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Demise connectivity..


we need more staff like you around that don't put up with all the retarded ass bullshit, #teamryan.
anyways keep up the good work brother i havent really ever had complaints about demise how could u its free, and ive been here since 2007.
if he did not put up with retard why are you still here?


Yet another one of those things where someone doesnt know what they're talking about.

To the rest of you -

Demise is going to get moved just like Hybrid did. The only reason I haven't moved it yet is because I don't want to disrupt the flow of the Demise community. I talked to @Eos about the move last night and we are getting close, it's a matter of making the time to do the work. I know that we make these server moves and big changes look simple because we've been doing this stuff so long, but it's not. It's very time consuming and a lot of work.

We are working on getting Demise moved, your patience is appreciated. I don't just make flippant decisions for Demise the way I do for Hybrid because I'm not as involved in it's day to day operations.


Move server to EU please. I pay you 5000kk


You can keep this up and find yourself on the outside if you want, I have zero tolerance for this kind of shit.
What a baby. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it is quite obvious no matter how much you lie to us that hybrid has always been your favorite. If you banned me would give me a good excuse to go to OSI or ban evade, whichever if not both I feel like doing.

Actions speak louder than words. (In your case your total lack of time spent on this shard= lack of love. )

You have kids, so let me ask you: if you never spent time with them, do you think they would love you? Even better if you never spent time with them and always gave the children down the street cookies, do you think they would love you?

@Shino I need moderated and banned for at least a week if not permanently, thanks.


Bug Huntress
What a baby. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it is quite obvious no matter how much you lie to us that hybrid has always been your favorite. If you banned me would give me a good excuse to go to OSI or ban evade, whichever if not both I feel like doing.

Actions speak louder than words. (In your case your total lack of time spent on this shard= lack of love. )

You have kids, so let me ask you: if you never spent time with them, do you think they would love you? Even better if you never spent time with them and always gave the children down the street cookies, do you think they would love you?

@Shino I need moderated and banned for at least a week if not permanently, thanks.
Can I have your stuff?


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
Hybrid has always been more important.

Look at way back when, when the shard had over 1000 avg online players and demise had less than half still.

It's understandable why, the lead staff played uo during pre-aos I imagine, and are more familiar with that environment.

Which is all fine, but the sheer lack of existence of the main runuo staff on demise for years at a time, has always made this player base feel less important, and nothing that could possibly said now will change how 10 year old vets feel about it.

That's all well and good, but I'm pretty sure that we've kept your site, your forums, your shard online etc... We've always had "RunUO" developer presence on here, PSZ, ASayre, Xavier, Eos etc....


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
What a baby. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it is quite obvious no matter how much you lie to us that hybrid has always been your favorite. If you banned me would give me a good excuse to go to OSI or ban evade, whichever if not both I feel like doing.

Actions speak louder than words. (In your case your total lack of time spent on this shard= lack of love. )

You have kids, so let me ask you: if you never spent time with them, do you think they would love you? Even better if you never spent time with them and always gave the children down the street cookies, do you think they would love you?

@Shino I need moderated and banned for at least a week if not permanently, thanks.

Maybe you weren't hugged enough as a kid, I don't know... but the reality of the situation is I personally don't understand the Demise UO play style. Never have, probably never will.

I've always done my best to help the players that need it on Demise, I've always done my best to make sure Demise is online, its website works etc...

Just because I personally don't coddle Demise doesn't mean I dont love it just the same. I'd suggest some talk therapy for you, you can work out your issues and stop projecting them on me.



That's all well and good, but I'm pretty sure that we've kept your site, your forums, your shard online etc... We've always had "RunUO" developer presence on here, PSZ, ASayre, Xavier, Eos etc....
They always seem to stick around for 2-4 years then a new developer takes their place. I've always wondered why.

PSZ 2002-2006
Asayre 2006-2009
Xaiver 2009-2012
Eos 2013-Present

Just weird haha


PSZ was exhausted, ASayre was young and went to college/explored the world, Xavier kind of went mad and Eos is amazing.
I went to college, explored a lot of the US (going to FL tomorrow), and somehow found myself back to Demise.

You can take the man out of Demise, but you can't take the Demise out of the man.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
I went to college, explored a lot of the US (going to FL tomorrow), and somehow found myself back to Demise.

You can take the man out of Demise, but you can't take the Demise out of the man.

Let's be honest you're a UOGamers supporter, you've played all of our shards ;) You're just an all around good one.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
Im surprised that @MB hasn't offered Ryan a bribe yet. Seems fishy that we disconnect 1/5 times during a champ spawn, 9/10 of us come back online dead, while Hz is running around looting our corpses.

That would be fishy if it were something that legit could be controlled by a player or staff member etc... there's no way they can make this 'happen' to you.


I can't believe ppl are complaining about the spikes and dropoffs. Yes they suck and it causes me to die sometimes, but this server is free and these host are putting their precious money and time in supporting it. For that I am grateful! So seriously don't complain and enjoy the time when its up or go play on another server.
Well I've seen it not once, but several times now. I'll just get it recorded so you can see for yourself.

Appreciate the work homie. ;)