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The art of off-screaning...

Who thinks off-screening is gay?

  • Aye.

    Votes: 109 54.5%
  • Nay.

    Votes: 91 45.5%

  • Total voters
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Re: The art of off-screaning...

UOG needs more 50v50 fights in factions.
Re: The art of off-screaning...

Honestly i enjoy the chase. People have ran from me for so many years im use to it. I truely enjoy chasing someone 45 screens and eventually killing them more than a cheap 2 swing kill when there trying to g-heal.
Re: The art of off-screaning...

II WKD;1465425 said:
Honestly i enjoy the chase. People have ran from me for so many years im use to it. I truely enjoy chasing someone 45 screens and eventually killing them more than a cheap 2 swing kill when there trying to g-heal.

and you will also probably play uo til you're 45 :eek:


Re: The art of off-screaning...

hahaha man i cant believe ppl are still posting here... im gona ask a GM to trammel this shit and last thing im gona say about this is... ive been learning more and more about the pvpers on this shard.... if you off screen your are horrible at this game. you know im right, and you know that you are horrible.


Re: The art of off-screaning...

I know that you're a scrub. I won't bother explaining why, since I've already posted it like 10 times in this thread, but rest assured: you're a scrub.


Re: The art of off-screaning...

surely you can just stun a few of them and kill the select stunned few? surely there is ways of stoping them from offscreening..... i am speaking from ignorance as i never group fight or own a stun mage.... but please correct me if that doesnt work?
Re: The art of off-screaning...

Orpheus87;1569555 said:
surely you can just stun a few of them and kill the select stunned few? surely there is ways of stoping them from offscreening..... i am speaking from ignorance as i never group fight or own a stun mage.... but please correct me if that doesnt work?

it works, some people just need a :tissue:
Re: The art of off-screaning...

lol bull ...ima gonna off screen my ass if 10 dt come out of no were and im in shadowlords alone .. damn ima off screen in 2 come at me and im alone... Off screening is part of tactics in pvp its not a stupid thing its smart . PvP is all about staying alive and ima do w/e it take to stay alive and kill the other person even if i have to off screen to avoid a dump


Re: The art of off-screaning...

xXGankeDXx;1420906 said:
Wow... I was jsut fighting some factioners (wont mention names) but eavry dump thay off-screaned. It seems kind of sad that some people dont trust there guildies enough to heal them. Its funny, out of about 10 dumps we tryed... we never got one full one off. I cant believ that thay say that are a "higher class" of pvp. It gets really fustrating when you redline somone and tahy jsut run and chug ref pots. Now i was on my RP and we dont use mounts (because it makes for funner gameplay) but thats not really the point. The point is all theas "hardcore" factioners are nothing more then little sissy girls that dont like getting there hands dirty. This is why i stoped playing my factioner, and will probly never play him agin. If you factioners want a good fight, Ill do a 2v2 with ya in the pits where you cant run off like little pussys.

Btw the only factioners i give credit to are the good ones in Minax. Like Engage With Rage. Ive never seen then offscrean dumps. All the noob asses in TB, COM, and SL should be [m killed. Or thay should have there points stripped away form them. maby then thay will leave the factions to the real pvpers.

Well thats enough of my bitching... hope somone agrees with me. but if you have ever factioned you probly will.

Just added the poll to see how many ppl actually offscreen. And how many people think its retarded. Happy voting

Sounds like this guy been fighting Check 6.


Re: The art of off-screaning...

let this thread die.. we all know pvp sucks on this shard and its the very reason that quite a few(from what im told, dont quote me on it) people have stopped playing on hybrid.

Its never goign to get better simply because people care far to much about a little number that pops up over their head instead of actually having solid and skill based pvp on this shard :(
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