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Your Favorite Presidential Candidate:

Who would you want to be the next President of the United States

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Your Favorite Presidential Candidate:

I did this a few months ago, but I plan to do it every quarter until the election, just to see how things change.

Vote for your favorite candidate, and please explain why you think they would be better than the other candidates.

Since I can only do 10 candidates, I'll do the top 10 that I think have a decent chance.. Maybe it will be biased, but I don't really have a choice.

Again, please discuss why you think your candidate would be best to serve as our next President.
Re: Your Presidential Nominee Favorite:

Just start chanting "all hail king Gee Dub". It's gonna happen, I bet a two-ny on it.



Re: Your Presidential Nominee Favorite:


Sorry if this is repetitive, but I'm just curious because I'm a fag.


Re: Your Presidential Nominee Favorite:

I hate elections, everyone lies about everything. Debates are the worst, the candidates avoid the question than state some prewritten thing about how their for this and that, but the dude asked about drinking water in southern Wyoming, why are you talking about social security? In most cases i don't vote for who i want to win rather i vote against who i want to loose, and often i want neither a R of a D to win, but ill be dammed if i vote independent, thats like throwing my vote away (even thought the electoral college has final say, not the popular vote)[for president anyway]

but that being said, im very liberal and think i've voted only 3 times for republicans, all of which lost, so blah.

*EDIT* Romney should have a rather large showing for the uog community i think


Re: Your Presidential Nominee Favorite:

Justin Kicks Ass;1462154 said:
*EDIT* Romney should have a rather large showing for the uog community i think

He really shouldn't. He has nothing to offer that any of the true republicans / conservatives would want. He flip-flops on all of the key issues that true conservatives desire. He was pro-choice and anti-gun control, but that was just to win governor in a blue state. Now he is going for presidency and tries to explain how he didn't know what he was talking about then, and how since "waken up." Sure, he looks good and speaks well, but he isn't the one that dresses himself and is doing his hair, nor is it him writing his own speeches. He looks like a politician, and that is exactly what you don't want in a debate.


Re: Your Presidential Nominee Favorite:

I'm a fan of Obama and have been since I've seen him emerge nationally. I'm a Democrat, so I plan on voting for him in the primaries.

That being said, I think the 2008 election is the Dems' to lose. I don't think the Republicans will be able to figure out where they want their party to be headed by that point and the presidential election results will reflect that.


Re: Your Presidential Nominee Favorite:

My choices weren't up there, so I picked Edwards because he's for education and Barack and Hilary are against my pacifist views. Too bad you didn't put down Kucinich or Gravel, those two are the most honest politicians I've seen in a while, and that's why they will lose. That and Gravel's kind of nuts, but what politician isn't nowadays.


Re: Your Presidential Nominee Favorite:

Yeah.. I wanted to put either of the two, but for some gay reason, we can only do the top 10. It really is sad, those who have different views than the status quo, are written off as crazy bastards. =[


Re: Your Presidential Nominee Favorite:

Ron Paul or Barack Obama.

While the two may seem opposite in their views - I'm nearing the point where I don't think the president's views will matter much at all. A strong Congress should keep the president in check - and both of them favor withdrawl from Iraq.

In my mind, they're the only two candidates who I feel I can trust. They don't seem like politicians, even though they are. Perhaps I'm simply being fooled, but, I just trust them more.

Oh - both of them don't want a nanny state.


Re: Your Favorite Presidential Candidate:

I don't think I'm going to vote this time. As evil as I think Hillary is, I don't think any of the Republicans are much better.


Re: Your Favorite Presidential Candidate:

AlphaN3rd;1462722 said:
I don't think I'm going to vote this time. As evil as I think Hillary is, I don't think any of the Republicans are much better.

From most of your posts, I would think you would like a guy such as Fred Thompson. Doesn't appeal to you? (I'm not trying to be a smart ass or anything, I'm just curious as to what your dislikes about him are.)


Re: Your Favorite Presidential Candidate:

Yeah.. He's obviously not my choice, but I was talking to Alpha, because from what I've seen Alpha seems pretty far to the right. Was just curious on his thoughts about him, since many dub Fred Thompson as the true conservative of the race.
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