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Hybrid hunt

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it's crap though. I say end the event, the point is to get people out looking not buying codes and that bullshit.

The only problem I can see with the event is people in large guilds or anyone lame enough to be willing to buy codes have an unfair advantage. You could spend everyday all day looking for codes by yourself or with a couple friends and not get half the points someone in a big guild can gather just sitting at the bank while they spam codes to eachother over guild chat as soon as one is found. I guess thats teamwork but still kind of lame. Especially since its an auction type event for any of the good items. Even if just one big enough guild does this there goes everything worth bidding on.


yeah and like i said i won't mention the people who said it but they are put the codes in on every account. So some people have 1200 points to play with already x100 (the losers from One). Good luck to everyone trying to get a half way decent item.


yeah and like i said i won't mention the people who said it but they are put the codes in on every account. So some people have 1200 points to play with already x100 (the losers from One). Good luck to everyone trying to get a half way decent item.
I don't get what the big deal is though.. Everyone has 4 accounts.. Also if you share/sell or trade codes your only hurting your own chances of getting the items u want so it's within the community's control. yourself included.


truthfully my only problem that it's not fair. I personally don't have the time to go looking for the codes everyday but for anyone else it's just not fair to them at all. If you could disagree with that then i mean shit go ahead.


I think that's enough grumbling in this thread. :p

The truth is

- There is No way to make this event by IP. At least, not any way that is practical and doesn't limit players who connect in all kinds of ways.
People connect now at coffee shops, at a friends house, with the neighbors stolen wireless, with their smart/cell phone (this one blows me away, connecting through a phone) ...
There is no way to monitor that.

- This event is about shard activity. It is up to the players to make it what it will be.
So far it Has increased activity and that IS what this event is about.
It's not about the prizes (from my end). Those are just bonuses for people who put in the time.
The real event is the activity it creates.

- There is No Way to monitor sharing codes hence why it is not a rule. It would be ridiculous to even try.
I think the best way for this event to be played is to find a small group of people to share codes with.
Maybe not all the codes because there is still some competition but I would definitely be sharing the work of finding the Daily codes with others.
Even still, someone has to be out to find them before they can be shared. Keep your sharing group small and everyone benefits.

- You don't have to play to benefit from the activity or to stalk the code locations for potential victims.

- This event is fair IMO because everyone starts off on an even playing field. Everyone. Gold won't help you and being a vet won't help (other than you know the world a little better). Anyone can make a team with other players, even someone new.

- As for buying and selling, you're taking a risk if you want to pay for it. Unless they give you the code first, and then the risk is theirs.

- No matter how much time you decide to put into it, even just claiming the easy codes you come across through normal play will be of benefit even if only by topping up some of your supplies in the end.

- No one will get all the codes. It's not possible. Okay well technically it could be possible but it's not even remotely probable.

Finally, you don't have to participate at all. There are all kinds of ways to make gold in this game and eventually the items acquired through the point auction will be out on the market as the owners sell and trade them (eventually everything is traded or sold, more or less).



To hell with all the complainers. I have not seen so much activity in a long time. Isn't that what everyone wants? There are people everywhere! I have died more times this week than in the past year. I play alone mostly so I don't have as many codes as a lot of people but I have had a great time running around. And if I end up with an item at the end, bonus.


afternoon forum code - roastpiggy - expired

also, as of the time of this post, the creature (animal or monster) with the bonus code in its loot in t2a, is still alive and kicking and in possession of the loot code. <--- found


i agree....the carpet is baller...if i cant outbid on items i'll just buy the items i want with gold and use my codepoints for CARPET!!!! :D


btw did someone say play uo on their phones?

Cuz i play uo ony my smartphone AND galaxy tab 2 :D



What rmd program u using Fides? I use to use Splashtop and rmd+ but found all u can do safely is banksit or craft haha


afternoon forum code - roastpiggy

also, as of the time of this post, the creature (animal or monster) with the bonus code in its loot in t2a, is still alive and kicking and in possession of the loot code.
thank for the update :D
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