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Best PK?

Special_Ed said:
Revelations you and your so called PK skills are a joke. You hide in waiting till someone attacks spawn and then you do the lowest shit possible. You try to gank the person fighting the spawn and all you do is hide if they cast back on you. Oh yeah, I forgot that you run alot and you multiclient constantly so you can loot white peeDevil. You are in fact a newb killer of the first order. You suck in PvP you can't duel and you just all around suck balls.

rofl, finally someone with some common sence.... shedevil is nothing but a hiding mage that waits on a tamer to get low and he EBs for the win.... If you try to 1v1 he will just run, hide, and recall fast as possible. then he will come back on his dexxer w/ vanq axe and claim ownage. you are nothing shedevil.

btw, im waiting on that duel still.... you gonna run and hide from that too?


Revelations said:
What are you talking about, peekay, I kill you all the time on shedevil, and I kill your little boyfriend as well, I have killed you 2 on 1 (the one being shedevil) so many times in shame I cannot count them all, so what if the monsters helped, that is part of being a dungeon PK retard, don't chase people in the dungeons if you cant fight with some monster spawn around. Dude, if you don't like my tactics stay at the graveyard, but you know it, I know it, I am your daddy at this game. I think myuog speaks for itslf that I am a good PK, I don't brag or post kill shots unless it is people like yourself who talk shit.

Rofl. Nice post.

God, your a fucktart.

If I were to post all the times you made threads about "owning" players on the shard for no reason I would be a billionare.

Please get a clue; choke on a dick and die. Thanks.

Oh, and how was moping up the stalls at work today?

-God Bless-

SheDevil is a PK...I hate the bitch but there is a different from a PK and a PVP in my opinion...

And Yes all that bitch does is Ebolt for the win or hide or just run and recall..

And Yes then if you kill her she already has alt. char thier looting all her shit before you even thought about looting her....

SheDevil??? Why do you always talk about B=D????? Isnt that guild dead

Im not hatin..Im just stating facts....I'm not hatin on her tactics...Hey they work so whatever.

But dont claim to be pwn'in some fools when you just run and hide...

-God Bless-


-God Bless- said:
SheDevil is a PK...I hate the bitch but there is a different from a PK and a PVP in my opinion...

And Yes all that bitch does is Ebolt for the win or hide or just run and recall..

And Yes then if you kill her she already has alt. char thier looting all her shit before you even thought about looting her....

SheDevil??? Why do you always talk about B=D????? Isnt that guild dead

Im not hatin..Im just stating facts....I'm not hatin on her tactics...Hey they work so whatever.

But dont claim to be pwn'in some fools when you just run and hide...

-God Bless-

He talks about us because we slumped him countless times. Yet, when he killed one of us he had an over-joyed orgasm. Usually the person he killed was a "new" player since we just let our friends who had no idea about UO into the guild.

Our guild is dead. Give it a rest. Actually none of us really play anymore.

I solo for maybe 1-2 hours on the weekends and thats about it.

Your a scrub both in game and out shedevil. Fuck off.
I use to roll B=D over and over and the only reason I don't like them, is because this fucktard named antarus was in the guild.....I roll with several off the old B=D members now, and most of them that I talk to don;t really like antarus as well, so I guess it was your fault I always owned B=D ant, so thanks.

I will fight anyone 1 on 1 in any dungeon and own them period! I am a dungoen PK, not a dueler, not a factioner a PK...eat a dick and die
Inferno, I have never fought you besides the one time my dexer caught you res killing your blue giving him counts to get up on the kills board, your old guild booted you becuase they saw the evidence, oh yea here is the picture again LOL!

Oh yea the journal, shows you alking shit and dying seconds later LOL!

-God Bless-

Revelations said:
I will fight anyone 1 on 1 in any dungeon and own them period! I am a dungoen PK, not a dueler, not a factioner a PK...eat a dick and die

That is a false statement I was in deciet farming liches and you rolled up on me and

comboed me...lucky I chugged a str. and agl. chased you all the way pretty much out the

dungeon...So dont you say fight anyone in dungeon and own them...You cant say that shit

for 1 you dont have resist....1 dumped and your pretty much gone...even if you do chugg....

Dont say you own anyone cuz all u did in deciet was run and hide...I reveal you hide

again and kept doing the same...Then 3 other reds got you and I hide and then you come

back with your factioner Arch Rivol and tried to loot SheDevil..

