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a hobby of my Fathers...check this out its amazing



a project my dad has been working on for 7 years...its a giant train room inside of my parents retirement home. A dream he's had ever since he was a child. All the buildings you see in the video were custom made from scratch and hand-painted. Nothing came as a "kit". My Father was a Senior Executive Architect for AAFES (military entity). He designed and built PX's, BX's, and shopping centers on military bases all over the world. Check the video out its amazing...your comments here or on youtube are appreciated :)


an amazing artist, awesome patience and I as an american thank him for his service to out cournty and to boot he is a senior still with the witts to complete it with great quality kudos to him
This also reminds me of when I was younger one of the CRX's I had, me and a friend got bored and found a bunch of this model train landscape, trees, ect. Well, those who have had or ridden in an old CRX the dash is pretty big and flat like a table almost, then has a big "hill" on it. Well needless to say we were a little motivated by pot, but we took all those model trees and found these little goblins and trolls (real ugly looking detailed ones) and attached it all to my dash board making our own little scene, complete with a mushroom incense burner.

Well just so happend after we got done that night, we got pulled over. And it wasn't a normal hey you ran a stop sign or anything, I guess a car just like mine was seen tagging graffiti all over town. Specifically E.L.F. Which at the time I didn't know what it was, turns out its an enviromental liberation force, that was going around causing billions of damage to like real estate devolopers ect anything the hippies thought was bad so they would blow stuff up. So, they asked to search my car from spray paint. I said no. (i had a pot pipe in the door of my car). They were talking to me telling me what was going on ect and the Chief of police came down and was taking pictures of my car. Inside and out (of the inside from the outside since i said they cant search).. And of course they were like WTF is wrong with your dashboard?? Told them we got bored. one of the cops opened my door and found my pipe and held it up and was like "WTF is this?" I said " OH just a piece of glass you found in my car I said you couldn't search" And the Chief was like wtf put that back. Anyways it was very funny of what they thought of my dash board, they tried telling me to go fishing or something instead of doing stupid shit. Was a pretty fun time.


This also reminds me of when I was younger one of the CRX's I had, me and a friend got bored and found a bunch of this model train landscape, trees, ect. Well, those who have had or ridden in an old CRX the dash is pretty big and flat like a table almost, then has a big "hill" on it. Well needless to say we were a little motivated by pot, but we took all those model trees and found these little goblins and trolls (real ugly looking detailed ones) and attached it all to my dash board making our own little scene, complete with a mushroom incense burner.

Well just so happend after we got done that night, we got pulled over. And it wasn't a normal hey you ran a stop sign or anything, I guess a car just like mine was seen tagging graffiti all over town. Specifically E.L.F. Which at the time I didn't know what it was, turns out its an enviromental liberation force, that was going around causing billions of damage to like real estate devolopers ect anything the hippies thought was bad so they would blow stuff up. So, they asked to search my car from spray paint. I said no. (i had a pot pipe in the door of my car). They were talking to me telling me what was going on ect and the Chief of police came down and was taking pictures of my car. Inside and out (of the inside from the outside since i said they cant search).. And of course they were like WTF is wrong with your dashboard?? Told them we got bored. one of the cops opened my door and found my pipe and held it up and was like "WTF is this?" I said " OH just a piece of glass you found in my car I said you couldn't search" And the Chief was like wtf put that back. Anyways it was very funny of what they thought of my dash board, they tried telling me to go fishing or something instead of doing stupid shit. Was a pretty fun time.

rofl... the retarded shit we do as teenagers right? good job on the no search thing tho


this is a good typical example of civil militant nationalist government-licking western superiority hegemony - an autonomous culture inside the culture. so what - nice trains and models and everything. as an artist i love it. but what the fuck with the white-christian propaganda? do we suddenly have to respect your racist existence if we are to approve the artistic talents of your father? or do you wish to earn kudos in a forum filled with the members of the alpha dog of the bipolar countries?

my respects for your dad. the work is truly amazing.


most everyone on the internets w/voice is an "alpha-dog" and it's disheartening that so little criticism can silence quiet genius...even people u didn't tell to go "kill urself"


this is a good typical example of civil militant nationalist government-licking western superiority hegemony - an autonomous culture inside the culture. so what - nice trains and models and everything. as an artist i love it. but what the fuck with the white-christian propaganda? do we suddenly have to respect your racist existence if we are to approve the artistic talents of your father? or do you wish to earn kudos in a forum filled with the members of the alpha dog of the bipolar countries?

my respects for your dad. the work is truly amazing.

to be honest i'm not even sure what you're getting at. But thankyou for your compliments :)


this is a good typical example of civil militant nationalist government-licking western superiority hegemony - an autonomous culture inside the culture. so what - nice trains and models and everything. as an artist i love it. but what the fuck with the white-christian propaganda? do we suddenly have to respect your racist existence if we are to approve the artistic talents of your father? or do you wish to earn kudos in a forum filled with the members of the alpha dog of the bipolar countries?

WTFFFF?? You sir need to lay off the old conspiracy theory garbage lol.. All I see is some sweet replicas of places/things.


Amazing... how does he build that shit

he literally gets pictures of the buildings off the net and prints them out...gets the official architectural dimensions...then sizes them down to the scale he uses for the models...drafts a "scaled" architectural plan and after that he starts cutting metal/plastic and rebuilds the buildings using the scaled dimensions he designs on paper. He then hand paints them and compares to the pictures to see if it's of "his standards"...

And the thing is....he doesn't want any publicity or anything...he's doing it for his own self fulfillment....but hes spent tens of thousands of hours working on this project (he doesn't get to during the summer because he does landscaping projects on my parents retirement home during the summer...not to mention he has the rest of the house to keep maintained including the lawn and all that mess)

idk if thats because hes being humble about how amazing he is at this stuff, or if its that he honestly just doesn't want the attention...but im planning on sending some of this stuff into train and model train magazines (i'll be sure to tell them it's not okay to contact him without his consent first), but to at least give him some sortof credit...because i've seen some pretty cool model train stuff in newspapers and whatnot...but it was built by a team of numerous people...not one single person...I've never seen one person be able to do something like this thats this good...

Anyways Thanks for all your compliments guys I'm gonna show him this thread as well next time I go visit my parents