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Shard crash?


Lament said:
You get points off of newbie account characters with 30 str that you join into factions and then kill for one point each. Stfu
You know how gay that is [-----------------------------------------------------------]
each "-" stands for how many times you should be stabbed in the face with a dull knife

Too bad you don't know shit, and gaminbo is a douche.


you know nothing about the ghetto, you watch a movie that says funny black people come from there and think "damn thats cool, i want to be from the ghetto because i heard black people have big penises and... well if i had a big penis that would be grand" so then you go online and are liek ooh the cool kids wont make fun of me here, hey guys i have a big penis cause im from the ghetto..... but then you got pked b4 four mexican deathsquad griefesr get in to rape your dog while they ball gag you. yes the ghetto is fucking scary man
jesus christ RAISE THE FUCKING SHARD before i fucking overdose


i dont live in the ghetto, i live in a suburb full of mexicans thinking they are some fucking shit, yes well if you want to consider that a ghetto *do not mean mexicans as in mexicans that is what i call them* ( i call them mexicans because there is like 20 to a fucking one story house)


Rofl someone draws a picture in paint and you expect it to be 100% truth? I admited to killing two characters and thats all I did.


evilmageguy said:
This shard used to be good, but ever since the 3-5 crashes a day/restarts, the 10x amount of noobs joining, and the complete lack of pvp (especially in factions), it's becomming not so great. Seriously, if this has to do with the server, switch servers. If someone is being a dick and fucking with the server, press charges.

Those newbs are what keeps this server alive. You don't think the "elite pvpers," such as yourself (wait.. there are only about.. one thousand or so of those self-proclaimed egotistical pieces of shit, right?) are donating the thousands of dollars needed to keep this alive, do you? If you believe that, then you're very sadly mistaken.

It's the newbies and the trammies that keep this shit running, bud. It's people like you who bum a free ride.