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Another DDoS? Go on!


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

I don't really think the person who's doing this realizes what kind of water they're treading.
Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

We need to take extreme measures, i say release all of the attacking ips so we can have some of our friendly neighborhood hackers lay into them.


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

_Choru_ said:
Maybe Ryan CANT do anything about it?

Security agents cost money, you gonna cough up the cash?

No I'm not, but take a gander at most of the replies in this post. Does it seem like people are happy? And do you expect the shard to remain so prominent with these ridiculous attacks?

Hey, I'm not saying he has to do it, I'm just saying if he wants his shard to remain as prestigious as it once was, then it's something he just may have to do- unfortunately. Ryan's a big boy, and he'll make the right decision. But clearly, and use some common sense, if he doesn't take the necessary precautions (which may be pricey), then his server just may straggle away.

Iunno what else to tell you, but that this is the unwanted truth. Whether you agree or disagree, it is. Whatever, let me go spark this, back in 15.


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

Correct me if i am wrong, but the server is located at that company ev1 or?
This guys who deal with such crap as a part of their work must know how to get rid of such things or ?

Lets just hope all will return to normal soon...


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

Reefer said:
Listen, if this keeps up, you can damn well expect the population of the server to decrease dramatically. As well known as this server is, the unreliability will eventually get on everyone's last nerve- it already has. Now, personally, I don't care, because off of this computer I have a life. But, even I'm getting ticked off being that this is the 3rd time this happened and admins still haven't done anything to prevent this from happening (no advancements in security or anything of the nature). Just imagine how pissed off the geeks who shelter their lives with this shard are, damn!

I understand these DDoS attacks will continue to happen. But there is security agents that you can get for your server they can help DDoS attacks. Either you figure out how you'll create more of a secure server, or you can expect people to leave in vast amounts.

I'll still be here tho! But for now, I'm gonna go shmoke some weed.

You show me the "Security Agents". DDoS cannot be stopped without large sums of money. Dont bitch at our Admins/GMS. There doing the best they can. They have families to tend to while your smoking your "reefer"
Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

Reefer said:
No I'm not, but take a gander at most of the replies in this post. Does it seem like people are happy? And do you expect the shard to remain so prominent with these ridiculous attacks?

Hey, I'm not saying he has to do it, I'm just saying if he wants his shard to remain as prestigious as it once was, then it's something he just may have to do- unfortunately. Ryan's a big boy, and he'll make the right decision. But clearly, and use some common sense, if he doesn't take the necessary precautions (which may be pricey), then his server just may straggle away.

Iunno what else to tell you, but that this is the unwanted truth. Whether you agree or disagree, it is. Whatever, let me go spark this, back in 15.

right because the guys who coded run uo have never thought about buying or downloading some l33t warez for teh win!!!!

someone knows what they are doing and they are ruining the fun for everyone.


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

what does DDoS stand for?
im aware that its something to do with crashing the server, thats about it though.
Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

Can you disable house decay till this problem is sorted?

I don't want to lose my houses because of some fuckwit DDOSS'er.


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

LoX-Cats said:
what does DDoS stand for?
im aware that its something to do with crashing the server, thats about it though.

DDoS = Distributed Denial of Service (if memory serves me right)


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

TheBlackMan said:
You show me the "Security Agents". DDoS cannot be stopped reefer brain. Dont bitch at our Admins/GMS. There doing the best they fucking can. They have families to tend to while your smoking your "reefer"

Listen, I'm not doing any bitching, and I'm not doing any complaining. It's funny how you're ready to go off, and use swears explictly. Dude, take a chill pill. I'm simply stating the obvious, and that's it. But listen, next time you decide to have a roid rage, stop and think about things. You clearly just trying to kiss their asses, but you aren't successfully doing so. I'm not ridiculing them in anyway, I'm just wondering if they are aware of what needs to be done. So, put the needle away and go have some fun. KTHXBYE
Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

as a side note i think a revert to pre attacks would be fair to a lot of people.

my house should be fine, but i feel really bad for all the people who aren't going to be as lucky. i wouldn't quit out of indignation, but i probably wouldnt have the motivation to start over either.

this is what happened with ipy :(


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

Reefer said:
Listen, I'm not doing any bitching, and I'm not doing any complaining. It's funny how you're ready to go off, and use swears explictly. Dude, take a chill pill. I'm simply stating the obvious, and that's it. But listen, next time you decide to have a roid rage, stop and think about things. You clearly just trying to kiss their asses, but you aren't successfully doing so. I'm not ridiculing them in anyway, I'm just wondering if they are aware of what needs to be done. So, put the needle away and go have some fun. KTHXBYE

Actually I apologize for the Curse words and I revised my post, lets not start an arguement here thats all the forums need. But as you can see on the front page babies are being born and lifes are going on. Our GMs are doing what they can.


Re: Another DDoS? Go on!

Now seeing that this is like the 3rd time this has happened i woulda expected some of you to have read the other billion posts on this shit. I believe its been Zippy tell you its not OUR server personally getting attacked its EV1 itself. As in god knows how many other servers they have are all being attacked by some lil bored nerdy fuck whos gettin an e woodie knowing hes fuckin peoples lives up. Ryans got top end shit for this server. He spec'd what he pays for this shit lil over a year ago and it was some serious cash. Note this was when the server only had around 300-400 at peaks not 800+ like it does now. So you can imagine that the server wasnt nearly as powerful as it is now. The only thing in my eyes ryan could possibly do if the attacks continue is to stop doing business with EV1 and find another company to run the server threw. Which i dont know as i dont know the different server companys, its just not something i have any interest in. So for anyone else that insists on cryin that ryan needs to buy better security and all this bullshit seriously needs to go find out what the fuck they are talking about instead of coming on here and telling ryan what the fuck to do. Dont you guys think hes prolly got the most protection he can afford or even have? I know i would just so i wouldnt have to hear yall piss and moan about something you have no control over like you always do. Servers down big fuckin deal go have a life. The is other things out there other than UO.