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Breaking Stun Punch

the gm anat thing, i dunno

i was on my stun/scribe and it was seriously sickening, i mean i play for shits n giggles and try not to take it seriously, but when ppl hack in a "game", it really irritates me, not accusing him of hacking just yet, but oh ya he didnt recall, he ran into a house and banned me, i mean you know its really bad when blues around the gy start callin him a puss

facts are theres no way to break stun punch and he was doin it, not once, not twice, but several times, chances are im just bitchen too much, but id like to see it get fixed b/c this fucker was blatently doin it


only niggers dont know the blubber factor

its because they run after lions and hyenas with spears all day


ok, go do something constructive like losing weight or something. Pressing keys isent considered a workout even if you sweat from it. ;\


Stun punch is random as fuck. I've been stunned punched before for over the regular time period. Other times the person I'm fighting can't evern stun punch me and they bitch about me cheating? One time I was stun punched until I died: Exp, stun, exp, eb, eb, and I could never move or cast...


Wait faggot, I wasn't bitching about it... I was giving a fucking example of the different things I have experienced. Hey here's an idea since the shard is down why don't you go sleep with little boys small dick...

Cry more.


you should really try and think of something original to say to me. you don't know how many times a day I hear something about molesting kids. Get over it ;\ and I wouldnt know if the shard was down or not because I don't try and get on it everytime im on the comp, plus I just got back from breakfast yum yum

p.s. you still suck at PvP ;\
lol i love how posts deviate from whats goin on to personal slams

btw michael, im fairly new to the shard and i think im "okay" at pvp, but u got some skills, every time i 1v1 u i have a hard time

as far as the subject, stun punch, i can see now what kinda person folken is so i'm going to drop that, but the stun punch thing is irritating nonetheless, and the claim that someone else has witnessed him doing it before justifies my claim

btw for anyone that doesnt know the character i use that im referring to is Sinful Slave, SL, guildless, and before you start in on SL, i joined SL when it was small and thats the faction i was in on Atlantic, as for being guildless, i get ganked a lot, so I have to play conservatively watching my back runnin around alone

whats the most underpowered faction atm? im gettin sick of runnin around seeing nothin but SL