on. So no, not simply a luxury feature.

Maybe you should have been gating out instead of joining a fight you were not ready for (obivousley not ready for)?

Yes, krrios client would have saved your hide there (or maybe it would), but your own stupidity in chosing the fight on such unsteady ground is not KUOCs fault. Even if KUOC would have saved you. Its a luxury, you did not have to take that fight. You could have gated out and taken some bars.

Yes, i agree that KUOC would have removed the skill that was needed for saving racecar in your situation (maybe you should have some kuoc btw). I am 100% against using software as a substitute for skill.

_Choru_ said:
So, were in a fight and someone turns up midfight, gets added to the party, suddenly 2 of my bars have jumped OFF MY SCREEN, meaning to heal them i need to drag thier bars again, which in turn will bug out the rest of my bars, so really I have to close my entire teams bars and redrag them all again, whilst I'm doing that my team takes a dump I miss the heal as I have no bar up and they die. Its not about my screen looking pretty its about things being where they are meant to be. I know its not KUOC's fault that the UO client sucks ass, it is however an advanrage a kuoc user holds over a razor user.

And in turn the normal client user with razor gets sticky bars and the ability to change the last target while holding a spell up. This is superior compared with krrios client automatically dragging partybars and keeping them locked.

Advantage razor.

_Choru_ said:
AFAIK yes you do hear a sound, and you get notified on your screen in red letters. The fact that you dont take advantage of this tool does not remove from the fact that its there.

Then add some red letters to your razor macro. Or a red party message. Or whatever.

_Choru_ said:
So your arguement is, the tool sucks because you cant figure out how to use it properly, Ill help you out here, you spam your .dragtobag hotkey and queue teh loot, if its buggs out and gets stuck on a piece of loot you hit your .clearmoves button, not hard, not slow, still faster than manual looting.

No, not faster than manual looting. I dont want to offend you here, but if you honestly mean that its faster than manual looting then you are a newbie. You will never be able to convince me of that, i have seen bone magis drop with 6 items on their corpse and in less than half a second the corpse being dry. Sometimes before the animation was done.

This was before easyUO and all the loot scripts.

_Choru_ said:
I've used it with my 500 ping and never had a problem with it all, I was at an IDOC and managed to get away with 20k of each reg because I could just pick up the bag, hit a hot key and run.

Funny, i have 450 ping and it really slows me down massively. But yes, i agree that leapfrog should be removed. It is, however, not influencing pvp really and i dont care about idocs.

_Choru_ said:
Nail on the head, without it youd have to press a button, so you admit its easier for a KUOC user, how noble of you. Also KUOC can run right through hidden doors, so no need to be on the look out for those, with your macro you would be.

I am a very noble person, but thats probably because i dont argue to be right, but argue to reach a higher truth collectively for all users involved in the discussion. And yes, its very handy that it can run thru hidden doors. I died to that once in a custom house because i got stuck closing a door i couldnt close because another dude stood in the doorway and everything just resynchronised out.

That was because i did not know the door was there. I agree that the feature is more helpful than hurting, but i dont consider it "whine-material" since its just as fast using OpenDoor. Yes, i do belive it should be removed and people should go back to OpenDoor, because im against automated UO.

_Choru_ said:
Not faster, smoother.

Go on.

_Choru_ said:
You can be red in town, you cant attack people in town tho, so you know exactly where you can and cant drop a spell, its a BIG advantage.

No, its not a "BIG" advantage. PK away from guardlines if you consider this such a huge issue. Your guildmates on razor never seem to have problems with it becase they remember where the guardlines is.

Yes, it should be removed because automated UO is bad and substituting skill with software is a disgrace.

_Choru_ said:
Ok, in razor you cast explosion, hit your pot macro, then CANCEL the pot target, target ure explo, cast EB, BRING BACK URE EXPLO TARGET, then target ure pot, then target ure eb.

I understand now. I think. If you would be so kind as to point out where the major inconvienence is that KUOC removes, then i would understand completely.

_Choru_ said:
In kuoc it queus the various targets, so non of that button mashing.

Are you talking about "que last target" and "que target self"?

_Choru_ said:
You're first point was a lie, so I didnt waste any time reading further.

I take offence to that. I actually do. Mainly because its coming from you (whom i belive to be my friend) and i thought we were just having a discussion. Either point out and prove where my lie was, simply apologize or kindly remove me from your AIM list and never talk to me again.


Master of the Interweb

Dr Zoidberg said:
I take offence to that. I actually do. Mainly because its coming from you (whom i belive to be my friend) and i thought we were just having a discussion. Either point out and prove where my lie was, simply apologize or kindly remove me from your AIM list and never talk to me again.

