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the official "who pays up their money duel losses?" thread

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Pat McGroin

He lies so much.. literally every post! He cares so much what a forum of gamers think of him he's gotta lie... buck teeth and rolls but calls ppl fat. Gets on slip n slides with men and mopeds between two dudes and sits next to a guy with his hand on his thigh under the table but calls people virgin faggots.. this Mickey is one hella character LOL

Lol listen Shrek.

The 5 people who have seen your Skype photo [because you're terrified to show anybody a clearer photo of you] have said you look like tet Jr.

You're fat and scared to prove everybody wrong. Just like that cow you call a wife. You literally think people believe you when you say she's not fat.
This forum account was made to troll.

You made that forum account because geno posted your real life picture and the entire server trolled you for months.

Since then you've done everything possible to hide anything that can be attached to your real life.

You had alternate forum accounts because you were ashamed of yourself, and needed to back yourself up on your own posts. I made my account because my previous forum account was banned. And I've hid nothing, my gaming friends know who I am, just the weirdos such as yourself on this forum board don't need to.
Felipe stalked my mother's Facebook sendng her harassing messages.

The only reason he did it was because he's some geek who lives in another country and knows he can get away with it
You flamed kris's mom before felipe even tried to track you on facebook. You just got out dished and got upset, the child equivalent of getting beat up and telling your mom/cops about it.

Pat McGroin

You had alternate forum accounts because you were ashamed of yourself, and needed to back yourself up on your own posts. I made my account because my previous forum account was banned. And I've hid nothing, my gaming friends know who I am, just the weirdos such as yourself on this forum board don't need to.

You flamed kris's mom before felipe even tried to track you on facebook. You just got out dished and got upset, the child equivalent of getting beat up and telling your mom/cops about it.

I never said a word to kris's mom or about her LOL.

I made fun of him for looking like such a mommas boy.

I got out dished?

Stalking someones mother over a video game makes you a fucking whack job, you know the kind of whack job that calls another man "lord" and pretends to be in some online church.

And no, you rage quit after your pretend real life friend sent everybody your year book photo and showed how much of a fat geek you are.

Pat McGroin

I like how he thinks my facebook got tracked.

My skype name is my real life name with all of my information.

I sure was trying to hide who I am LOL


You had alternate forum accounts because you were ashamed of yourself, and needed to back yourself up on your own posts. I made my account because my previous forum account was banned. And I've hid nothing, my gaming friends know who I am, just the weirdos such as yourself on this forum board don't need to.

You flamed kris's mom before felipe even tried to track you on facebook. You just got out dished and got upset, the child equivalent of getting beat up and telling your mom/cops about it.
fucking Dead "my gaming friends" rofl what a virgin I'm dying

Pat McGroin

because of terminology? what else am I to call friends that I only play games with online, while maintaining distinction from real world friends?

I guess when you only have enough friends to count on just one hand, calling anybody that speaks to you a friend sure helps. @Pat McGroin @amtothepm
You literally have had 1 friend irl and even he thought you were such a dweeb that he thought your fake wizard items were more important than your friendship

Really let that sink in..
you get man handled in real life and man handled in game and think you can talk about others? Especially when you dont know what you are talking about.

You are easily the most delusional person on this server. It's the same broken record with you.

I post on these forums to talk uo, not prove you a liar every time you speak.


you get man handled in real life and man handled in game and think you can talk about others? Especially when you dont know what you are talking about.

You are easily the most delusional person on this server. It's the same broken record with you.

I post on these forums to talk uo, not prove you a liar every time you speak.
Are you finally a grown man or did unjust get done with puberty?back in 08 you sound like a girl on Skype?
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