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a hobby of my Fathers...check this out its amazing


To people who think this is weird, this is basically his generation's closest thing to a sandbox MMO.

If sandbox MMO's are weird, then I would agree with your statement.


Man that's really cool! :D It's great we can have civilized threads like these about our personal lives! Made me grin stupidly :D

You have a great father, don't forget to remind him! :) I'll be sure to comment something positive on the youtube video once I get back from work!


This is not to steal thunder at all but this guy seems to have a similar style in how he builds to your father. If he hasent heard of this guy he should check him out for inspiration if nothing else :) he builds British navy/air force models very similarly to how your dad does his buildings, your dad uses much more expensive/hard to work materials tho (props for that) :)


Now get a stick of dynamite, and let the REAL fun begin!

lol I'm just kidding....I'm not trying to troll here. I'm happy your fathers dream has come true! Many people die with their dreams as far away as the moon, so I'm happy for him. That is alot of work

personally I would love to make a miniature bejiing, moscow, or tehran, put some miniature USA army vehicles, soldiers around the outskirts, and enjoy a neat experiment of physics! Maybe figure out the mathematics to scale down the power of the missles our military currently uses, into the form of dynamite, to fit the scale of the enemy town.

Have the first five minutes of "my" youtube video start out cheerful and happy like on yours, in foreign music, then have it switch to war ensemble by "slayer", and unleash the might of the united states military upon the enemy!


thanks for all your compliments guys...i'll probly be going to visit my parents on sunday (they live about an hour away). But I may take new pictures of it in the dark with all the stuff lit up. I'll keep everyone whos interested posted in this thread or maybe create a new one to clear out the "air" lol..


Amazing quality. He should have moved to Cali and done movie set design, or theme parks...the future will probably be everything done in 3d modeling software and 3d printers or at minimum CNC cut parts. Probably laminated textures rather than hand painted.

FFS the last 10% of any project is such a bitch, they say you do the first 90%, then the second 90%, because the last 10% of finishing detail to a polished level is as much a pain as the first 90%.

For money he should get a booth at some of the handmade fine art/crafts shows, if you are a "demonstrator" meaning you're making something in a public way in your booth, painting buildings, making shit as people watch, you get a free or reduced fee booth. My hippy uncle does that, sets up his workbench and makes furniture with 100 year old hand tools and rich people eat it up. I used to help him as a kid and I remember one guy couldn't decide which chair he wanted so he just bought all 4 for $10,000. Some older people drop big bucks on model train stuff, or rich people want a re-creation of their childhood home.


Amazing quality. He should have moved to Cali and done movie set design, or theme parks...the future will probably be everything done in 3d modeling software and 3d printers or at minimum CNC cut parts. Probably laminated textures rather than hand painted.

FFS the last 10% of any project is such a bitch, they say you do the first 90%, then the second 90%, because the last 10% of finishing detail to a polished level is as much a pain as the first 90%.

For money he should get a booth at some of the handmade fine art/crafts shows, if you are a "demonstrator" meaning you're making something in a public way in your booth, painting buildings, making shit as people watch, you get a free or reduced fee booth. My hippy uncle does that, sets up his workbench and makes furniture with 100 year old hand tools and rich people eat it up. I used to help him as a kid and I remember one guy couldn't decide which chair he wanted so he just bought all 4 for $10,000. Some older people drop big bucks on model train stuff, or rich people want a re-creation of their childhood home.

yeah he's dropped a ton of $ into this project....think about it....just on the "smallest of scales" (don't mean to be too cliche here... but...) The little "people" you see are one of the only things he doesn't craft himself...you buy the little people in packages.......these little people cost about $10 per figure...... and there's little people ALL over his "town". Those are probably the least expensive things here. If I had to guesstimate, I'd say theres probably 4-500 little people scattered about the town "doing whatever they do"