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Can the leader of COM please place a horse breeder in vespor!!


Siccx said:
a) your a nobody
b) your guild was nothing
c) cript who? the noob scripter where is he now (oh thats right ipy died because the good pvpers left )
d) you didn't even play catskills , but you did play ipy and i wasn't a piece of shit like you.
e) anytime irl? because you seem to be unable to carry yourself online. What makes you feel you'll do better irl.
f) basically your worthless sperm
f) gg!

a) You already mentioned this; and im a bit more of a somebody then a wigger fag like you.
b) keep lying
c) oh well
d) wow cats is the end all of pvpers
e) wtf is anytime irl; school might be good for you instead of sucking cock in the "hood"
f) your moma chugs my sperm
g) this should have been G and, way to use a overused retort that 12 year olds say.

Got anything else up your freestyle sleeve to say to me wigger? Other then im a nobody.


yo yo yo i gota stop hatin on dat fly dude siccx, i might get shot up by his posse.

i bust outa second period
gay rap cd's in hand
ill listen to anything mtv shoves down my throat
even da band

my role models do mcdonalds commercials
cause the burgers are da shit
i play 14 hours of video games, then jerk off
cause ive never seen a pair of tits

"Vote or Die" - p dizzle shizzle dady


right before your very eyes.... you can't see the truth.

heres some mtv words of wisdom : you got punked!


Zowie said:
yo yo yo i gota stop hatin on dat fly dude siccx, i might get shot up by his posse.

i bust outa second period
gay rap cd's in hand
ill listen to anything mtv shoves down my throat
even da band

my role models do mcdonalds commercials
cause the burgers are da shit
i play 14 hours of video games, then jerk off
cause ive never seen a pair of tits

"Vote or Die" - p dizzle shizzle dady

I dont know why this is funny. But, it is.


Siccx said:
heres some mtv words of wisdom : you got punked!
thanks for dropping that bit o' knowledge, but i have to warn you MTV has never been know for wisdom, just teen angst and masterbatory overtones.

but here is a little wisdom that goes a long way;

Confucious said:
It is best to remain silent and be thought a fool, then speak up and remove all doubt!

oh and just in case you didn't know, Confucious isn't a 'l33t pvp G'. nor does he post on these forums. you would have to ACCUALLY READ and not spend your time quoting Kelso from that '70's show' to gain this sort of knowledge.

so quoting some wise foreign words;

Fez said: