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Training Discord

I have been reading the various guides I can find around the forum and I'm thinking they must be out dated. One said to train on the same animal over and over because you can discord an animal that is already discord. That is wrong. You must wait for the discord to wear off before trying again. Another guide said to use a mount and simply mount the animal to get rid of the discord. This does not work either. So I am starting at 29 skill level. I tried wyverns at first as I just gmed provoking on them and had no gains in five hours. So I moved to jhelom farms as there are chickens sheep and bulls, quite a range of dificulty. I also see zero gains here. My question is how to gain it now?? There have obviously been changes to the mechanics of discord. Does anyone know of a working way to train? Thank you.
                        // According to uoherald bard must remain alive, visible, and
                        // within range of the target or the effect ends in 15 seconds.
                        if ( !targ.Alive || targ.Deleted || !from.Alive || from.Hidden )
                                ends = true;
                                int range = (int) targ.GetDistanceToSqrt( from );
                                int maxRange = BaseInstrument.GetBardRange( from, SkillName.Discordance );
                                if ( from.Map != targ.Map || range > maxRange )
                                        ends = true;

and the max range code is.

                public static int GetBardRange( Mobile bard, SkillName skill )
                        return 8 + (int)(bard.Skills[skill].Value / 15);

So pretty much you can invis or stay out of range for 15 seconds to remove discord.
Ok. Back from work. At Jhelom farms for five hours discording random grey every 12 seconds.. Have gained 1.5... This must be broken no?

Forgot to mention I'm now at 30.5 skill
                        // According to uoherald bard must remain alive, visible, and
                        // within range of the target or the effect ends in 15 seconds.
                        if ( !targ.Alive || targ.Deleted || !from.Alive || from.Hidden )
                                ends = true;
                                int range = (int) targ.GetDistanceToSqrt( from );
                                int maxRange = BaseInstrument.GetBardRange( from, SkillName.Discordance );
                                if ( from.Map != targ.Map || range > maxRange )
                                        ends = true;

and the max range code is.

                public static int GetBardRange( Mobile bard, SkillName skill )
                        return 8 + (int)(bard.Skills[skill].Value / 15);

So pretty much you can invis or stay out of range for 15 seconds to remove discord.

**Tested your invis theory. Does nothing.
Its not a theory, its a proven fact. I just double checked and both staying invis or out of range for 15 seconds remove the discord.


Target barding difficulty should be within + or - 25 points of your current discord skill.
Around 30 base discord skill you could try a pack horse or lizardmen (and then kill them) alternatively, get some jewellery to raise it to disco skill to 34 and then discord a swamp dragon (59 barding difficulty). Then switch to a giant beetle when you can get to around 64 skill, then finish off with a Cu.

Tips to speed things up:
- The longest waste of time is the 15 second invis/hiding, use multiple targets then invis/hide. Either use your pets on that char or and/or chars from alt accounts and friends.
- Do it inside your house, then you can automatically hide 100% of the time without any skill in hiding.
- Lock Music at 100, do not go above this when training disco or provo.

If you have access to a soul stone, then start a new char on that acccount with 50 disco, get some +disco jewellery and start straight on giant beetles.

Still, raising Disco is a slow process, almost as bad as taming!