P.S. Dont tell me to eat a dick and die...Thats not nice

-God Bless-


Revelations said:
I use to roll B=D over and over and the only reason I don't like them, is because this fucktard named antarus was in the guild.....I roll with several off the old B=D members now, and most of them that I talk to don;t really like antarus as well, so I guess it was your fault I always owned B=D ant, so thanks.

I will fight anyone 1 on 1 in any dungeon and own them period! I am a dungoen PK, not a dueler, not a factioner a PK...eat a dick and die

No you dont you idiot.


Vestrivian and Ricin are the same guy with 2 diffrent accounts. Dunno who Fred Penner is because I could not keep up with everyones accounts and alts.

Now, my chars are assailant, dead sexy (which you always run from), and Assailant (my tamer, which I hardly play).

Antarus, is my blue axer which I never play.

So, lets look at your ss. Fred could have died to a gank...you run back, misspell "owned" somehow take a ss then Ricin is trying to loot Vestrivian.

I dont care what new ss's you have with dong, I have my own guild and have no affiliation with them anymore.

Thanks for looking like a dumb fuck again.



Antarus said:
Im glad you jumped in it then. You fit right in.

Oh, please stop with the below average, fucking every day come backs. They aren't witty, they aren't creative, and you only make yourself look like more of an idiot with every post you make.

I'm not here to argue or flame over the internet, and I won't waste anytime doing so because it is about the most pointless idea ever concieved.

Go play UO and sht up.


rexxz said:
Oh, please stop with the below average, fucking every day come backs. They aren't witty, they aren't creative, and you only make yourself look like more of an idiot with every post you make.

I'm not here to argue or flame over the internet, and I won't waste anytime doing so because it is about the most pointless idea ever concieved.

Go play UO and sht up.

Well looks like it hit a nerve with you so the flame did its job. Please, flames saying "you look like an idiot" are the most overused comeback in the history of forums. Oh that and the classic cliche about living in your parents basement.

If you dont want to flame or agrue; then you should not have posted your boisterous attempt to look like you have a IQ higher then the rest of us. I know quite simply you dont.

GeeGee Nooblar.


Antarus said:
Well looks like it hit a nerve with you so the flame did its job. Please, flames saying "you look like an idiot" are the most overused comeback in the history of forums. Oh that and the classic cliche about living in your parents basement.

If you dont want to flame or agrue; then you should not have posted your boisterous attempt to look like you have a IQ higher then the rest of us. I know quite simply you dont.

GeeGee Nooblar.

Hey chief, I wasn't flaming you, I was simply stating a fact, you do make yourself look like an idiot with the "OMFG WTFPWND EVERY 1 OF U LAWL" shit. It's fucking lame, so cut the shit already, it's old.

Btw, I never made any claims towards me having a higher IQ than anyone, so learn some reading comprehension skills and go back and read my post, genius. Also, you wouldn't know my IQ in the first place, so you know jack shit.
She Devil you are so dumb.

You dont play with ANY ex B=D members. And if you do, its Alison (I doubt he plays much anymore) or Cmurph (I know you dont play with him cause hes one of my best friends IRL and he hates your ass).

As for the rest of B=D, we all stand together as a crew, ride or die style. Those of us that still play, are all in an exclusive guild together, or still in B=D.

So if you wanna go make up more stupid shit, say that you play with us, say that you own us. Lets have a little talk then first.

You must simply block out all the times we steam roll you from your memory. Let me recall three times I can think of off the top of my head.

1) Destard near the shrine. Technically we didnt steam roll you because spawn killed you. ROFL.

2) You and some other gimp from your guild 2v2ing me and Meatdowntomyfeet right outside of the enterance to Cove 3. Wow what a fight you put up! I mean, when we both Meteor Swarmed you guys in the face, and you both ebolted out reflects and died technically to your own ebolts. I mean that was a fight. But lets not forget to mention that not even 30 seconds later you both showed up on alts, and we both double MS'd you guys again, and yet again you both ebolted our reflect and died. Yes, Magic Reflection is a KEY spell believe it or not. It actually can stop spells from casting on you.

3) Not even that long ago, you and your chump guild tried to gank me and about 4 other members from B=D on Titan Ledge (by ledge I mean the ledge that you get to by the blue teleporter from Titan Valley by the healer). While up there, we steam rolled whatever >!< showed up. While I was in the process of looting I decided I would recast reflect so it was fresh. And wow what a good call that was on my part. Your stupid ass ran up at me, cast a double ebolt, which both bounced off my reflect and you died. I have honestly never laughed so hard at a video game before. Its a shame I dont take SS's that often, but Ill have to check for an SS on that occasion.

