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All SL members and guilds


All SL members and guilds

Get ahold of me

So we can try and get more organized and take towns.

Leave me a PM or IM me at



Eh, if anyone's interested I'm setting up an SL keep. It won't be where you can reg up and shit unless there are co-owners there, so it's mainly just a place to organize and rape an entire town, or two... or three.


FUCK SL knotice some of us not playing.
all the shit talk from DJs... they didnt help get the towns or keep the towns.
the select few of us that got em and ke[pt em havent been bothering and look at minax now there going up now and good shit cause maybe now you fucks will follow them and we can have some Ojs to kill again i hated it being like 15 of us in brit ganken like 3 mdk thats so lame

FUCK SL knotice some of us not playing.
all the shit talk from DJs... they didnt help get the towns or keep the towns.
the select few of us that got em and ke[pt em havent been bothering and look at minax now there going up now and good shit cause maybe now you fucks will follow them and we can have some Ojs to kill again i hated it being like 15 of us in brit ganken like 3 mdk thats so lame

Heh whatever. Minax has had us outnumbered in brit for the past few days. Go run through there a few times. We got vesper on lockdown now though :)


I think you should war VS + DJs, instead of pretending you actually pvp.

Idiot, you are right. I havent pvped. I havent even played UO in a couple days. So please stop pretending like VS is any good because you really arent from what I have seen.


lol I just realized youre Catskills Legend lol. Youre horible bro, end of story. On another note Atl isnt my guild so I have no control over who they war I am not God of Soap. So just stfu and continue dieing cuz its what you do best.


hmm... i guess i must be horrible because i dont hold points like you? or wait because i don't hide on the field during fights? or wait talk shit in delucia where you are invulnerable. Im so horrible yet you won't accept a duel from me or able to write the word "horrible". Get out of your fantasy world your the joke of sl.