Helpful site: http://www.therodentstones.com/Patrick/BardingDifficultyList.html


i did polar bears.. white wolfs.. cu sidhes, a greater dragon. trained on boat. it was a pain in the ass to train up to 120 ;<
trained with this easyuo script:
; Script Name: SealingWax's Discord Trainer **Modified by Jayman405**
; Authors: SealingWax
; Version: 1.1b (altered)
; Client Tested with: 5.0.1d (altered
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 TV 64
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI / Never tested outside of OSI.
; Public Release: 09/18/2005 (altered 3/31/10)
; Latest Revision: 11/09/2005
; Global Variables Used: none
; Purpose: Trains Discordance to 120 using any number of targets.
; Before running, you must be in a location where you can target
; your animals but they can't reach you (i.e. a boat, your front
; steps, across a river). Take your tamer, or have a friend tame
; and release animals of your current skill level where you wish
; to train. You must have the ability to either cast invisibilty
; on yourself or use hiding in order to remove the discordance
; effect from your targets.
; Change this variable (X) to the number of targets you will
; have.
set %totaltargets 1
; Change this variable (X) to determine the method you choose
; to cancel your discordance:
; 1 - Invis
; 2 - Double Invis (to use if targets are revealing you)
; 3 - Hiding
set %cancel 1
gosub setup
sub setup
if %totaltargets = X
  display ok You must set the variable number of targets you will$be using before you start.
if %cancel = X
  display ok You must set the variable for your discord cancelling$method before you start.
if %cancel = 3
display yesno You have chosen to use hiding as your cancellation method.$Hiding may not work if you are training on any creatures$that flag against you.$$Do you wish to continue using hiding?
if #dispres = no
  display ok Script halted.
event macro 8 7
set %pack #contid
display ok Now we are going to set up your discord targets.
for %i 1 %totaltargets
  display ok Please target animal number %i
  set #targcurs 1
  if #targcurs = 1
      goto Targetloop
      set %target . %i #ltargetid
      wait 20
chooseskill discordance
set %start #skill
set %gains #skill - %start
set %attempts 0
set %success 0
set %failure 0
gosub time #time
set %starttime #result
gosub menu
sub menu
menu clear
Menu window size 300 165
Menu window color red
menu font color white
menu font bgcolor red
menu font size 14
menu text title 25 10 SealingWax's Discord Trainer
menu font size 7
menu text ver 125 30 Version 1.1a
menu font size 10
menu text success 75 50 Success:
menu text successnum 200 50 %success
menu text failure 75 65 Failure:
menu text failurenum 200 65 %failure
menu text count 75 80 Total Attempts:
menu text countnum 200 80 %attempts
menu text gains 75 95 Total Gains:
menu text gainsnum 200 95 %gains
menu text status 75 110 Status:
menu text curentstatus 200 110 %status
menu text starttime 75 125 Started at:
menu text starttimenum 200 125 %starttime
menu show
gosub disco
sub disco
if #charghost = Yes
  set %status Paused. Dead :(
  menu set curentstatus %status
  display ok Something happened and now you're dead.$Go ahead and res up, then hit play.$Script paused.
for %i 1 %totaltargets
  set #ltargetid %target . %i
  set %status Discording...
  menu set curentstatus %status
  event macro 13 15
  scanjournal 1
  wait 30
  if What_instrument_shall_you in #journal
      gosub playnew
      event macro 22 0
      set %attempts %attempts + 1
      menu set countnum %attempts
  scanjournal 1
  wait 30
  if You_attempt_to_disrupt in #sysmsg
      set %failure %failure + 1
      menu set failurenum %failure
      set %status Failure...
      menu set curentstatus %status
      for %waittime 12 0
          wait 1s
          set %status %waittime , s
          menu set curentstatus %status
      goto IFailed
  if That_creature_is_already in #sysmsg
      set %attempts %attempts - 1
      menu set countnum %attempts
      wait 1s
      goto Already
      scanjournal 1
      if That_is_too_far in #journal
        gosub playnew
        menu set currentnum #skill
        set %gains #skill - %start
        menu set gainsnum %gains
        set %success %success + 1
        menu set successnum %success
        set %status Success...
        menu set curentstatus %status
        if %i = %totaltargets
            goto Already
        for %waittime 9 0
            wait 1s
            set %status %waittime , s
            menu set curentstatus %status
gosub cancel
sub cancel
set %status Hiding...
menu set curentstatus %status
if %cancel = 1
event macro 15 43
wait 55
event macro 23 0
wait 40
if H notin #charstatus
  goto cancel
  wait 14s
  gosub disco
if %cancel = 2
event macro 15 43
wait 55
event macro 23 0
wait 30
event macro 15 43
wait 55
event macro 23 0
wait 40
if H notin #charstatus
  goto cancel
  wait 14s
  gosub disco
if %cancel = 3
event macro 13 21
wait 2s
if H notin #charstatus
  wait 12s
  goto cancel
  wait 14s
