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the official "who pays up their money duel losses?" thread

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cool, u seem wide awake wanting to argue with me, why not try to earn u a free castle? with lots of stock and prob 20m worth of items in it. alchy duel me? LOL no other reason to say no other than u was talking shit, afraid to get rekt right after.. we both know better. everyone knows alchypwn is sub-par at best.
cool, u seem wide awake wanting to argue with me, why not try to earn u a free castle? with lots of stock and prob 20m worth of items in it. alchy duel me? LOL no other reason to say no other than u was talking shit, afraid to get rekt right after.. we both know better. everyone knows alchypwn is sub-par at best.
cuz you make it too easy to make fun of you. You literally do it to yourself. You act like I haven't beat ur ass on alchystun. I've beating ur alchystun on an alchynox. we can DUEL FRIDAY when your cow goes in to get weighed.

U still going to put castle up if I beat you? or are you going to go bitch made again?


You're a 25 year old virgin who doesn't have a job and if you do its probably flipping burgers at McDonalds. You play WoW for 10 hours a day and still live in your parents basement which you will never leave.

You're the definition of a failure and a loser.
verbally destroyed

Pat McGroin

why not its ur chance to also prove once again which is what "the best" do.
also if he dosent give u the castle you have ample material to shut em up(use your head).

I've already shut him up twice for gold then another time where he got demolished like 30-3.

I could beat him 100-0 and he would still run his mouth
It's cool. Really. Monk then heavy. I'll get more of a challenge off monk anyways. He's that scared of me he won't take a chance to win at least 30-40m without putting anything up, that's gotta tell you I've won alot more than he likes to let on;) he said he'd 1v1 me yesterday so I an go and instantly puts up a G heal wand and gets off his mount and let's my pot hit it and runs around till Noah come saves him. Btw he would have died if it wasn't for that G heal wand. YET AGAIN

Pat McGroin

It's cool. Really. Monk then heavy. I'll get more of a challenge off monk anyways. He's that scared of me he won't take a chance to win at least 30-40m without putting anything up, that's gotta tell you I've won alot more than he likes to let on;) he said he'd 1v1 me yesterday so I an go and instantly puts up a G heal wand and gets off his mount and let's my pot hit it and runs around till Noah come saves him. Btw he would have died if it wasn't for that G heal wand. YET AGAIN

More lies you can't prove.

Keep telling your stories bro.

Everybody believes you
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