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All SL members and guilds


Sauron said:
Heh whatever. Minax has had us outnumbered in brit for the past few days. Go run through there a few times. We got vesper on lockdown now though :)

ha bro im sorry man but yeah i ran around brit infact killed a couple of minaxs guards the shits a joke the guards suck why do u think minax got the moonglow and trinny sigil? dont talk about what ya dont know... mdk is good as a team yes thats true but thats all ya see em as....


yo siccx bro heh i know ya from cats. ur cool in my book but i just gotta defend spoon on that safe zone hidding shit cause when im on he rolls out with me quite a bit and outa all the mofos in SL hes the only one staying that heals me or backs me up i dont know what u guys are talken about honestly i left atl cause that sit became a joke group of 4 see oranges and became group of me... so yeah im out of it now but what ever


I wont accept a duel? Youre right I wont, see that I havent even been on UO in like the past week almost. So yea, I guess I hide outside of UO in my rl. As far as the fact of you being horrible, its justa simple matter that like most of SL. You dont know the meaning of xheal, or teamwork. Instead youll think youre hardcore and can own anyone, or anything. Much like you did that day Alatar and Pallando strait punked you. As you was too good to try and team work with Drahmen.. Anyway, Continue dieing on the field man, someday youll be able to hold a candle to me.

For the record I will be in a different faction next week for all my fans out there


We fought altar and that other noob, they ended up recalling to straun and I. While you casted invisiblity on yourself. I don't need to make up stories, to make myself look good. Like you!


el oh fucking el...

The whole fucking Atl guild is a joke. They all hug around us and fukin follow us in our gates constatnly, then are constantly asking to join up in our party then I have like five of them asking me if they could join DJs like eveyr day =<

Spoon, you seriously think Atl is better than DJs? I remember dropping Atl 3v5 then just yesterday I dropped some other joke =<

Spoon I cannot believe u would say that mate ^^ I will drop anyone in yer guild npnp msg me


=O teh Ejin got haxxored and lost everything =<<

And to top it all off teh GM's wont even trace my IP's to see who hacked me or even change my pw cause it doesnt "match my original IP" cause I got a router and it chagned my IP =\



Ejin said:
=O teh Ejin got haxxored and lost everything =<<

And to top it all off teh GM's wont even trace my IP's to see who hacked me or even change my pw cause it doesnt "match my original IP" cause I got a router and it chagned my IP =\

gay hah.


Ejin said:
=O teh Ejin got haxxored and lost everything =<<

And to top it all off teh GM's wont even trace my IP's to see who hacked me or even change my pw cause it doesnt "match my original IP" cause I got a router and it chagned my IP =\


lol theres no way some one could have changed ur pass on u ive tried to get mine changed already they wont do it dont make up bull shit stories man and ejin cast a lil mb on the feild and u drop quickly... :\i love how i check up on the factions site..... and djs has been at 196 for quite some time yeah u guys feild my ass that shit never stays level if u play the feildespecially when u guys are in the 40s with ur points


What are you talking about? Were you trying to flame me??

And you say we dont field??? We are in the field more than any guild on UO Gamers (us and MDK) so plz dont fuckin try and talk shit ^^


Ejin- I never said Atl was better then DJs. Not to me knowledge, so please pull your head out of your ass. Everyone knows your guild is good no need to boast about it. When its already known. Atl isnt even my guild Im not the GM of it, and also Im not even in the guild anymore.

Catskills Legend - Where do you get these stories man? The only time I was ever around when you was fighting Alatar and Pallondo was when it was you and drahmen. Which you failed miserably to work with drahmen. And I got word from the two of them you thought you was hardcore and tried 2v1ing them and you failed..miserably. Stop talking big on a internet board, you never "schooled" either of the two. I will not fight Alatar and Pallondo as I know them from Atlantic. Not once have I ever tried hideing from the two as they wont attack me, and I wont attack them. So please, stop trying to make up these BS stories of yours.
Ps. Continue your ways of getting owned on the field.



*Hands spoon some mouthwash*
I can smell Ejin's cock on your breath.

Why? Because I told him his guild is good? DJs are a good group of pvpers I give credit where its due. But thats right in UO if you give anyone a compliment on there guild youre a crony/follower/bitch/fag/anything else. Never said I wanted in DJs or anything, just told him he has a good guild.. anyway continue farming points Lud.