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Your towns urban legends/ghost stories

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Re: Your towns urban legends/ghost stories

anyhow, for those who want to see a man coveored in shit you can watch htt://www.ggallin.com


Re: Your towns urban legends/ghost stories

simplyshane;1507191 said:
Except for a man covered in feces. Has this man every been seriously beaten?

as far as I know he havn't.
there's always a risk of getting shit on yourself if you hit him.
Re: Your towns urban legends/ghost stories

Are there no large sticks in Sweden? Also another little odd story for our town. There's this homeless guy everyone always sees riding on his bike. He barely ever talks to anyone and he's been on the streets for about twenty years. he doesn't have a job but from what people say he's richer than any of us.


Re: Your towns urban legends/ghost stories

simplyshane;1507203 said:
Are there no large sticks in Sweden? Also another little odd story for our town. There's this homeless guy everyone always sees riding on his bike. He barely ever talks to anyone and he's been on the streets for about twenty years. he doesn't have a job but from what people say he's richer than any of us.

haha. we got sticks in sweden, but we usually don't carry them with us everywhere we go. :D

about the homeless rich guy. I read an article about this some month ago. obviously it's pretty common that something snapps i the head of ultrarich people and they start to live like bums. we had one die a couple of years ago here. left like 20 mill after him (in checks around the most popular bank). he had no kids or relatives so the money went to a fund helping homeless people.

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: Your towns urban legends/ghost stories

I haven't seen anything head on, but the peripheral perception of movements and sounds is always weird, or like a reflection that when you do a double-take is no longer there. Creepy.

One ghost story that my mom experienced I believe because I talked to the woman it involves as she and my mom are still very good friends:

They were renting a house during college, my mom, and three female friends. They were usually pretty quiet, focusing on school and work rather than parties and sexy-time. They'd lived there for about six months and the land lady always talked about how it was haunted. They rolled their eyes and gave her the ol' "Yeah right, old lady," pat-on-the-head type of response.

So anyway, the semester ended for the summer and they all did really well. As such, it was time to switch gears and throw a hell-of-a party and try to get some sexy-time. They invited everyone they knew, and old friends from high school and literally packed the house with people. Blasted the music, and generally had a great time. As the evening wore on, my mom's roommate had to pee. They were all holding it trying not the "break the seal" but this roommate just had to go. So she goes upstairs to the bathroom.

She sits down (Yes guys, women sit to pee. I know it's weird.) and starts doing her thing. Midstream, the lights go out. Thinking it's only a dead bulb, she continues. Then the faucet turned on. Then the toilet paper roll totally unravelled. And when the paper unravelled, she lost it. Screaming, she ran out of the bathroom, pants and panties still around her ankles. Outside the door she pulled her pants up, still in a panic, saying there's a ghost in the house, this house is haunted, there's a ghost in the bathroom, frantically just babbling. She walks over to the top of the stairs to make the declaration that their house is haunted and everyone needs to leave because the party's over and she's freaked out. My mom and the other roommates are moving towards the stairs to comfort her because she's going nuts.

As she's at the top of the stairs, "Guys! The party's over! This house is haun..." and her back buckled forward like someone pushed her from behind and she tumbled down the flight of stairs landing at my mom and the other roommates' feet. Everyone else at the party freaked the fuck out and left.

She had bumps and bruises and a nice goose egg on her head, but was otherwise okay. My mom and the roommates moved out the following week.

Pretty crazy. Sorry, the retelling came out longer than I expected, hehe.

There's a stables near my house that I want to stay overnight in. Every time I pass I get a chill, every single time. I don't want the cops to interrupt my experience though, so I'm trying to find out who owns it so I can get their permission. As yet, I haven't found out who owns it and no one that leaves nearby knows either. Though I'm tempted every weekend, there's nowhere to stash my car and seeing a car nearby would definitely be suspicious enough for a police officer to investigate. I'm still tempted. We'll see, hehe.
Re: Your towns urban legends/ghost stories

i have a great one, probably the most in your face spirit of all time. i can't believe i forgot about her! while around, she kicked some ass, talked some politics, and fucked with andy jackson. she's called the "bell witch of tennessee", and i'll talk about her after i find the book, cos some of her quotes are priceless, and this haunting was probably the most famous in US history. if you've heard the story, excuse me in advance, but i have my own opinions about her as well. if you've seen "american haunting", forget you did, cos that is utter bullshit.
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