The first point being the razor macroing making a sound, its impossible, therefore a lie.

Dr Zoidberg


Well, that was actually what my friend told me. If thats wrong then im sorry, he said that it would make a sound and spam text when he got stunned/stunned someone.

In short, sorry, my bad.


Master of the Interweb

Thinking about it further, I suppose it is possible, although it would require some serious modifactions to razor itself, however that would be against the rules and come under the same catergory as plugins, which would hold no value in this conversation.

I think the bottom line is both razor and KUOC are both complete faggy programs that take us closer and closer to UO being a movie we watch, rather than a video game we play.

I still however believe KUOC is by far worse, maybe I'm stubborn but you will be very hard pushed to convince me otherwise.



skuraged said:
Gonna have to call bullshit on that. Razor macros can't call a sound function that I know of.
i made a mcro that if i stun or get stunned i get sounds and a message :(
and its not that this macro blocks others... i have this running nearly all the time and still can use wand or candle or others macros :(

edit: ok making sound is maybe wrong. its just text and an emote, and emotes=sound



_Choru_ said:
Ok, in razor you cast explosion, hit your pot macro, then CANCEL the pot target, target ure explo, cast EB, BRING BACK URE EXPLO TARGET, then target ure pot, then target ure eb.

In kuoc it queus the various targets, so non of that button mashing.
hmm i started using exp pots with kuoc
cast exp, use pot, target exp, cast eb, use pot, target pot, target eb

i do the same on razor and it works fine :(

Dr Zoidberg


_Choru_ said:
I think the bottom line is both razor and KUOC are both complete faggy programs that take us closer and closer to UO being a movie we watch, rather than a video game we play.

I agree completely, and I actually think thats why I dislike razor more than KUOC, because of the potential of so much more advanced macros being made (but then again, I have been on the 6 end of the 3v6s in the pits trying to beat krrios)

It just looks a lot easier to automate a lot more in razor than in KUOC. KUOC, on the other hand, babysits SOOOOOOOO much more than razor (target closest enemy, the fact that target aquire takes into consideration what you are targetting with, guardlines, block X if X and so forth).

_Choru_ said:
I still however believe KUOC is by far worse, maybe I'm stubborn but you will be very hard pushed to convince me otherwise.

As a "cheat tool", i dont consider KUOC worse because its so easy to make an illegal macro in razor. Im 99% sure that there are tons of people out there PVMing with a one-hand weapon, bandages and a running razor macro to drink a GH when hes below 35 HP or so. I know its not the most extreme abuse, but it does qualify as cheating and is so easy to do. And im certain that the people abusing it doesnt even know its illegal.

This is actually a very silly discussion to have. The discussion should be about what features that should be removed from KUOC before it comes back, and what features should be removed from razor. Would be more constructive. I just dont think we will have any say at all in that.



Dr Zoidberg said:
Well, that was actually what my friend told me. If thats wrong then im sorry, he said that it would make a sound and spam text when he got stunned/stunned someone.

In short, sorry, my bad.
i just tested it again
both work fine, i got both macroes running all the time in a if sys message bla loop. :(

Dr Zoidberg


coldblood said:
i just tested it again
both work fine, i got both macroes running all the time in a if sys message bla loop. :(

Yeah, your way would qualify as a sound. A sound someone else could fake, but a sound none-the-less. I hadnt thought of that so you get a +1 : )



_Choru_ said:
But can razor:

  • Remove the walls from houses
  • Instantly ban anyone from the house
  • Totally remove object delays
  • Bring up target areas for any AOE spells
  • Have a 100% working hold heal when poisend feature
  • Have a hold poisen when poisend feature
  • Have faster context menu's allowing for faster 'leave house'ing
  • Have map for easier party communication
  • Have instatly grabbed bars upon joining a party
  • Have party bars that dont randomly fuck up when new people join the party
  • Play a sound upon being stunned
  • Have a way to loot a corpes 100x faster than normal
  • Have commands to .leapfrog bags all around the world despite them being 1000x times too heavy to carry
  • Totally ignore all doors ingame, allowing for a much faster 'auto open door' system
  • Have an actual working smooth walk
  • Stop a red from running over a guardline, thus getting guardwacked
  • Alow spells to be cast while using an explosion potion without having to cancel the target cursor
I guess a shitty, slow working poorly desinged auto cure made in razor makes up for all of the above doesnt it.

Krrios doesn't auto ban anymore, they took that feature out. The rest of the stuff you mentioned razor should have, but its programmers were too incompetent to create a decent client.
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