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Can we have +1000 luck in felluca like in OSI ?

Should we have +1000 luck in felluca ?

  • Yes, it could be beneficial to the shard.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Hell NO!

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • I don't care ...

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • STFU trammel noob!

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


Bug Huntress
Ahhh ..................math
One hour of farming nets you 200-500k depending on what you farm. Doing 1 hour a day for 1 month= 5.6kk - 15.5kk depending on the number of days in the month and the amount of gold obtained in your one hour per day. In one year that is 67.2kk - 186kk... just in gold. In 4015 days: 803kk - 2,007.5kk or 2 billion just in gold.

I think your totals might be off a bit because ......................................

According to Zapper you should make

................728 KK in a year...............................


500k a day...

3,500,000 a week...

14,000,000 a month...

728,000,000 a year....

....................sorry but numbers don't lie

New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team......................................

"HuHuh! I was in the right!"
"Yes, absolutely in the right!"
"I certainly was in the right!"
"You was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for a bruising!"
"Why does anyone do anything?"
"I don't know, I was really drunk at the time!"
"I was just telling him, he couldn't get into number 2. He was asking why he wasn't coming up on freely, after I was yelling and screaming and telling him why he wasn't coming up on freely.
It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out."

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How many have you seen to actually hunt?


only things worth really hunting are champ spawns, doom, and peerless... this is actually a good point, i used to make a lot of gold from hunting, mostly from items i'd gather, but these days the items very rarely seem worth taking, and the gold feels pointless if you can just drop something to sell for mils to gold farmers... hmm
the only thing worth even looking at really is jewelry..

main problem imo is lack of mid level characters to use them, but this is a common/well known problem, and all anyone can really do is help noobs when you see them and keep them wanting to play the game. make guilds, set up mid level shops, help people have fun in the game when you see them :)


Unless anything changed in the last 6 months or so... This will all be up to date information!
(That's what I been told anyway!)

One hour of farming nets you 200-500k depending on what you farm. And you are going to try to tell me you can't finish your suit? Quit being lazy and play the game or quit complaining about being poor.
I see things have not changed on the forum... Even after, what ? 6-8 months ?

From a lot of people the knew me, I could reach one of the highest gold per hour on this shard hunting a specific unique place in fel that I will not mention to protect those I shared the knowledge with. The max you can get on this shard while farming is about 600k per hour in 1 spot at a unreal killing and looting speed where you barely look anything but the most important pieces. Taking a little more time to look will dramaticly lower your gold per hour in the 400k and if you check armor and weapon you can go down in the low 300k easy. It's only 1 spot in the whole game and it already is a raided spot that some will picture right now in their mind even tho I havnt mentioned it. From the many experiences I had in this area, I was the only one that could consistently farm it and not exit as a ghost. I seen some afker go there and non afkers... They were often ghost or soon to be as I called people to claim their precious items. I used to call it MY spot! Because many raiders even showed their respect and even went to chat with me after countless raid of impressive failures to catch me or even ask on a red 'How long you plan to farm here ? I will come after you!'.

Dont tell me you can make 500k per hours. I did extensive testing on drops, gold, luck, spawn rate and everything related to hunting. People that still play that know me from the many tram and fel guilds will tell you they seen some things that were 'out of my world' for time played attended.

Dont tell me if you can kill fast enough, you get infinite gold... We tested that! This was a test originally started by @Tanya that might or might not be playing on Demise anymore... There is a MAX spawn per minute even in fel! It is possible to end up waiting for a spawn! Dont tell me you can cheat the spawn as this is the end result of your MAX Gold Per Hour or MAX items roll per hour!

Dont tell me drops are good or drops are easy with time...

Without luck:
Unless you tell me you are farming Harry.(Now please dont even joke me...)

You will have Miasma and the like which have chances to drop from 25-100% quality and 5 mods friendly!
Now, 1/75 chance to roll 1 mod at 100% or you could say 10/75 to have 90% or higher.
Then it has to roll 1 of the too few good mods vs bad ones. (21 possibility of mods on jewels)
Then you need to roll 3-4 more times that 10/75 or 1/75 and the right one based on what rolled first!

