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Bama are you stalking me?

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No don't cry I do a lot of stalking I mean wandering around and from what I have seen you would make the best Best Man
Tommy can be a Bride's Maid

MAN !!!! I hope you have very VERY strong tape to strap down my ......


This one is for you Bama

Its a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide (really im 6'4)
I dont have much gold but if i did
Id buy a 3story 18x18 where we both could live

If i was a coder, but then again, no
or a man who makes necro potions in moonglow
I know its not much but its the best i can do
my gift is my song and this ones for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
I know its a blatant rip off but now that its done
I hope you don't mind i hope you don't mind that i put down in words
how wonderful demise is when you in the works

I sat on the test server buying blood moss
but to raise my skills... I'm at a loss
but you still code when when i right this song
its for people like you that keep demise turned on

So excuse me for forgetting but these things i do
to know that I upset you turns me all blue
anyway the thing that I really mean
your profiles eyes are the sweetest I've ever seen
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