  gosub skillcheck
sub playnew
set %status Finding Instrument..
menu set curentstatus %status
finditem MQF_QRF_LQF_PRF C_
wait 1s
set #lobjectid #findid
wait 2s
event macro 17 0
if #findkind = -1
if %cancel = 1
  event macro 15 43
  event macro 23 0
  wait 40
  if H notin #charstatus
  gosub playnew
if %cancel = 2
  event macro 15 43
  event macro 23 0
  wait 30
  event macro 15 43
  event macro 23 0
  wait 40
  if H notin #charstatus
  gosub playnew
if %cancel = 3
  event macro 13 21
  wait 2s
  if H notin #charstatus
  wait 12s
  gosub playnew
set %status Paused
menu set curentstatus %status
display ok Can't find anymore instruments. Restock$and hit play. Script paused.
gosub disco
sub skillcheck
set #skill discord
if #skill = #skillcap
set %status Done!!
menu set curentstatus %status
display ok Your discordance is capped out.
gosub disco
; Name: sub time
; Author: Orngrimm
; Version: 1.1
; Client Tested with: UO 4.0.6a
; EasyUO version tested with: EasyUO 1.42.009D
; Revision Date: 23.11.04
; Public Release: 20.12.03
; Purpose: Formates the time correctly. Also 01:02:03 is formatted correct.
; normally this time gives 1:2:3 without leading "0". My sub takes care of it!
; Disclaimer:  Dont change this script and release it under own name.
;            Let this header intact and dont distribute without it!
;            DONT distribute without my permission!! (PM Orngrimm @ easyuo.com)
; Copyright: Orngrimm
; Thanks to Janus who found (and fixed!) a bug with 00:xx:yy shown as xx:xx:yy.
**** Parses the correct time from %1 (gosub time #time)
sub time
set %string %1
set %len 2
str len %string
if #Strres = 5
set %len 1
if #StrRes =< 4
set %hour 00:
goto _time_min
; Parsing the hour
str left %string %len
set %hour #StrRes
str len %hour
if #strRes = 1 2
set %hour 0 , %hour , :
goto _time_min
set %hour %hour , :
; Parsing the minute
str right %string 4
str left #StrRes 2
set %min #StrRes
str len %Min
if #strRes = 1 2
set %min 0 , %min , :
goto _time_sec
set %min %min , :
; Parsing the second
str right %string 2
set %sec #StrRes
str len %sec
if #strRes = 1 2
set %temp %hour , %min , 0 , %sec
goto _time_end
set %temp %hour , %min , %sec
return %temp
I've been having some issues with Discord too. I have not trained it for some months and I had screwed up by letting my Music get to 115 and my Discord was stuck at 106.1. The problem is that there is no useful information on it. I tried stratics bard difficulty calculator and none of it made sense. At my skill level I should have been able to disco Exedos Overseer's at about 60% of the time but I was never able to disco them. I was seeing some gains on Titams but it was extremely slow. I had even thougt of stoning my music and train again to GM but I figured there has to be a way and I just haven't found it yet. I wanted to train archery so I bought a little home in the south swamps of Destard and started to go at it. I then got my bard in the house and thought I would try to disco some Plague Beasts. Wholy ole F!!! I went from 106.1 to 110 in just a few hours. On top of that, I'm still failng so I know I can continue on once I get a 120 PS. I feel for anyone training this skill as it seems everything is way out of date and the same rules don't apply to actual UO as it does to Demise. You just have to figure it out and please post your findings. I will have to verify some of the information by sending ot my tamer and do some loring to figure out if the Barding difficulty is actually working and if it is then it differs from real UO. For the record I think you have to hide for 17 seconds as I have tried all kinds of combinations. I'm starting a new bard so as I train disco I will post what gives me the best gains. Just don't give up.


its easiest if u lock ur music at 100%. i 120'd mine really easy by locking a dragon in my house and discoing it over and over


so if i didnt catch this thread until now and i already have 2 chars with 115 and 120 music no way to stone them off what would i provo to gain past 97.4 and 99.9? :\


  • Do Yourself a big favor and drop music to 100 for the sole purpose of training provocation. It is really easy to train back up, and will save you alot of time in the long run. Doing this increases the barding difficulty of your audience, allowing you to gain off weaker mobs.
  • use unexceptional instrument. (Same reason as above. Exceptional instruments give a 5% Bonus to success chance)
  • I 120'd off of two dragons blocked by boxes in the comfort of my own home.
  • You need a char that can vet both the dragons


If you can't drop music, then gaining disco in the Serpentine Pass was not bad for me at all. Make sure you have good karma, and trap a couple in the South/South East corner of the place and then go to sleep.


I can't drop music without skill capping. Should I train everything else up then?
if you're close or at the skill cap, and cannot use soulstones, then I would still lower the musicianship to 100. you can still 120 at the skill cap, it will just take longer.