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12/21/12 Thoughts..


So I'm just curious what other people think. Alot of dumbshits are actually scared as if the world is going to end bc of that whole Mayan calender shit. If the Mayan calender means anything imo that is when the aliens are gonna come back.. Most likely nothing is going to happen but was just interested in what others think. So lets hear it fellas.


I like how first you call people who believe on the Mayan calendar (misspelled) 'prophecy' dumbshits then you go on saying
"If the Mayan calender means anything imo that is when the aliens are gonna come back.."

// also you are not going to get a very vivid discussion when you begin the thread by insulting the other side (I'd like someone to try to convince me but calling them names isn't going to start anything close to an intelligent conversation!)


I like how first you call people who believe on the Mayan calendar (misspelled) 'prophecy' dumbshits then you go on saying
"If the Mayan calender means anything imo that is when the aliens are gonna come back.."

// also you are not going to get a very vivid discussion when you begin the thread by insulting the other side (I'd like someone to try to convince me but calling them names isn't going to start anything close to an intelligent conversation!)

Well a real intelligent convo wasn't really my goal big-dawg. But was just trying to see if or what people generally think about it.. Thank you soo much for the spell check, atm I'm somewhat drunk but hell NO excuses! And I'm sorry not really trying to be insulting to anyone but if you are someone whos belief is that the world is gonna go 'poof' then you may just be a dumbshit, im just saying..


O also you made an error in you sentence as well. People don't believe on the Mayan calendar, the word you were looking for would be in.. And i didn't make this thread to start any kind of flame war btw. And the alien comment was a joke bro.


the earth will grow sour for life @ some point, I think we could all agree about that, during urs or my lifetime? Is that narcissistic? Probably.

but we're due ;)


Well i def think global warming is a real thing, MANY people don't.. That'll sour things for sure within the next couple hundreds years I'd say if not less unless we can find an alternative energy source other than fossil fuels. The world will end one day, just not the week after next I'd bet the farm on that. And if I'm wrong its not really gonna matter now is it?

Hey it is gettin a lil intellectual! ;)


Well i def think global warming is a real thing, MANY people don't.. That'll sour things for sure within the next couple hundreds years I'd say if not less unless we can find an alternative energy source other than fossil fuels. The world will end one day, just not the week after next I'd bet the farm on that. And if I'm wrong its not really gonna matter now is it?

Hey it is gettin a lil intellectual! ;)

I bet we'd have to bet like 800 farms to win one. Fuck.


I don't think anything drastic will happen. It falls on a fri/sat though so could make a good party night, which will likely be the case for me. For those who follow this mayan calendar I read somewhere another peice of it has been found and continues on for another 400 years or something. I really don't know the details, nor care lol. What you cannot avoid, welcome.

Code Blue

12/21/12 all the kittys are going to have gangbangs gangham style with doggies,

And your sister is going to give me a blowjob.


I for see cops arresting stupid people that think something will actually happen because a group of people who were driven out of existence centuries ago had an end for their calender. In America, our calenders end once a year, the world does just fine.


Well, the Mayans also believed that each year in the summer they were given a new Sun, yet each year the Sun fails to be destroyed and replaced with a new one.
Their calendar is a circle which is completing its first "great" cycle (each cycle is roughly 52 years and this marks roughly 100 of those cycles) they believed that at the end of this great cycle the universe would be destroyed and recreated, so why would we dismiss the belief that the Sun is going to be destroyed and recreated at a particular interval, and yet believe that the universe will be destroyed and recreated at another interval? Surely these beliefs go hand in hand.

Also if you take in to account the fact that the Mayan calendar worked on a 365 day basis, and there is actually 365.2422 days in a year, the world should have ended on 12/9/12.


I hope the world DOES end. I have spent the past decade in a drug/booze fueled rollercoaster ride, saving very little money towards retirement.

I will go up to all the hardworking, righteous people, to point and laugh at them for doing good, and saving up their vast retirement funds ALL for nothing!

It shall be a GLORIOUS day of COMPLETE ANARCHY! I will raise my fist to the heavens and bellow a mighty war cry as THE FLAMES cleanse Earth of my soul, and ALL of HUMANITY!

I'm hoping a COMET hits my hometown WITH A DIRECT HIT, so my body is vaporized in a millisecond. Hopefully it doesn't smash China so I end up breathing in the burnt ashes of Chinamen for 3 weeks, dying a slow, painful suffocating death. I cannot self terminate.

It is nearly a 0% chance we will meet our doom that day (black hole enters solar system/gamma ray burst wrecks havoc on atmosphere/crazy insane fast virus/alien superweapon etc), but hey, one can hope, right?


I hope the world DOES end. I have spent the past decade in a drug/booze fueled rollercoaster ride, saving very little money towards retirement.

I will go up to all the hardworking, righteous people, to point and laugh at them for doing good, and saving up their vast retirement funds ALL for nothing!

It shall be a GLORIOUS day of COMPLETE ANARCHY! I will raise my fist to the heavens and bellow a mighty war cry as THE FLAMES cleanse Earth of my soul, and ALL of HUMANITY!

I'm hoping a COMET hits my hometown WITH A DIRECT HIT, so my body is vaporized in a millisecond. Hopefully it doesn't smash China so I end up breathing in the burnt ashes of Chinamen for 3 weeks, dying a slow, painful suffocating death. I cannot self terminate.

It is nearly a 0% chance we will meet our doom that day (black hole enters solar system/gamma ray burst wrecks havoc on atmosphere/crazy insane fast virus/alien superweapon etc), but hey, one can hope, right?

I got the weirdest mental image of you running through your street wearing a cape and shouting come at me bro at the skies.. Now I can't wait for 21/12 (yes we europeans have a weird calendar too!) :D !