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Balance Updates


Re: Balance Updates

Wasn't the original change meant to lower spell damage? This proposed change increases the average damage of all circles except 6th and 7th. Not to mention that Resist is more difficult to raise than Magery and EvalInt, it should be more effective than 13% against a 7th circle spell at GM.

Personally, I think Resist should give you a chance to RESIST a spell, not just take less damage. Increasing your weapon skill and tactics increases your chance to not get hit by melee, resist should do the same for spells.

With your proposal, someone can run up, paralyze you, and if you have no pouches on you, or they're all used up, you're pretty much dead. They med for a sec, cast Exp (26 pts with your proposal) followed by FS (35 pts) and then Poison (12 pts per tick without GM Poisoning). That leaves you with 27 hit points and poisoned. Bandaging is out of the question, you'd be dead before the poison was cured, so you have to pop a cure pot or try to cast cure between poison ticks, while your opponent is casting an E-Bolt (26 pts) and Lightning (15 pts) with his remaining 31 Mana (not counting mana gained with passive med). Since the para would keep you unable to do anything until the Exp/FS combo hit, you would effectively lose 114pts of health (115.91 going with your averages) in 6.5 secs (Total casting time from FS hitting you until Lightning Bolt hits you).

Mages bitch about people chugging pots, but the numbers show why they do. Without Cure/Healing/Refresh (since you would have no stam after taking a dump like that) pots, non-mages wouldn't stand a chance.

With GM Wrestling and Protection (not to mention GM Inscription) a mage can go toe-to-toe with a melee and still get spells off while the melee sits there swinging and missing over and over.

So either leave it how it is right now or make it so Resist gives you a chance to actually resist a spell (take no damage and no effect from non-damaging offensive spells like Para, Curse, etc).

Of course, I expect mages to bitch and flame and say things like "l34rn to pvp n00b" so go right ahead... :)


Re: Balance Updates

Stuck said:

Wow, that's a deeply thought out responce heh :)

Why shouldn't Resist allow you to resist a spell completely? You can resist my sword (Wrestling), why can't I resist your spell (Resist)?


Re: Balance Updates

i totally agree with that. those darn mages just walk up give you the combo and life is almost over. but if a guy comes up swinging and he misses a couple times the bandaids have hit and i am healed again. it shure does not pay to go through all the trouble to gm resist and have it do so little. as it is now you just have to carry around a ton of potions. if you wanna make it better limit the potions and time there. make em work for it not give it to them from a macro drink. or just a combo spell and para. make the trapped boxes deal more dammage. make the resist work. limit the potions


Re: Balance Updates

Asharru said:
Wow, that's a deeply thought out responce heh :)

Why shouldn't Resist allow you to resist a spell completely? You can resist my sword (Wrestling), why can't I resist your spell (Resist)?

Because a swing from a sword doesn't consume 3 reagents and 20 stamina.

Make spells cost nothing and I would agree.


Re: Balance Updates

Stu|7id said:
make em work for it not give it to them from a macro drink. or just a combo spell and para. make the trapped boxes deal more dammage. make the resist work. limit the potions

I wouldn't mind seeing something like a 20 sec timer between Heal pots. This would stop chain chugging and make healing more valuable than pots (since it would have a lower timer). Also put one on the Refresh pots. When I go out, I try not to carry more than 3-5 of each of the three pots (Cure/Heal/Refresh since I rarely use Agil/Str pots) because I don't want to fall prey to chain chugging. As for trapped pouches and damage... they used to do more than 1 point of damage to you long ago, I think they should again. With them doing like 10 points or so, it would make you look at the situation before just popping a pouch to break para... Popping the pouch could be what gets you killed while not popping it could give you a chance to live... You never know :)


Re: Balance Updates

oh yeah let's put a timer on cure pots... chain poisoning in group fights would make PvP REALLY fun!!!!111oneone1fuckingone


Re: Balance Updates

Stuck said:
Because a swing from a sword doesn't consume 3 reagents and 20 stamina.

Make spells cost nothing and I would agree.

True, it doesn't. But I can't stop and use a skill to regain all my stam (and have it working passively too). Yes, there are Refresh pots, but as I said in my last post, those should have timers on them.

As for the cost of regs... It costs more to regear a melee char after a death than it does a mage. Our weapons and armor cost more than your regs. Granted, if we actually win the fight, our repair costs are less than your costs of restocking your regs when you win.


Re: Balance Updates

I sure miss the game the way it was before. I just think it was better before the changes were made. I bet most players agree with me. These are the darkest days in hybrid history ( other than the recent attacks ). :mad:

Merry Christmas (humbug)


Re: Balance Updates

Put a timer on cure pots and every brother sister and dog will have gm poisoning. If you love timers that bad try a sphere shard.


Re: Balance Updates

mytor said:
I sure miss the game the way it was before. I just think it was better before the changes were made. I bet most players agree with me. These are the darkest days in hybrid history ( other than the recent attacks ). :mad:

Merry Christmas (humbug)


shut up.


Re: Balance Updates

johny[nad] said:
Put a timer on cure pots and every brother sister and dog will have gm poisoning. If you love timers that bad try a sphere shard.

Exactly, which is why I think only Heal pots and refreshes should have timers on them. Maybe lower the chance of a Greater Cure to cure Deadly Poison so that Nox Mage is still viable, but not a guaranteed win...


Re: Balance Updates

Yea now balance the retarded 20 HITPOINT str pots too, and the pvp might get good, make it 10str eg 2str per hp ?!? kthx


Re: Balance Updates

Asharru said:
Exactly, which is why I think only Heal pots and refreshes should have timers on them. Maybe lower the chance of a Greater Cure to cure Deadly Poison so that Nox Mage is still viable, but not a guaranteed win...

Already a ten second timer on heal pots which is pretty good. And I don't think I need to explain why putting timers on refreshes would be completely horrible.