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Breaking Stun Punch

Breaking Stun Punch

Just had Folken break stun punch on me in less than a second four times in a row, wtf gives? new bug needs fixed? or am i just noob...
I have 25 dex, so i carry around 10 TRs with me, and i kept doin that but seriously, it was like

stun punch

start to cast poison at the same time hes casting gheal

I mean he was casting GHEAL before i could get the poison after the stun punch, now i know im not THAT slow

put it this way, it got so pathetic, some blue standing by saw his gayness and flagged on him


Thats really strange..hmm I wonder if gm anatomy has anything to do with it.


May just be a glitch, but I heard something like this in irc about a month ago. Someone said he and another person both stunned someone successfully but the stun was broken immediately.