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About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

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Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

see.....you really have to stop quoting things out of context

I'm not worried about it.. ie: It's not gonna fuck my chars up...

but I would like to see it not implemented...because it would change things like lots of noob reds for me to kill etc.


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

I fully support statloss.. I'm new here, used to be the gm of a PK guild and a thief guild back on the OSI shards up until mid 2001.. have always been loyal to felucca.. but this place has gotten out of hand.

I joined here because my friends started playing here and wanted to get a guild together.. well my first two days in game I didnt see a single one of my friends online, so attempted to level up a character by myself.. it was super easy to do the non-combat skills, but I soon ran out of my initial 1000 newbie gold and had to go train with blades.. decided to try the most obvious place, the jhelom cemetary.. every two minutes a new red mage would roll through and para me, then mana dump

I tried just raising weapon skill by going to the jhelom farms and killing cows and bulls, but the same thing happened.. the same reds would keep coming through and killing me, even though I had nothing on me the previous times they ganked me.

Every red on this shard is a mage too.. so simply hiding didnt help.

Had my friends not finally gotten on and helped me work skills up I wouldve probably given up on this server.. every obscure location I could think of to try making a little gold or gain a little weapon skill got me ganked.

Statloss would be a good thing in my opinion.. it takes no time for reds to macro skills back up, but at least they wont waste those short terms on constantly ganking a lowbie with no equipment.

Someone up above mentioned that implementing statloss would make it possible for a soloing red to exist.. I declare bullshit on that one.. from my perspective it's currently impossible for a newbie without help to gain any sort of combat skills at all without getting repeatedly ganked, even in the traditionally safe newbie areas. At least when people go red they got to make a choice to go do solo pvp.. so they should have the skills to hold their own.. my poor little 50 swords/50 tactics ass doesnt have a choice, or a chance for that matter.

If you can't deal with statloss, you aren't truly a red.

I'll still be making my red before too long, and in my opinion statloss just makes being a red more fun.

Currently I don't ever give counts to those who murder me, since all it is doing is giving them a bragging right.. and encourages them to kill you again.


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Pudrick said:

That is the probably, single handedly, the most idiotic suggestion ever offered.

i thought you were banned for being a prick
Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

You kill a innocent, they get a gump where they can enter an amount of gold (or nothing) on the PKers head. It would be withdrawn from the dead innocents bank, and placed on the PK's head. The boards were in all towns, and showed how many kills the PK has, and the bounty on their head, also a description of the avatar, hair color style, etc.
(I forgot if it showed where they hung out mostly or not, Dont think it did.)

So you find this PK, kill him. Cut off the head, drop on a guard in a city, you recieve the bounty for him.


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Twisted Arm said:
You kill a innocent, they get a gump where they can enter an amount of gold (or nothing) on the PKers head. It would be withdrawn from the dead innocents bank, and placed on the PK's head. The boards were in all towns, and showed how many kills the PK has, and the bounty on their head, also a description of the avatar, hair color style, etc.
(I forgot if it showed where they hung out mostly or not, Dont think it did.)

So you find this PK, kill him. Cut off the head, drop on a guard in a city, you recieve the bounty for him.

Bounty system sucked.. all that happened was the murderer's cut off their own heads and got paid for killing people..


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Koor said:
I fully support statloss.. I'm new here, used to be the gm of a PK guild and a thief guild back on the OSI shards up until mid 2001.. have always been loyal to felucca.. but this place has gotten out of hand.

I joined here because my friends started playing here and wanted to get a guild together.. well my first two days in game I didnt see a single one of my friends online, so attempted to level up a character by myself.. it was super easy to do the non-combat skills, but I soon ran out of my initial 1000 newbie gold and had to go train with blades.. decided to try the most obvious place, the jhelom cemetary.. every two minutes a new red mage would roll through and para me, then mana dump

I tried just raising weapon skill by going to the jhelom farms and killing cows and bulls, but the same thing happened.. the same reds would keep coming through and killing me, even though I had nothing on me the previous times they ganked me.

Every red on this shard is a mage too.. so simply hiding didnt help.

Had my friends not finally gotten on and helped me work skills up I wouldve probably given up on this server.. every obscure location I could think of to try making a little gold or gain a little weapon skill got me ganked.

Statloss would be a good thing in my opinion.. it takes no time for reds to macro skills back up, but at least they wont waste those short terms on constantly ganking a lowbie with no equipment.

