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The savage fort used to have lots of doors that could be used for tactical advantage. For some unexplained reason those doors have been deleted leaving the fort unsafe, and kinda of strange as far as compared to how it used to look. Now these doors haven't been deleted from the world....just our fort. The orcs have them, all the orc forts do in fact. But our doors remain blank gaps in the walls. We don't have much of a fort to run to for defense, and we cant exactly use it for our own events with it being so open and hard to defend. At the moment we have low active numbers and we cant really set up a trap for the front of the fort...and most people don't go into the rest of the fort. I'm just asking for either an explanation, or a fix please.


Re: Why?

No ive seen the EA patch it removes ALL of those doors from the world, yet theres still some doors on Hybrid, including the orc forts and a few spots near the fort

UOG Bandit

Re: Why?

This does ruin alot of defense for us. Without this it allows tons of blues to just destroy us. If we could please have are doors back?


Re: Why?

This post was more directed to GM attention and the only person ive seen reply is Ajax and im not sure if hes even a Hybrid GM.
Re: Why?

Try to pm them on forums or in irc. That is usually the best way to handle things like this. Instead of publicly proclaiming requests.
Re: Why?

Rofl. Just noticed yesterday that not only did they take away your curtians, now they made the damn gate passable no matter BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Who did you piss off man?