To have something decent.. You are already looking at something harder in item count then trial to find the proper code of at least 5 bicycle locks while hunting prime quality monsters for drops. (Believe it or not.. But hunting those will dramaticly lower your gold per hour at the risk of getting not much else)

If you hunt other monsters.. You will see they have a CHANCE to drop items each ranging from a max of 1/80 to 1/100.
IF by luck you roll that the possible 1-100% item drop...
You will have to hope it'S not one of the items that will have no use.
You will have to hope it's a jewel because otherwise rolling anything else is usually better crafted because of arms lore armor bonus/mats or the simple di we get from crafting! Yes, even without arms lore you will see that runic weapons are usually much better then droped ones in almost ALL scenarios!
So you managed to roll a high normal monster drop that has about 20% chance (1/5) to drop that 1/100 intensity item.
(Lets not get into slayer that has about 1-2% chance to drop...)
Just that = 20% chance.
Now you want a jewel ?
Well there is a load of items it could drop.. But let'S FORGET THAT and imagine you rolled a jewel of your choosing!
Now you want over 90% quality on that 1 mod ?
Here your equation
You want to have the item drop and not be destroyed in loot pack. Thats 1/5 chance.
You want it to have 90% over quality! BEcause let's face it.. 80% and less are rather dull at this point!
? will be our ignored factor where you rolled the jewel of your choice!

1/5 * ? * 10/100 = 1/500. Yes, you have 10/500 or 1/50 chance to get that!
GREAT! Now you rolled Night sight ? Maybe not and hope not... But there 21 possible mods on jewels..
So let's say there 6 of them you wouldnt mind..
1/50*6/21 = 6/1050 chance to give you an idea..
Sure, you get many items in monster drop. But remember that very few have chances to be UP TO 100% and we skipped the part where we GRANTED '?' as a 100% chance to be the jewel of your choosing! (Instead of some random bad armor or weapon!)
We are talking about getting a 1 of 6 selected right mods with the exact jewel type pre-rolled!
Now you want them to line up like little soldiers of 90% intensity+ ? Get real!


You could use enough luck to have over 1600+ luck. Which still isnt much to brag about because I will kill up to 5 times more monsters then you and have a more effective luck in the 1200 because of it. You will get your drop in less items. I will get it faster because I killed more and racked gold in the process.(Making me buy another item you cant afford because of that huge useless luck!)
Sure, you could use bushido to raise it even higher. Which at this point is barely noticeable as it scales very poorly...

Even with 2600 luck! You simply have 78.924% Chance to boost :

Roll 1: Quality at the cost of killing at a speed that make you cry or other lol at you.
Worse.. The quality boost will be 10% more and no more then the max that monster can drop(regardless of favorable luck roll at 10 luck or 5000 luck)! At best you can say that you skip the first 10% and say the monster has a 20% chance to drop 10-100% intensity item that might just be as useless if you roll a dagger, armor or what not! (Or night sight lol!)

Roll 2: Quantity isnt DOUBLE items count.. It's 1 more corpse! So if you kill a monster that has 2 corpses! Let's take a blood elem or titan... You will only get 50% more items that could roll partialy as 'Doesnt show in loot pack because destroyed by RNG' or even worse.. It would be the 2nd corpse which is BAD (Cyclops level! They cant drop more then 90% intensity!)

To compare luck efficiency!
With 1200 luck you have 51.364% Chance to have a favorable roll at the gain of a huge killing speed.
If I roll favorable I will still get only 1 extra corpse. Which again, isnt double.. Which again, the good item might not even show up in loot pack(Destroyed by RNG! Only Miasma and sunch have 100% garantee that items will not be destroyed from the lootpack!).

As one of a friend I havnt seen in a long time used to say about real good items
@MMMartin *, you want to kill 250 000 miasma or 1 000 000 spiders ?

