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12/21/12 Thoughts..


I got the weirdest mental image of you running through your street wearing a cape and shouting come at me bro at the skies.. Now I can't wait for 21/12 (yes we europeans have a weird calendar too!) :D !
fuck yeah!
Now to find a place selling capes....


Party City homie. Now go get yourself a sweet newb cape and wear it everyday even while sleeping. Who know maybe you'll wakeup on 12/21 in 2D in a small cottage Southeast of Britain!!
theres NO place like home.....theres NO place like home....

zoo york

Considering this whole "theory" pertains to the Mayans and their calendar, I find it interesting that the Mayans of today(yes, they're still around) aren't worried about the world ending, and are instead preparing to celebrate the start of a new age. Sounds a lot different than what Hollywood or end of the world nutjobs try to sell.
No man will know when this world will end.. Good try though Mayans, and whoever else thinks there is a predictable end date.

zoo york

No man will know when this world will end.. Good try though Mayans, and whoever else thinks there is a predictable end date.

Well, it's doubtful man will still be on the planet when the world ends. The sun will enter its red giant phase in 5 - 6 billion years, at which point it will start to expand, eventually boiling off our atmosphere and oceans/lakes, and eventually encompassing the planet in its entirety. I think it's pretty safe to say that's when our planet will be destroyed. These are scientific truths, that were in fact discovered by man(and women). Those men are called astronomers, astro-physicists, and scientists. That is when the world will end, so hopefully you can put your mind at ease now that you know.

It will likely end for us as a species much sooner though. We're overdue for an extinction event of some kind, either a mass infection or asteroid collision. The Yellowstone caldera volcano may be a likely candidate as well. It's not the impact of an asteroid and or volcanic eruption that would kill us off, you understand, but the atmospheric disruption that the enormous volume of ash would cause. The sun would be completely blocked out globally for weeks, maybe even months. Without the sun the planet would cool rapidly. This is why they are able find fully intact wooly mammoths that were basically frozen solid. Shortly after the asteroid collision that took out the dinosaurs, the planet cooled so suddenly that these animals were not able to get to a warm enough location, quick enough, to avoid freezing to death.

Anyway, back to work.


Well, it's doubtful man will still be on the planet when the world ends. The sun will enter its red giant phase in 5 - 6 billion years, at which point it will start to expand, eventually boiling off our atmosphere and oceans/lakes, and eventually encompassing the planet in its entirety. I think it's pretty safe to say that's when our planet will be destroyed. These are scientific truths, that were in fact discovered by man(and women). Those men are called astronomers, astro-physicists, and scientists. That is when the world will end, so hopefully you can put your mind at ease now that you know.

It will likely end for us as a species much sooner though. We're overdue for an extinction event of some kind, either a mass infection or asteroid collision. The Yellowstone caldera volcano may be a likely candidate as well. It's not the impact of an asteroid and or volcanic eruption that would kill us off, you understand, but the atmospheric disruption that the enormous volume of ash would cause. The sun would be completely blocked out globally for weeks, maybe even months. Without the sun the planet would cool rapidly. This is why they are able find fully intact wooly mammoths that were basically frozen solid. Shortly after the asteroid collision that took out the dinosaurs, the planet cooled so suddenly that these animals were not able to get to a warm enough location, quick enough, to avoid freezing to death.

Anyway, back to work.

That was VERY well put zoo. Must've broken out a book or read a lil wiki for a minute there. Haha but yep ^^ thats it folks!

On a side note im still sceeard of the aliens coming back..


Oh I know, most of us regulars aren't. I'm 28 myself and know that 50% or better are in my age group, were the originals who played when the game was actually new and thats why we're SOO addicted lol!

zoo york

Oh I know, most of us regulars aren't. I'm 28 myself and know that 50% or better are in my age group, were the originals who played when the game was actually new and thats why we're SOO addicted lol!
I delete my post because I didn't care for how I had worded it, and you reply right underneath me. :mad:


If earth's imminent doom were discovered it wouldn't be common knowledge, people in the know will want as much unimpeded prep time as possible and people in the know not included in the "continuation of humanity" plan will be used for prep and then liquidated. Most of us won't get a chance to blow our savings and run amok fucking midgets, we won't know what the fuck happened :( imho

zoo york

If earth's imminent doom were discovered it wouldn't be common knowledge, people in the know will want as much unimpeded prep time as possible and people in the know not included in the "continuation of humanity" plan will be used for prep and then liquidated. Most of us won't get a chance to blow our savings and run amok fucking midgets, we won't know what the fuck happened :( imho
I think that would be dependent on the source of our demise. It if was an astronomical event, it would most likely be identified by an independent astronomer who would send it up the chain. You can be damn sure it would end up on Reddit and Twitter very shortly after the discovery. The government, at least ours, doesn't have an army of astronomers watching the skies. They rely on the scientific community for most of that information. NORAD can really only monitor near Earth objects like satellites, and the other things that don't exist that they don't tell us about.

That said, the amount of near Earth asteroids we know about is dwarfed by the ones we've yet to discover. An undiscovered asteroid on an intercept course, were it to be discovered before impact, would likely only be discovered hours before impact. Check out spaceweather.com some time. It's really interesting to see how often known near Earth asteroids pass by. There was one that passed at .5 LD, half the distance to the moon, just a few months ago. :eek:


Hopefully a huge alien mother ship appears, driven by THE DINOSAURS!

THE DINOSAURS are comming BACK! Millions of years of evolution have prepared them for this day!

Or maybe gates from hell open up, and sentient ventriloquist dolls pour threw the gates to swarm major populated areas

There is always my all time favorite apocalyptic event: Zombie outbreak! After watching george romeros movies oh....COUNTLESS times each, I am ready for the zombie hoardes!

Or maybe planet x "NIBURU" enters earths orbit again after thousands of years, and the denizens of planet x "the gods" run amok CRUSHING the nonbelievers of our ourrent society. I hope some of you have wives that you can "sacrifice" for them, by tossing them into a volcano, or cutting open their chests with a stone knife and eating their still beating heart

Probably just be a dumbass asteroid tho....*sighs*.....



im not concerned with any sort of weird natural disaster of supernatural event. All that is just silly and defies most logic and common sense. BUT, leave it to humans to use that date and event as an excuse to carry out all sorts of crazyness.

People with extreme mental issues and ideology's , People with thin grips on reality, those are the people you gotta worry about. They will actually believe the world is going to end so in turn they will think they have nothing else to loose, no more consequence, they will probably enact their own mini apocalyptic events.

Look for some weird and messed up news stories on the 22nd of December. Hopefully nothing to tragic. If today is any indication the current state of things to come with what happened to those poor kids in that school in Newtown well lets just hope for the best.


Jim Lahey [Holy]