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Hybrid hunt

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Basic information about auction and vendor and all that

btw, all y'all would never last through Christmas at my house. I don't give hints and everything is double boxed and wrapped so no squeezing or shaking will help.


The auction will be here on the forums. It will not be in trade so even those banned from trade can participate.

Items will be listed and you will have time to bid on them.

There will be a post at the top of the auction section that explains it all in detail.

The vendor will be out about the time the auction posts are up.
You can check out the vendor and the items/prices on the vendor before you begin bidding on auction items.

Both the auction posts and the vendor will be announced as active by the towncriers in-game, when it happens.

It will be sometime towards mid-week. I won't be ready for it all before then.

The addition of new codes ends today. That is, this is the last day for daily codes or new special codes.

Codekeepers will be removed through the week beginning after server wars, but their codes are active until they are removed (there's almost 100 in total between land and naval so it will take me a bit to get rid of them all).


Take your time removing codekeepers ;) I know I still have a few to find. Still can't figure out the colored skulls and the cat lady either. :mad:

Thanks for the event it has been great. I can appreciate how much time you put into this. If only you knew how much time I put into it. I don't even know what I am going to do with myself when it ends. My family will be glad to have me back. Time to make some refresh pots, that's for sure.


For me to consider for the (potentially possible) next hunt type event

Do you think it is better/more fun when the codes (or at least some of them) can be shared with friends, or would it be better if all codes were a one time use code?


I think the 1 time use codes would be the best otherwise people are just going to start buying/selling codes again which defeats the purpose.
1 time use codes would be way better in my opinion because it would give people less reason to wait for an AIM/skype or guild message and more reason to go out there and interact with the world and find them themselves (which would be the whole point to the event ^_^)


I don't have to do that. I have full confidence that everyone will play nice. :)
I personally do not have confidence in anybody playing nice in this event, the selling/buying forums were changed for a reason because of fake bids weren't they? I hope this works out. and i am curioius about Bid start and end dates, and will it be 1 item at a time? or can anybody bid on any item at any time?


she can easily find out which bids will be real or not and ban people accordingly i would think. the thought of having your account banned im sure will keep everyone in line, ya?

not sure if that is what she is thinking but im sure she has something in mind
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