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Can the leader of COM please place a horse breeder in vespor!!

Can the leader of COM please place a horse breeder in vespor!!

People need war horses, and havent had a chance to get one lately. thanks alot!!


haha hes right vote the right person and there will be vendors and whats good Dont cry about shit every one is able to vote....


Siccx said:
another nobody

Your a noboy in life. Please keep up the flame war. I have never lost one yet.

Half of my guild fucked your pussy with sand in it over on IPY. The same goes for UOgamers.

Maybe one day you will realize donating sperm to afford your wigger music is not the most "hardcore" thing in the world.


ok you want to take this to real life? Face the facts you will get owned in both. Your ignorance is amusing. GoD got owned on IpY stay off the aeriasol can plz. Not one member of that ring ding dong guild was even close to being average on that shard. Step down your not even on valdon sieges level.
Mr.Mischief said:
Its Vesper.
it's it's.
Siccx said:
ok you want to take this to real life? Face the facts you will get owned in both. Your ignorance is amusing. GoD got owned on IpY stay off the aeriasol can plz. Not one member of that ring ding dong guild was even close to being average on that shard. Step down your not even on valdon sieges level.
and you listen to all the hardcore rappers who go home to their multi million guarded mansion. yes that is very street. i hope some day i can make a cd so i can afford a huge house with security guards and drive hummers and call myself gangster


Don't forget owning a clothing company and being in cell phone commercials is mad gangster. I mean, dont you remember the 2pac shoes and that one Nokia commercial that RUN DMC wrote a song for. That was super gangster, big willie style.


Siccx said:
ok you want to take this to real life? Face the facts you will get owned in both. Your ignorance is amusing. GoD got owned on IpY stay off the aeriasol can plz. Not one member of that ring ding dong guild was even close to being average on that shard. Step down your not even on valdon sieges level.

Oh yea real life. Please tell me Mr. hardcore what you do for a living or go to school at.
GoD was a bunch of scrubs. B=D rolled over you fags so often even cript said "oh damn" on a few occasions.

Also, for the record "Legends" are made, not created fag. You are not a legend because

A. People dont know you.
B. No one gives a fuck about you.


Southern Comfort said:
it's it's.

and you listen to all the hardcore rappers who go home to their multi million guarded mansion. yes that is very street. i hope some day i can make a cd so i can afford a huge house with security guards and drive hummers and call myself gangster
i know im not part of this but dude your a fruit cake talken about people he listens to wtf does that have to do with UO ond donating sperm for cash is pretty pimp at least hes getting cash for wacken off your waken off to dude playen female chars on uo

why is it you fee the need to bring uo RL c`mon man get real you dont know any one on here in RL stop talken shit for nothing


endfro said:
Siccx this one is for you.

Simply look at the UO screenshot in my sig. Thats you dying, and thats you saying ASL.

Case Closed.

And thats you ganking me, im glad your so proud of it that you kept it.


Antarus said:
Oh yea real life. Please tell me Mr. hardcore what you do for a living or go to school at.
GoD was a bunch of scrubs. B=D rolled over you fags so often even cript said "oh damn" on a few occasions.

Also, for the record "Legends" are made, not created fag. You are not a legend because

A. People dont know you.
B. No one gives a fuck about you.

a) your a nobody
b) your guild was nothing
c) cript who? the noob scripter where is he now (oh thats right ipy died because the good pvpers left )
d) you didn't even play catskills , but you did play ipy and i wasn't a piece of shit like you.
e) anytime irl? because you seem to be unable to carry yourself online. What makes you feel you'll do better irl.
f) basically your worthless sperm
f) gg!