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BODFill v1.1 (tailors)


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

im fine until the macro goes to grab a bod out of my book. it doesnt bring one out of the book :(
Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

Make sure your Razor is set on ENU language. I discovered it will not work if you have Razor set in another language, due to SysMessage differences.


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

This is the greatest macro ever!
I'm no longer selling BODs :)
If you ever plan to come to Sofia, Bulgaria, drop me a message and i'll buy you a dinner in a fine restaurant. With lots and lots of beer...


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

Not implying anything here treett0, but make sure of these two things.
1)make sure your "bods to be filled book" has the filter cleared, and not set to any specific bods.
2)also make sure you have "retargeted" the to-fill book in your macro.
Just a couple things to look at that I've noticed people overlooking.


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

Does razor detect items on characters logged out within it's radius?
I've been getting a lot of 'that is not accessible' and 'target can not be seen' lately.
Went through all my chests and containers in the house several times, and could not find any clothes whatsoever.
The only thing that comes to mind is the alts that I sometimes log out at that house.


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

Quoth;527071 said:
Does razor detect items on characters logged out within it's radius?
I've been getting a lot of 'that is not accessible' and 'target can not be seen' lately.
Went through all my chests and containers in the house several times, and could not find any clothes whatsoever.
The only thing that comes to mind is the alts that I sometimes log out at that house.

Also make sure there arent any sewing kits in any nearby containers as well. Or even clothes or kits that are locked down as deco near by. My stinkin locked down burglars bandana gave me fits for the longest time.:eek:


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

Shouldn't be any kits or clothing within range other than the setup I have in my backpack, it's a house I use particularly for crafting, my item-stash is elsewhere.
Nearest house is 10+ tiles away.
I'm at a loss. :(

Moved my 'crafting-station' to a completely empty 18x18 instead for the time being til I can figure out what's bugging it.


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

I run this macro and when it takes a new BOD out of the book it keeps saying The item is not in the request. I think it is targeting something other then what the bod is asking for until it gets it right? is this how the macro is supposed to be intended to run? is there anyway i can speed this macro up?


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

That is the only way to do it with razor; Target every item-type 'til it hits the right one.
You can't really speed it up, but if you use only 0.1 resets from an elven tailor, you can edit the original macro and make it only search for the types you get from 0.1 tailoring.
That makes it slightly faster since it won't be testing all the pieces that aren't available anyway.

That's how I do it anyway, a separate bodfill for the original 0.1 bods, and then the original macro for whatever clothbods I get with my 120 tailoring crafter.


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

I can change any .macro with any command I want in a txt edit program except for executing a separate macro.
For example: I can enter notepad and add "Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1078055283|8793". Save as works.macro in /Macros. Open Razor and sure enough there's my macro.
However, whenever I try something like "Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Play: Tailor\T Skullcap". Save as doesntwork.macro in /Macros. Open Razor, I can see doesntwork.macro, but it loads empty.
Ive tried numerous methods and several txt editing software but to no avail.
Does anyone know what is happening and more importantly, how to fix it?


Re: BODFill v1.1 (tailors)

Any other hosts for the macro? The link seems dead and I'd love to try this out.