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the official "who pays up their money duel losses?" thread

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The Monk231

I've already shut him up twice for gold then another time where he got demolished like 30-3.

I could beat him 100-0 and he would still run his mouth
you claim top dog correct? answer this for me have you ever heard of the top dog backing down from a challenge? regardless of who the nigga is..
you play the game correct? you love killing people in game correct??? whats the problem?

Pat McGroin

you claim top dog correct? answer this for me have you ever heard of the top dog backing down from a challenge? regardless of who the nigga is..
you play the game correct? you love killing people in game correct??? whats the problem?

I didn't claim that.

Neon is much better than me at alchy.

And I don't give a fuck, he's a faggot that pulled some bull shit so now I have to be the father figure and not give him what he wants.

Pat McGroin

Anyways it's a beautiful day in Seattle.

So I'm gonna go enjoy it.

If the weathers nice where you live in suggest not being a hermit and do the same.

Tech is the only teenager on here besides marc. Neither of which I argue with.

And you said you were a freshman in 2009 so it's a rough estimate.

Regardless you're far too old to be doing nothing with your life and still living with your parents.

Andddd to still be a nergin...
rough estimate? You're adding several years. I guess I would to if I were you to make it seem that you weren't such a dunce. You're approaching 40 and you keep doing the same thing you've been doing your entire life. You know nothing about me, because when I played you were a nobody. Every story you have of me, was second hand stories that you've since deluded from and included yourself into.

If you can't even get my age right, what makes you think you can get anything else right about me? rofl.

Pat McGroin

rough estimate? You're adding several years. I guess I would to if I were you to make it seem that you weren't such a dunce. You're approaching 40 and you keep doing the same thing you've been doing your entire life. You know nothing about me, because when I played you were a nobody. Every story you have of me, was second hand stories that you've since deluded from and included yourself into.

If you can't even get my age right, what makes you think you can get anything else right about me? rofl.
Haha yea. 29 is so close to 40 LOL.

I was actually stomping you and making you rage quit the game because you couldn't heal ebolts when that story from your real life friend became public.

You hide anything about yourself because you know everything I say about you is true.

Everybody who posts on here knows it too

you're so weird dude. If somebody read this forums 2 years ago, you'd literally be saying the exact same shit. Remember when i made you start posting on sterling archer, pretending to be A WHOLE NOTHER person? You claimed you were 22 on that poster, until it was outed you were in mickey. Why would you lie so much if you're not embarrassed by your age?
He lies so much.. literally every post! He cares so much what a forum of gamers think of him he's gotta lie... buck teeth and rolls but calls ppl fat. Gets on slip n slides with men and mopeds between two dudes and sits next to a guy with his hand on his thigh under the table but calls people virgin faggots.. this Mickey is one hella character LOL
mickey thinks he's relevant because he can troll people. It's unfortunate he brings nothing productive to the server, because with the amount of time he's invested into this server he could have done some real good in boosting population/helping out people. He's hybrid's unfortunate scum.

Pat McGroin


you're so weird dude. If somebody read this forums 2 years ago, you'd literally be saying the exact same shit. Remember when i made you start posting on sterling archer, pretending to be A WHOLE NOTHER person? You claimed you were 22 on that poster, until it was outed you were in mickey. Why would you lie so much if you're not embarrassed by your age?

This forum account was made to troll.

You made that forum account because geno posted your real life picture and the entire server trolled you for months.

Since then you've done everything possible to hide anything that can be attached to your real life.


Pat McGroin

sorry guys, i lied. he said he was 20

So many times he quoted his own forum accounts trying to back himself up. It was legit mickey delusions on overdrive around here. Until felipe outed you and then made you threaten to call the cops and sue, ROFL.

Felipe stalked my mother's Facebook sendng her harassing messages.

The only reason he did it was because he's some geek who lives in another country and knows he can get away with it
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