Then, he explained to me it was just a matter of how fast you get kills of Miasma vs normal monsters to see which one is worth it for your template!

To make it in a clear sentence,
You know nothing @Jon Snow (NW) *!
(Sorry Jon! Had to pull that line! Nothing about you! :p )

@Itchy Fish *, I can feel you it's frustrating! But Im having an idea I hope people will like!
@april0395 *, meh, cant help to say a little off topic hello!

Personally I like killing monsters with odd templates that I think of
Ex: Vet/Bushido/Archer/Chivalry using a lesser hiyru for a tank.
Having fun is the best *high five* !

*Hi guys and girls! :)

Now for MY idea and will be using what I believe to be FACTS from this very thread and some relate to what I said in my current post!
You will see that I strongly agree with both side!

1 .
i strongly disagree with this comment due to the fact i have been farming in fel for a really long time an the loot has been shitty

max luck they still find shit

the reward should always be higher in Fel.

i hunt afkers in fel everyday
If it hasnt changed. I know! It's a fact!

Then you want to boost luck, so that you get better loot?
You are aware that this will mostly reward all the afk'ers that already hit fel?


1. PARTY LUCK! (Should be fel only!)

Currently, whoever deal most dmg give the luck bonus. This is NOT PRODUCTIVE! You have more luck, you deal less damage, you dont get to do the luck roll... You dont even want to party in luck.. Now, a plain additive system would be WAY TOO MUCH! But it could be something like: (Total Luck) * 0.8 = Party Luck. We could even have an equation of diminishing return based on party size! (Please consider the concept.. Not the exact numbers! Those can change and need to consider balance)
To make it work. It could act like a hidden spell! Everyone would have an invisible 'aura' that has a certain range and the luck is considered as long as people remain without that radius. Or, if not by radius. A simple modification to the damage to check party members that dealt damage!(Something like If attacker = party, if same party, luck adjustment)

Why is this good ?
If you are a afker you will not get the bonus of luck and this will also form Fel hunting groups! Which is actually something that could spice up fel a little! Else, it just become a little bland that only the same thing happen in fel!
P.S. The radius would force people to hunt together without having to be super small range. Just enough to consider it a GROUP hunt!


Seriously, anything more to say then not having this in the game does reduce the fun of party hunting ? Everyone wanna grab that NASTY NICE jewel! I dont blame anyone...(It's easier to play lottery and many would run with the winning ticket!) Maybe putting a roll system is too complicated.. But instanced corpse ? Come on... It's about time! We want to play together but not fight among friends for loot... Is it that hard to add something that favor teamplay ?

Feel free to like, hate or ignore! I was used to it back then.. I havnt grown to be weaker!

Edit: Next time you see someone that recently got several good items. Just ask yourself this.. Is he simply hiding the fact that he did a good idoc cause he doesnt want to share ? Cause those drop represents A LOT OF TIME! Which is what all those maths above are about! Cause I even doubt he got them afking!

Virgin Mary
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We tested that! This was a test originally started by @Tanya that might or might not be playing on Demise anymore... There is a MAX spawn per minute even in fel! It is possible to end up waiting for a spawn! Dont tell me you can cheat the spawn as this is the end result of your MAX Gold Per Hour or MAX items roll per hour!
Hey, I am here)))
OMG so long post :) gonna read it later, didn't read yet, but about that spawn...
Yes I tested dread spiders spawn in Covetous Fell, with slayer weapon. But right now I am making more gold farming Peerless, and more fun.
For example farming Dread Horn - 13 min each, 1.5kk in a hour guaranteed income + chance for CC and great rings.
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Hey, I am here)))
OMG so long post :) gonna read it later, didn't read yet, but about that spawn...
Yes I tested dread spiders spawn in Covetous fell, with slayer weapon. But right now I am making more gold farming Peerless, and more fun.
For example farming Dread Horn - 13 min each, 1.5kk in a hour guaranteed income + chance for CC and great rings.
Glad to see you! Gonna check out those guides you made, you did peerless a lot. Yes, peerless good when you do them back to back. But Gold Per hour drop a whole lot when you account for key farming.(Still monster you farm does have some gold per hour.)
This is also the main problem. If everyone start to farm your peerless, then the gold also drop to waiting time. There isnt enough options, there isnt enough good drop and keys are darn long to get unless you buy them. Which result in a gold per hour loss. See you later! :)