Someone up above mentioned that implementing statloss would make it possible for a soloing red to exist.. I declare bullshit on that one.. from my perspective it's currently impossible for a newbie without help to gain any sort of combat skills at all without getting repeatedly ganked, even in the traditionally safe newbie areas. At least when people go red they got to make a choice to go do solo pvp.. so they should have the skills to hold their own.. my poor little 50 swords/50 tactics ass doesnt have a choice, or a chance for that matter.

If you can't deal with statloss, you aren't truly a red.

I'll still be making my red before too long, and in my opinion statloss just makes being a red more fun.

Currently I don't ever give counts to those who murder me, since all it is doing is giving them a bragging right.. and encourages them to kill you again.

"I was the GM of a PK Guild.....but I can't even make a new char"

you are either full of shit, your guild sucked or you are a complete idiot.


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

As for as you whinny ass blues that are pro-stat loss either man up and kill the red or be alittle puss and recall out. I die several times a week with my red but you dont hear me complaining, it's a kill or be killed situation when a red intiates the attack. Or hear me complaining about crim time after some puss recalled out that I targeted. And if you do implement stat loss instead of you being killed by 1 or 2 reds you will be killed by 5 or more and will put an end to reds vs reds. So you really not accomplishing much there. Instead of me killing u 1 vs 1 it will be 1 vs 5,6, etc. The reason I left OSI is because of the whinning ass trammies on there and I be damned if this shard isn't getting full of them. I don't agree with killing miners myself that's a pussy thing to do but hey I once had a 7x warrior with gm mining 5 yrs ago on OSI that could hold his on. I did enjoy this shard back a year ago when I first started playing it. But things have changed majorly on here since then. And not all for the best. But there again. Not going to complain there is always something better out there just have to find it or wait for it. As far as the staff goes I have no complaints against them either they are doing all they can to please everyone but sometimes you have to go with the majority of the complainers to keep from losing your investment. So keep up the good job, cause obviously ya'll doing a good job with so many players on now.


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

well that system (the bounty system) would be too easily exploited....so i'm betting it'll never be implemented.
Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Toxicity said:
well that system (the bounty system0 would be too easily exploited....so i'm betting it'll never be implemented.

I think if somone can get a LARGE bounty on their head, and they decide to take stat for the bounty, THEY DESERVE IT. Remeber this is WITH stat, so it wont be easy to get a large bounty. Seeing as how NO ONE would even put more then 5gp on somone head, cause nobody even reports anymore.

Like 1 in 7 report kills.
Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

I agree that there is an overly abundent number of assholes that treat UO as first person shooter instead of MMORPG. They run around killing everything in site just because they can and alot of PK's target the weaker players, like miners and tamers out trying to earn some gold instead of looking for a real fight.

I want you to know that I have 0 red characters and I am totally AGAINST stat loss. I've been in an anti guild since I started playing UO in 1998 and I know first hand that stat loss will only cause PKers to cower in the face of death because they don't want die if they're facing stat loss. I think stat loss will reduce the number of PK's but it'll definitely ruin the whole murder system, which is needed to balance out the shard.

I am behind some penalties for reds, but not stat-loss. Maybe temporary stat loss like factions or all animals/monsters/blue npc's (healers) in game auto target reds over blues. Maybe make all characters on an account red if 1 character goes red. Honestly, I think it's too easy to be red, the only penalty is you're freely attackable and that's it. Maybe reduce the number of the red healers and shrines in game. Make it harder to be red to weed out the little bitches.

I also think this a player based issue. The blues on this shard have to defend themselves. Band together like some of the anti guilds and go in groups wasting anything in your path that's red. If people bitch about 1vs1, please refer them to the duel pits. UO is not a 1vs1 game. It's a MMORPG not a first person shooter! I'm tired of all the little bitches who get ganked whining about it. Find some friends and you won't get ganked.
Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

if its just stat loss im all for it but if is skill loss i vote no i dont mind macro stats but i hate macroing resist and magery. Flame if you want but most people on this shard dont know how it is to macro resist or magery for months to gm or swords for weeks.


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Okay, first off I deeply consider myself to be a hardcore pk. Go laugh it up, I solo pk more than group. I got a majority of my counts through running by MYSELF knowingly that I can escape from ganksquads of reds/blues cuz recall is so retarded here.

Does anyone realise how slow-minded you have to be to pvp here to begin with? A group of sloth pks can just sync meteor swarm on a target to instant kill. I struggle when i pk when it comes to disrupting babies from recalling, but i doubt they will ever fix that..

Did we forgot what the big problem on uogamers was? hrmm Tamers? Over powerd? No?

Pks have always killed miners, always will. They obviously suck, and there are anti pks that suposably guard the mines so let them. I havent encounterd one red on this shard that impressed me. MvP was a bunch of 10-13 year olds, 2d was tamers (enough said there), and those pie clowns cant even 1v1/2v2. More than half the kids cant even talk trash w/o sounding like another typical clown in uo.

So what will stat loss accomplish besides showing that the trammish player gets the majority of benifets on this shard? Might as well fucking install trammel and see what happens, 75% of the population will move and it will leave all the wannabe pks and decent pks behind to go back to griefin each other.

Like I said about tamers, yea maybe im babbeling but they should be fixed before pks ever are. There are definatly more tamers than reds, OR close to it. I see tamers farming more than they should be taming. But go ahead and give this trammed out shard statloss if that is what is best, I will quit like the rest of the real pks.


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Well, I agree but not intirely.
I think killing a miner is even less lame then how the whole fucking shard ganks on 1 person. I'm a pvp player, I play solo alot. I kill reds/blues/greys and pets, w/e the fuck i want to. But i am annoyed at fleeing 1v1's that run to there gank party. Especially sick of the 5 way para rape.. How gay can we get? IMHO, your all fags. It seems that this must be the way ryan would play if he were to, cause thats how you run the shard, make benifits, and speak.
Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

NASTY_DEVILx, Full_Flavor, Balron of IPY, Robo, coolbit, blindfoldedhope, Ironfist Max, Strong, MarcusO, ReallyBigFrog, Koor, Tachion, Demitri, Toxicity, Twisted Arm, A Silly Gangsta, BlazeOfGlory, ugene the fisher, Chicka, Airlik, Rheea, Fastrike, I Poison You, nasir jones, Gankis Khan, Que Cee, Tanis, Common, rep1969, crsuch, Lint - ppl viewing this thread :/
Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

i agree with this completely, some people just kill random people just to be mean and I don't think that theres a better way for this because some people can't handle the freedom so they ruin it for everyone.
Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Robo said:
it will leave all the wannabe pks and decent pks behind to go back to griefin each other.

Whats wrong with a lil friendly competition.


Im done with this thread. :(


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Statloss...100% agree. There needs to be some sort of consequence to being red, otherwise we should just get rid of hues altogether, and right now there really isnt. Pk'ing has its place, but it shouldn't be the theme of the shard. If your good, or your smart (which disqualifies about 2/3 of the red population on this shard) then you can still pk without suffering statloss. Besides, I can make a new character from scratch in 24 hours here, I dun wanna hear how tough statloss would be on the reds.
Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

Tanis said:
scripts ? wtf u talkin bout son.... you think wu usin scripts too?

get lost.

Wu Gambino?

Maybe he should start.

yes It was I who fought him. No it wasnt 2 times I won outa 10, No I didnt pick them up of off the pit floors.

2 ina row, didn't fight a third.


Re: About Stat Loss (re: Demented Jesters thread)

IMO If you put the bounty system in it would be a good way to get pk's hunted down at the most. Just make the prizes valuable I.E. CBD - 100k+ - Vanqs - Custom Gear. Not all at the same time though it would kinda be out there. Killing reds would be alot more worth it that way and more people would be on their blues hunting reds instead of always on their reds. It also gives the possibility of Red Vs Red(Theres a first for everything).

Stat loss is a good idea but everyone is going to bitch and complain resulting in Reds going mostly Blue making the population of PvP to B-90/10-R. With as much as everyone says theres less reds than there is blues you people are ignorant. Basically you're counting the banksitters, the miners, the tamers, and the people who actually work for their "Rares". IMO as it stands, the population of reds is about 25% theres maybe 37% blues that PvP (1/2 Facz) and the rest are just out there.

For reds yeah I give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe its balanced but all you guys are complaining about is how you're not going to be able to PvP. You're a Pk'er do what you do. If we have the possibility of losing our gear/regs/gold/and anything else if you kill us in a dungeon, you should have a consequence too. End of discussion.

Please post and tell me how u want to duel me and how much u own my 3x GM 4tw. Thanks
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