In fact, I should look for all the screenshots, because I, and everyone else on this forum knows that you are going to deny every instance. Im absolutely amazed you arent the type to run onto the forums here and say "I never die." But hey, everyone has at least ONE positive thing about them dont they? Yours must be to not make TOO big of an ass of yourself. Its good that you really hold back a little bit, if everyone thought you were a huge ass instead of a just a huge douche.

Good luck flaming me, my guild, and my friends, keep up the good work. Everyone knows that the real "badasses" sit on forums for 10 year old games and pathetically trash talk other old school game enthusiasts.

Keep up the jizz mopping at work too.


rexxz said:
Hey chief, I wasn't flaming you, I was simply stating a fact, you do make yourself look like an idiot with the "OMFG WTFPWND EVERY 1 OF U LAWL" shit. It's fucking lame, so cut the shit already, it's old.

Btw, I never made any claims towards me having a higher IQ than anyone, so learn some reading comprehension skills and go back and read my post, genius. Also, you wouldn't know my IQ in the first place, so you know jack shit.

If we are stating reading comprehension levels here I dont know where you come off with the.....


I am flaming Revelations and not once did I bring up players of the UOgamers community into effect of "owning" them.

Also if Im "comprending" your first post correctly...

"This thread is the epitome of mental retardation."

That post is in the context of people who are posting here are retarted. Thus, you stating that I am retarted because I am posting here.

Once again Good Game. Chief.
endfro said:
She Devil you are so dumb.

You dont play with ANY ex B=D members. And if you do, its Alison (I doubt he plays much anymore) or Cmurph (I know you dont play with him cause hes one of my best friends IRL and he hates your ass).

As for the rest of B=D, we all stand together as a crew, ride or die style. Those of us that still play, are all in an exclusive guild together, or still in B=D.

So if you wanna go make up more stupid shit, say that you play with us, say that you own us. Lets have a little talk then first.

You must simply block out all the times we steam roll you from your memory. Let me recall three times I can think of off the top of my head.

1) Destard near the shrine. Technically we didnt steam roll you because spawn killed you. ROFL.

2) You and some other gimp from your guild 2v2ing me and Meatdowntomyfeet right outside of the enterance to Cove 3. Wow what a fight you put up! I mean, when we both Meteor Swarmed you guys in the face, and you both ebolted out reflects and died technically to your own ebolts. I mean that was a fight. But lets not forget to mention that not even 30 seconds later you both showed up on alts, and we both double MS'd you guys again, and yet again you both ebolted our reflect and died. Yes, Magic Reflection is a KEY spell believe it or not. It actually can stop spells from casting on you.

3) Not even that long ago, you and your chump guild tried to gank me and about 4 other members from B=D on Titan Ledge (by ledge I mean the ledge that you get to by the blue teleporter from Titan Valley by the healer). While up there, we steam rolled whatever >!< showed up. While I was in the process of looting I decided I would recast reflect so it was fresh. And wow what a good call that was on my part. Your stupid ass ran up at me, cast a double ebolt, which both bounced off my reflect and you died. I have honestly never laughed so hard at a video game before. Its a shame I dont take SS's that often, but Ill have to check for an SS on that occasion.

In fact, I should look for all the screenshots, because I, and everyone else on this forum knows that you are going to deny every instance. Im absolutely amazed you arent the type to run onto the forums here and say "I never die." But hey, everyone has at least ONE positive thing about them dont they? Yours must be to not make TOO big of an ass of yourself. Its good that you really hold back a little bit, if everyone thought you were a huge ass instead of a just a huge douche.

Good luck flaming me, my guild, and my friends, keep up the good work. Everyone knows that the real "badasses" sit on forums for 10 year old games and pathetically trash talk other old school game enthusiasts.

Keep up the jizz mopping at work too.

WOW, I must really be a bad ass for you to remember so perfectly the few times your guild has killed me in the last year, all you did here was make me look like I am unbeatable. For remeber the few times you killed with this detail is amazing, i cant remember this well the guys I pked today, so I am glad I can make your month in RL when you kill me in a video game. I got news for you, I die probably 3-4 times a day, that is 1000 or so since I have been playing on gamers, do you want a cookie since you killed me a few times?

Well again, it just makes me happy to know when I die, I can make your month and keep you away from the ROPE or Gun for one more month endfro, your the man.