Glad to see you! Gonna check out those guides you made, you did peerless a lot. Yes, peerless good when you do them back to back. But Gold Per hour drop a whole lot when you account for key farming.(Still monster you farm does have some gold per hour.)
This is also the main problem. If everyone start to farm your peerless, then the gold also drop to waiting time. There isnt enough options, there isnt enough good drop and keys are darn long to get unless you buy them. Which result in a gold per hour loss. See you later! :)
Yes, I didn't took to account key farming, was buying them. But while farming those named monsters you have a good chance for nice rings too.
I want to test more Fell (with luck suit), do you know good locations with instant spawn of Balrons and Ancient Wyrms?
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For fel, mostly if you wanna say you are going into testing somewhere. It's better for us to skype/pm about it!
About to go back to sleep! ttyl

#1 Rule of Fel farmer.
Dont invite others to raid you when possible.
Unless you do like me and offer a few pk 1kk if they can raid you with max 2 players to test survival on your template! :p
WOW! I see some people are ok not having 1,000+ luck in fellucca.

If OSI have it better than us then what is stopping us?

Who in there right mind not want an extra 1.000 luck in fellucca?

P.S. I only hunt in fel.


WOW! I see some people are ok not having 1,000+ luck in fellucca.

If OSI have it better than us then what is stopping us?

Who in there right mind not want an extra 1.000 luck in fellucca?

P.S. I only hunt in fel.
I want to have 1000+ luck in felluca. Need to create a new pvp char and better armor and i'll come there more :D
Right now I farm mostly in tram, was a few times in Destard fell, tested there some weapons)))


lots of words
200k for bloods in shame and 500k for another spot(it is also a secret, but unlike yours I have never seen anyone there. ) I am the last member to find out about this place, but Indika and Phil have been farming it for years. The tram side of this location nets 150-200k just saying.

I have farmed enough to know you get decent loot. I have tried dreads, pretty good loot until Sega raids(haven't farmed them in awhile; bloods, less raids but annoying to get back and forth especially when there's chests blocking it off; poison eles, used to be my favorite place pretty much the same as bloods on loot (I have only been raided here once or twice); wisps, loot was terrible and the gold was only 100k/h; and the new place, great loot and 2-500k depending on the facet.


200k for bloods in shame and 500k for another spot(it is also a secret, but unlike yours I have never seen anyone there. ) I am the last member to find out about this place, but Indika and Phil have been farming it for years. The tram side of this location nets 150-200k just saying.

I have farmed enough to know you get decent loot. I have tried dreads, pretty good loot until Sega raids(haven't farmed them in awhile; bloods, less raids but annoying to get back and forth especially when there's chests blocking it off; poison eles, used to be my favorite place pretty much the same as bloods on loot (I have only been raided here once or twice); wisps, loot was terrible and the gold was only 100k/h; and the new place, great loot and 2-500k depending on the facet.
When you farm 500k/hour, do you manually look at every ring? I think it's impossible, will be no time to check everything. Or you use some kind of automatic EasyUO script that doing all work and checks all rings for you? :)
When I farmed dread spiders, I had time only to loot gold.


When you farm 500k/hour, do you manually look at every ring? I think it's impossible, will be no time to check everything. Or you use some kind of automatic EasyUO script that doing all work and checks all rings for you? :)
When I farmed dread spiders, I had time only to loot gold.
:) While farming dreads I found out you can loot gold quicker manually. ;)

Also depends on what corpse you are using. The box method is really quick for gold I'm sure, but you said you have to double mouse over sometimes. With the other corpse shift drag to your body, the ground, or backpack whichever is closest to the corpse and check things out when monsters hit a delay. :)